Sometimes it amazes me how many extremely high skill people are on this forum. Starting to think half of the active population here is like top 1% dota players in the world.
Thank you, Bogi. :)
I'm achieving this under bad condition. Nothing to say, but that's the case.
I'll take a year off after this summer and try to dedicate myself to Dota and achieve something with all the time I've spent.
Thanks for all support.
take a year off to dedicate urself in a game is somewhat amazing and not everyone has balls to do it
good luck DD
guys i can't seem to win pubs ?
i pick tiny i toss my team into towers and enemy team and they die all time ? i dont understand whats the deal
I'll take a year off after this summer and try to dedicate myself to Dota and achieve something with all the time I've spent.
Thanks for all support.
dont do this. go to australia or something instead, cant believe i have to say this
"I'll take a year off after this summer and try to dedicate myself to Dota and achieve something with all the time I've spent.
Thanks for all support."
It takes balls to follow your dreams and do this, so best of luck dude.
ya hell fuck you dude :) Well played, stellar Naga performance. I could probably have won that game if I played better though.
Great Naga, Terrible Lion -Deljade
That's one fast climb. I remember you being around 5.3k like 3 months ago or something. Congrats and good luck.
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I m proud of this kiddo :) gratz!