General Discussion

General DiscussionIt seems MMR is forcing you to stay on your current winrate

It seems MMR is forcing you to stay on your current winrate in General Discussion

    I won 6 games in a row after i ended up with this match:

    Look at my mates (all below 49% WR)
    Look at the enemies (all above 49,74 WR which i was before)

    Brood was 0-7 after 12 minutes, slark was at 0-4. I lost my tower against a prophet obviously after 7-8 Minutes - how should i stop her? simply can't if i'm alone.

    It seems that the matchmaking / or the mmr system tries to keep you at your Winrate, because i saw this several times now, after i won like ~4-6 matches in a row, i get like a 7 or 8 losing streak, only to keep me at my ~49.4-49.6 WR. It's quite frustrating, because if you pick support, the carries can't lasthit or go for crazy item builds. If you carry, your supports or the offlane feeds so much that you can't get back from that. Why get i matched with guys 100MMR under my MMR? Because the system wants it. I was on 3091 before that match, my mates were all around 2990. Except the Furion, who was on 3050. Three of the enemy team were at 3070-3090 one was "TBD" and the other one was at 2990 as well.

    the realm's delight

      yeah, no
      cool pic tho


        didn't read thread, but nice tits


          well, this was my game for the 4.9k , but yep just look my teammates


            dont think this guy knows what cool means

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              dota forced 50%, nothing new. You win 5.. it makes u lose 5 later lol. Welcome to the casino! Just be glad ur not playing with a bunch of Peru or worst bot accounts.

              Este comentario fue editado

                u tend to lose after winstreak cz u get to higher mmr than ur real one, nothing else. this particular case is just a bad luck tho.


                  @TripleSteal- i was ranked at 3.6k MMR so i'm not even near to my REAL MMR. Just dropped ONCE and never came back because of douchebag-feeders like my last game:


                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    how do u know its ur real mmr?, just because u been there dsnt mean its how u play u can go up because luck/ having player who desorves way higher mmr picks/and things like that. ur mmr is what ur mmr says.
                    edit that game is below 3.2k mmr that u posted

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                      YNIT i know that the game is below 3.2k MMR because i'm on 3k currently. lol.

                      i know my real MMR because if i play 5 Stack with team-matchmaking we come out like 4.5/4.8k MMR, and thats the ONLY MMR which counts in my opinion. because it's TEAM BASED and not fuckin SOLO / 2-5 PARTY based.

                      and i also already made a smurf account which came out on 3.9k MMR several months ago, maybe if i would do another smurf i'd come out on ~4.2/4.5k

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        well when ur 5 stack vs 5 solo players thas shitty way to judge ur real mmr its not fair, best way to judge it is when its fair everyone is solo. i can play with 4 5k mmr players and win a game that dsnt make me a 5k player.


                          team matchmaking only searches for teams, so no, you won't get matched against 5 solo players.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            thats bullshit, in last 5 ranked games i played solo i was matched vs 3 to 5 stack ppl all the time. not even fair.

                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              > i know my real MMR because if i play 5 Stack with team-matchmaking we come out like 4.5/4.8k MMR, and thats the ONLY MMR which counts in my opinion. because it's TEAM BASED and not fuckin SOLO / 2-5 PARTY based.

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                dang, so many trent games


                                  if ur reall mmr is higher than where ur nominal currently wins, then u should have a huge positive winrate. retards are on average equal in ur and opposite team, your performance is what matters. If u keep having lower mmr, then obviously you lie to yourself about ur real one. In longrun system puts u where u deserve to be, u dont even need curse in probabiltiy and statistics to undersand this obvious fact.


                                    forced 50% believers, explain this?

                                    I won 12 games in row on brood, then lost 4-45, is it a conspiracy? Rofl

                                    I think MM is a lot simpler than some people would like to believe, and remember this is a game with 9 other people, you're gonna have bad matches from time to time

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      wow. guy can have 4,5k mmr smurf but cant carry apes XD

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        if u cant play 5 v 5 u can always do 1 v 1 mid game mode


                                          you're wrong in so many levels


                                            @TripleSteal- i have "huge positive winrate" in the last 6 months (54%) - but i still can't get out of this bracket ;)

                                            @jp.gs4: he played way too few matches to get forced to ~45-55% wr.

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                                              TIL 54% is huge positive


                                                Dude ofc most players end up with around 50% winrate, i'll explain why (it's nothing about forced). Let's just say you have 70% winrate, ok? That means you win hell of a lot more games that you lose, meaning you move up in mmr. Moving up in mmr means games are harder and you win less, which lowers your winrate by a lot. Finally you end up at mmr that represent your skill corectly, which means you win around 50% of the games, which is completely logical if you think it that way.

                                                If you manage to maintain 60% winrate or more that means you're not at your mmr yet and you'll keep wining more then losing till you get there. Then your winrate will probably settle down at 50-55%.

                                                P.S. I've just seen that you have 50% winrate in ranked, so you're clearly where you belong :)

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                                                  hard life kappa

                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                    PUTA VIDA TETE


                                                      @Beastmode so why can i stay at my others MMR on my smurf, which is 3.8k?


                                                        Show us your smurf.


                                                          If you're a 4.5k player on a 3k account, you should be rolling over people left and right regardless of how bad your team is


                                                            dude game on 3k flat are so ridiculously ez, you can play any core hero and win ez.
                                                            people don't know ranges of heroes/skills, are always out of position, do stupid shit (ex: dive for a kill and feed godlike).
                                                            my mmr is 4500ish but my unranked is normal skill (lol). and every solo game i play i win, don't remember last time when i lost in unranked. i literally farmed like 4 sets off of this shit, so at least 12 games in a row. so if you play somewhat better than 3k (3.8), you will have no trouble. go mid or carry, and if you lose its 100% your fault cause you couldn't carry the "bads".
                                                            or you are bad yourself, boi

                                                            Este comentario fue editado


                                                              my last 5 solo matches at around 3k flat.
                                                              so pls, don't go around saying "enforced 50 %" if you just can't carry your team, because if that's so, you either are playing a very team reliant hero (a.k.a you are dumb), or you are not good enough to have higher mmr than the guys that feed uncontrollably in your team.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                Dont even bother rich. He's 3k flat scrub with 50% winrate who thinks he's better, but everything is showing that he isnt.


                                                                  @farm homie

                                                                  lol in 3k's tier you can get away with RIDICULOUS stuff :p


                                                                  in 4.5k+; 5k+ you have to play at LEAST 3x more carefull than in 3k's...



                                                                    I'm pretty sure you represent 100% of the dota population and that your case study is completely valid with a sample size of 1. Thank you for enlightening us on this matter. I wish more people on this forum were like you.


                                                                      Yeah sure Beastmode, thats why my winrate on VERY HIGH SKILL is higher than on HIGH SKILL. Because Solo-MMR just says nothing.

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado


                                                                        Very High

                                                                        i don't know where you got the idea that you have a better winrate in very high skill, it is the opposite, and in fact your stats in very high skill are way lower than your stats in normal.


                                                                          Of course Дастин, where is your 3.8k smurf again? :D

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            I dont know what else to say and what words to find.
                                                                            May be you could look for what Nash equilibrium in LR is, in wiki f.e., or idk. It's all quite easy and intuitively comprehensible.

                                                                            Okay, let's try once again. Consider you have X mmr, while in reality it should be Y>X. You play with same X people. On average, all of them play equally good (or we can call it bad, whatever) at this exact level X. In all your games, therefore, you play as (4x+Y) vs 5x, and ur chance to win may be considered approximately (4x+y)/(9x+Y), for example (IRL that's not true, it's just a simplifying assumption). It is higher than 1/2, obviously. The greater the difference between X and Y, the greater your chances to win are. Therefore, you will win more than lose untill you reach a point where you have to play with same Y mmr players as you are.

                                                                            Also, little note based on self-observation, and also friends-observation (lol). Same assumption - you play on average at lvl Y. Of course, u dont always play the same - there is deviation in both directions, let's take it as z since Idk how to type sigma via ipad. People you play with also deviate from their average performance. However, you grade your real skill based not on your average performance, but on the games you did well, somewhere on (Y, Y+Z). It is just how human mind works, afaik; let me skip intuition behind this statement. But obviously the average level of ppl u play with is Y, and as a result of above said you start to believe that you are playing with less skilled players than you are, your "real mmr is higher", "retards in team throw and don't let you win", etc. Remember how many times you read or heard that.


                                                                              TrippleSteal - that's way too hard for him to understand i'm afraid, since he didnt even get my really simplified version.

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                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                There is not such thing as forced MMR or WR. Confirmed. Just l2p.

                                                                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                                  Forced 50% is real, but it's not what you think it is.