Personally, while Luna could potentially be a waifu of mine, she's shit, she gets fucked in lane by Sniper, which is picked alot, and if your support won't zone the enemy out, you'll potentially die alot trying to get last hits with her much needed to be buffed range.
And when fighting a support that WILL zone you out or potentially try and get their carries free feed, like a CM and Sniper lane, with CM using Frostbite and Sniper with Shrapnel, you're kinda fucked, the problem is Luna is too squishy to be getting as close as she does for any hits, the only thing needing changing is a significant range buff.
Only way to win a game is having really easy or freefarming lane, then you go full push with glaives and snowball as fuck. I dont think she can win late game vs any good carry atm.
Other carries do what she does better. Like medusa farms nearly as fast, pushes just as well, and isn't insta gibbed late game. Troll farms faster if no one is stacking, pushes better, sooner, and can man fight. Bkb counters luna pretty hard.
she's good. The meta is all about high armor heroes and bonus dmg, get aquilla lifesteal on luna and you're already doing good with the passive. Combine it with some spammer and aoe/tank and you go 5 man gg ez win.
Besides if the game goes lategame, she has the means to farm super fast
The problem isn't how she does in the late game, it's how she does early, laning is a nightmare for such a squishy short ranged hero. Late game she can tank it up just fine with stuff like Manta, Satanic, AC, Skadi and some other stuff.
shes ok.
I think you have to be more reliant on her ultimate though which puts a heavy emphasis on positioning...
I think she doesn't fit the meta.
she's not good
low dmg output in teamfights, needs lots of farm to get online, no escape, and outcarried by am/void/morph/slark/etc.
She's ok if you have some good frontliners (Axe, Bristle, etc...). She can stay back and hit/ulti then help clean up. Her 3rd skill is nothing to be scoffed at, having full night vision and bonus damage is really good in the early stages of the game.
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I haven' played the hero much in any patch.
She was good for a while TI3 push strats. EE used her a lot in c9 but no longer does.
Guessing not that good, but I got a new set from GabeN want to try it out.