General Discussion

General DiscussionLeague friend said he will stomp any 4k+ doto player in doto 2

League friend said he will stomp any 4k+ doto player in doto 2 in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    He was watching me yesterday and said the mechanics of 4k mmr are not impressive and will stomp any 4k's in doto 2. Thoughts?


      he's retarded


        yeah he that nigga


          dota 4k ppl are rlly bad even 2k ppl can win vs them 3k ppl are best 5k ppl are starters


            league relies a lot on raw skill, being quick to dash, dodge, hit skillshots and stuff like that. dota requires brains, so maybe he doesn't even understand many of the things behind a player's actions, unless he's challenger division or whatever


              I actually agree you need quite a lot pure skill to move around and dodge/attack players in lol, but the level of the game is so damn low. Almost no knowledge except hero skills required to play it, while Dota is complex as fuck. Is he any good in Lol anyway?


                considering the OP is bad intentions there's a considerable chance this friend doesn't even exist and he just wants to start a discussion, he loves this kind of thread LMAO
                ignore me if i'm talking bullshit


                  tell him that hes 200 clicks behind

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                      how can people even be bellow diamond or challenger in league

                      i mean i dont even play that game but i got easily to diamond 1

                      Bad Intentions

                        @sano he doesn't have a dota 2 account, he only plays league, no idea what LoL tier he is actually.



                            These lol vs dota threads are pointless.


                              nobody's post made me laugh!


                                ok we'll try harder


                                  GIFF ME HIS STEAM

                                  no one goes to my 1v1 topics anymore... old, good players like 6 or 3 months ago either dont post again or had quit dota...

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