General Discussion

General DiscussionAbusive players on dota 2

Abusive players on dota 2 in General Discussion

    How you do handle abusive players in your team? lately i have been paired up with people who are abusive if you make a mistake. I'm aware of the mute button but im fed up of encountering such abusive players as it results in a loss. Anyways if you got any ideas then i would be thankful! :)


      dont take it serious

      not the best advice, but it works


        also, in ranked games people tend to cooperate better and therefore be little bit less toxic.
        although the fact that everyone cares about mmr in contrast makes them more toxic sometimes =).


          I don't mute because I have high tolerance. You should mute if you can't tolerate it.

          That being said, people who makes these kind of threads may be abusive themselves, so reflect and think if you honestly are one of the nicer players to play with. Because I never flame and rarely get abusive speakers in my team. The only time I hear abuse is when 2 of my teammates start fighting, which I tell them to shutup (if we're doing well. If we're not, who cares.)

          Edit: Dotabuff are you kidding me?

          "contains offensive language or a banned term"

          I literally said shut(space)up

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            idk i usually say something mildly amusing like
            "please remain calm" and they just lol and stop arguing..

            ofc if im the one getting scolded i just mute everyone.


              An example would be when i played pudge today, i missed a couple of hooks so they flame me for being weak and i should get rid of dota. or when i was riki and flamed me for being under farmed and leveled because NS was harashing me whenever i tried to last hit, but they didnt want to gank NS infact they didnt gank at all on mid. I try to be a team player.


                Yeah, maybe i should just use the mute buttom :/


                  Man up and dont cry. If you fuck up and you know it, just appologize and people usually wont flame you. If you tend to get a lot of abusive players, then you're probably rager and flamer as well. Like atracts like.

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                    Add this to your autoexec.cfg

                    Voice_enable 0
                    Dota_chat_mute_all 1