If you deal any damage to enemy hero and your creeps/tower last hit it you are credited for the kill.
If multiple players deal damage to enemy hero that gets last hit by your creeps/tower gold is split between them evenly. Kill credit goes to no-one, but it's added to total team kills.
If enemy hero gets solo killed by creeps/tower gold is split among entire team.
wouldnt it be best to always let the creeps take the kill if no one is close to a big item? u dont get a streak which will soften the rubberband
of course pubs wont do that cos streaks look nice but in competitive?
yea but then ur kda will go down and u will look bad on dotabuff forums and ur right to argue will be lost forever
i dont think i would care about my dotabuff if i win thousands of bucks cos i dont get rubberbanded to death
It's hard to do, risky and gimmicky. You're better off last hitting the hero yourself.
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Do u lose gold if your creeps lasthit enemy heroes? Like is the total gold gained from a kill lower?