General Discussion

General Discussionmmr boosters hate him

mmr boosters hate him in General Discussion

    spam add him on steam so we can all learn the secret to winning and feeding at the same time


      secret strategy is found

      euls + tranquils = free win


        woaw i just checked his games, he doesnt even deal high hero damage wtf.
        getting carried 58% winrate boys


          mb hes like ultra good support tho


            Maybe he parties with very high mmr friends?


              except he doesn't )


                but look at them assists.

                bum farto

                  To be fair though I don't have that many games but 65-60% winrate on venomancer is pretty normal for people who play him a lot.

                  You can feed and still be massively useful


                    But doesnt all he has to do is press R in teamfights and land his combo off to do his job? I think Havoc Badger is right btw ;)

                    bum farto

                      The thing is, it's a bit like AA except more up close and personal. Usually something like a force blink so you can blink, ult, gale. Then force out and kite around putting wards everywhere.


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                        bum farto
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                              Well dier or not he's doing something right to get 58% after 600 games

                              or he's fucking lucky beating the laws of probability

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                                bum farto

                                  Its like saying you won a lot of games as tide or something similar, its actually very hard to win vs a good veno player. Even if you kill veno, if he gets all his shit off there is a high chance you will die so you can't really push anyways. He can also slow siege and defend if needed and honestly just down right annoying to lane against, I offlane him a lot an once I am level 5 I can basically push the safelane completely out forcing them to do something else.


                                    this veno is doing his job right