General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter troll warlord

How to counter troll warlord in General Discussion

    For me the impact is just TOO strong, xD. mb its kinda personal perception issue tho.


      You get force staffs/ghost scepters and kite him like a little bitch. Also strong duo offlane with undying can rek him, like they did to me last game.

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      Dire Wolf

        "ursa a good counter, stops his 15 minute solo rosh. "

        If a troll isn't roshing until 15 mins he's playing troll wrong. You can literally rosh at 7 mins form dire jungle with just qb and dominator (hint: use a creep to tank half way and smoke in obviously).

        Also PA is a shitty counter to troll until she gets abyssal. Her only shot is with basher and getting a first hit bash then a couple crits so he dies before he can ult. PA with abyssal can burst most agi carries in enough time.

        Sniper and dusa can be good counters but they need to be quarterbacks with an offensive line to protect them.

        Again, your best bet is get 1) shit that goes through bkb like enigma, magnus. 2) a bunch of cc's and nukes and force troll to burn all his bkb charges early, then late wait the 5 seconds and blow him up. Heroes like ogre, zeus, lion, shadow shaman, invoker, storm. And you need multiples. If you only have lion then troll's just going to tunnel vision him during bkb.

        You can also gank him a lot early when he has low hp and not enough attack speed to perma bash you.


          PA cant burst troll even with multiple crits+bashes imho. Trolls tend to get skadi kinda fast these days. Id say troll is one of the best counters to PA instead.

          Epic Sax Guy

            " Build blink dagger and eblade [on Meepo]"

            And before that Meepo will want to have aghs. So the counter to troll is Meepo and 10k+ worth of items?

            Kinda like saying the counter to PA is easy, just build Dagon, Bkb, Mkb.


              lion counter troll pretty hard


                Medusa is unmobile, so you can actually split her.
                Medusa is bad at man fight with her 0 damage output.
                Medusa is bad at hitting building so she is the one that need to tp in case of base trade.

                Ofc medusa can win the teamfight (supposing his friend are dealing enough damage), but troll could also kill one and flee before being turned to stone.

                It's pretty easy to play troll versus dusa.

                In carry, there's really only sniper, since troll has to expose himself so you can just wait for him, mb void, since he can kill anyone in chrono, but it's about timing, cause you need to handle troll before he becomes out of control, or have to wait the very late. And you need no venge/dazzle.... to save him from the chrono.

                I've a guess about tb, but he is so easy to shut down early game, and soooo bad generaly speaking,
                never tested, but at least he would deal the damage needed to clean the troll easily

                Dire Wolf

                  Medusa is not going to manfight troll, but in a team fight her ult is going to give your team 6 seconds of relief where he can't hit you and if you do it right you'll have bursted down 1-2 of troll's team. Combine that with like an axe or something also providing cover, axe can taunt first, you burst someone then dusa ulty or vice versa. Basically she's a carry with bkb piercing ability so that works vs him.

                  Blade mail can also be pretty good. Once popped troll has 3 options, hit you and practically kill himself, pop bkb or switch targets. Popping bkb means he just had to waste it and can now be stunned or bursted after. Switching targets sucks a lot on troll cus his loses his fervor stacks. Clock, axe and wraith king with blade mail are a huge pita for troll.

                  Omni is also a great counter in low level pubs where enemies don't purge. If they build diffusals though you are screwed.


                    you guys kept mentioning troll vs a carry
                    what about a well played lion ?
                    a good batrider ?
                    even earth spirit counter troll pretty hard at lvl 6

                    then you guys say " well what if the troll get bkb " ?
                    if you kept ganking troll early game he probably wont have enough money to get bkb, troll is very squishy early game and he barely have any aoe to contribute in early game team fight.

                    and if their troll is jungling after the constant early game gank then its good for us cause the game turn into a 4 v 5 match



                      even with sny roshing takes ages...

                      and wolf isnt THAT tanky to tank rosh for long...

                      hod+crystalys is fast but you have no hp

                      seems kind of waste to sit around 60-120secs and risking dying while leaving lane when you can do it at 15mins in around 30- 40secs; being sure you can do it when early teamfights start to happen/apes sit by midtower staring at eachother. sometimes if you are fast enough you can have both sny and bkb when killing rosh at 15-20mins and then go HAM.

                      what you gonna do then at lvl 9 10mins in? start 5manning in pubs with no items (QB+Hod)? get few towers *not*? be blown up by supports? chances are; aegis will just expire.


                      sunder is good but imo tb is weak vs troll; survived many sunders... Maybe he needs to itemise differently?

                      Mortimer Smith

                        getting low prio there are less probability to go againist troll

                        Dire Wolf

                          @Lavexis that's what I've been saying, stack a ton of disables and make him burn bkb down to 5 seconds or put him behind early.

                          Mortimer Smith

                            ^ST FU AND GET LP

                            casual gamer

                              i like picking sniper vs troll, slows are great and by the time he has hotd bkb you can probably have mom sny

                              Dire Wolf

                                It doesn't take that long to kill him. You do have a qb right? Qb, dominator, level 6, tank til u are 1/4 hp let creep tank the rest. Easy 2 levels in under a min. I should say this is with jungle troll. Lane you wouldn't want to cus it's too obvious what you are doing

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                                  Try bane, troll has a lot of attack speed but that isn't worth a lot if he doesn't do any damage.