General Discussion

General DiscussionIn-depth guide to TA by Waga

In-depth guide to TA by Waga in General Discussion

    Any questions are welcome, will try to answer!

    Suggestions for new vids are welcome



        saw it. was good


          Hey waga u didnt answer my question on reddit , kinda sad /:


            Ill watch this tonight. I always wanted to read a guide on TA as i want to learn this hero. Thank you.


              thx waga

              i just finished masturbating while watching ur stream


                How big is your dick? Nonetheless as a former TA picker, I appreciate this guide.

                the realm's delight

                  playing ta with this song on = kreygasm

                  Giff me Wingman

                    Decent guide, only issue with the guide is the lengh. You could cover the same content in a much shorter time.

                    ima play sum TA

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      covering it in less time is for people who edit videos, fuk that, im just a gamer.


                        it's a free game waga, stop being an entitled gamer.


                          gonna see it with some popcorn

                          ty :p

                          Jay Ashborne

                            At least my steam isnt grey. :smile:

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              meh video lenght is fine anything above minute 40 is kinda drag out tho

                              Giff me Wingman


                                for the firstgame i suppose i should be happy about it. I should rek more tho, sadly omni and bat were huge dicks

                                Mortimer Smith

                                  @BLUNT Please Help!


                                    I needed this thanks Waga! Stacked ancients and stuff and got a 16min blink deso

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                                      to much kreygasm comented

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Didn't see it yet but I'm sure it's awesome.
                                        One day my TA will be better than your. A man can dream.

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          Awesome-o! Just watched it and I like it. I knew most of the things you talked about but after watching your guide I feel I'm seriously gonna rape some faces.
                                          I never did Aquila, perhaps I will try it since recently I've started getting WB as starting item.

                                          You never mentioned Bat as counter! :O He rapes TA, although I've learned to lane vs him (which is hard) he's still a massive problem during mid/late game. Also no words about DS (you definitely want 2-0-2 build vs that guy). But I guess they aren't commonly picked.

                                          I totally agree with Deso into Buriza being the best shit you can get. So much damage. And tem one shots on sups or tanky heroes through creeps/Skymages.

                                          I disagree with your boots of choice only. Tread switching is massive on TA and as you pointed out - mana sustainability is a must. Also you farm faster and are equiped better for mid/late game. I still get Phase in some games.

                                          You should have mentioned Roshan I think. Aegis is an item every TA should have. You can easily solo Roshan with Deso and it's usually the first thing I do once I get the mighty Stygian.

                                          1. How to play vs Sniper in lane?
                                          2. Thoughs on Heart on TA? (I sometimes get it after Buriza and find it amazing)
                                          3. Thoughs on MoM on TA? (I've never tried it because I love Deso so much)
                                          4. Is safelane Lanaya legit? I only played her mid.
                                          5. Will you release part two of the guide going even deeper?
                                          6. Do you have any spare TA sets that you don't need and if so, will you donate them to me?
                                          7. Is my Lanaya legit?


                                            The secret is out.

                                            btw stop making ppl pick this goddamn TA. As support, i really dont wanna see Templar become a common pick. What will be the next? Ebola Spirit guide?


                                              szoti3e343 ur face is extremely gay to me..


                                                Lol at Szotyi3. Do you really think posting a guide on a hero on dotabuff will make the whole dota population read it? Also ES requires alot of skills so it wont happen.


                                                  ur reading took alot for me to read. i lost my eyes and my 2 children.


                                                    I can make a ebola guide, but i'm to lazy and my english isn't very well :(


                                                      bcuz you put ugly bitches as ur avatar no wonder ur a loser in real life. now take notes. and fuck every1 else but me as a term.


                                                        step 1: lose yourself , ur a loser right now and alway be unless you listen to me


                                                          step 2 : let see who you are and waht ur problemns and whatur life goals.


                                                            step 3 : ;let change everythingf of that except the good part which was nothing. anyway were here to hel;p !


                                                              step 4 : now we told urself 999 time that you were an loser and a adict HOW DO YOU FEEL ? bitch?


                                                                I. i..i..feel.. thhat.. ...... FUCKKKKKKKK YOUUUUU BITCHHHHHHHHHHH ASSSSSSSSSSSSS NIIIIIIGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                  Waga, is there any situation when you would buy midas? I've seen some people running it, saying that it helps me to challenge late game carries in late game and also that it has synergy with refraction (more att speed, more refraction hits). What do you think?


                                                                    I disagree with midas, blink makes you farm faster aswell, and makes you harder to kill. Midas mainly aims to improve your expgain, which is not a major issue when ur already slaying ancients.

                                                                    I think midas is bad atm for TA.

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      do u ever pick ta on dire? =)
                                                                      do u stack ancients on dire or jungle

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        @GG sorry about your 10game losingstreak.

                                                                        I'll make another video and answer some of your (and others') questions in that!


                                                                          Sure, I just happen to have a lot of radiant games.

                                                                          Faction Matches Win Rate
                                                                          Radiant 3,472
                                                                          Dire 2,513


                                                                            Hey waga fuck you its been one day and u never answered


                                                                              anyway i know this doesnt happen to u waga since ur famous streamer

                                                                              but what do u do when u have 4 imbeciles with no game impact

                                                                              and ur 6 sloted with decent amount of kills creeps kills and towers destroyed but enemies 5 maning and never leaving the base (sniper with decent disables behind him)

                                                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                                                #feltsogud. Still can't get the flashfarm before blink going, i do the ancient thing way to sloppy.

                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                                                  I'm sorry too... Saw you play with Babyknight the other day when you got +5 in solo que lolololo
                                                                                  Anyway thank him for +34 he provided me with (his Bone is legit)

                                                                                  Give Dire tips for TA!

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet
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                                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                      And one serious question, why don't you go into competitive Dota? I'm sure you can find a team you are Swedish and actually good at this game.


                                                                                        watched his stream quite a bit, and recall him saying that he will go competitive post TI

                                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                                                          Based on your nickname you can play any hero, right? :D
                                                                                          Nice, looking forward to seeing Waga play actual Dota.


                                                                                            @gg :horse:

                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              Oh wait, if you are Mokujin you should be getting random hero every game. lolololo


                                                                                                I get called a fаggоt in game when I random in ranked
                                                                                                I get called a fаggоt on forums when I don't random
                                                                                                what do?

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                  Give zero fucks. Best thing you can do.


                                                                                                    Nice and informative guide. Appreciate your work and stream Waga, so keep that shit up!