General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM Wraith King build legit?

MoM Wraith King build legit? in General Discussion
Coconuts Migrate?

    saw it the other day, what did everyone think about it?

    the realm's delight

      idk but when i played eel there was a guy who always drafted wk and built vlads blade mail blink on him and like worked really well, but mods had forbidden it for some reasonLOL and it stopped


        dunno, i mean i guess its alright considering he has two lives + lifesteal aura already

        ive seen a refresher orb/blade mail

        was kinda dumb but it worked lol

        Coconuts Migrate?

          lol i love the refresher build


            in theory it might work - good players tend to ignore wk usually to avoid his ult and save him for 1-2v5 gangbangs... but with mom you put big red sign on yourself "HEY I AM GLASS CANNON NAO". It might lead to popping your ult or forcing enemies to back off with some losses while retreatibg...


              if you have a crap load of stuns on your team then maybe? but still seems like there are much better options


                back in dota 1 i remember him respawning 4 times .__.

                1. 60 sec first respawn = reincarn
                2. second respawn = refresher
                3. 60 sec third respawn = aegis
                4. 60 sec fourth respawn = reincarn

                Greygrey the Sailor

                  It can work, but if you want extra lifesteal just go vlads and satanic, they both stack together and stack with vampiric aura.

                  This turns wraithking into a walking fountain for any melee right clickers and wraith has Plenty of hp

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    it's good if other team are not tanky or doesn't have any crit heroes like PA/jug. Only if you're ahead and already have a damage item. Kinda stupid build tho if you're behind or it's your first item after treads.