General Discussion

General Discussion[Kunkka] Item,skill and positioning build discussion (hard lane)

[Kunkka] Item,skill and positioning build discussion (hard lane) in General Discussion
kvasius # KSVM

    Hello everybody.

    Just want to know, how to play hard lane Kunkka? Am I doing it right?

    About items:
    I prefer starting with stout, gauntlet, 4 tango's and 2 branches. Then go bracer => wand => phase => vanguard => crystalys => halberd (works if enemy have strong midgame rightclickers, also 25% miss good at any time)/blademail (if there no one else to tank, ofc tanking while under ship buff)/ blink (cuz its blink) =>finish daedalus => situational items.

    About skills:
    I prefer to go max tidebringer with getting torrent on level 2 and X in lvl 3-4. Then max tidebringer, get ship at lvls 6-11-16 (quite obvious, isnt it?). Max torrent at lvl 12, go another point in X at lvl 10 and then max it at lvl 15.

    Laning: Trying to be somewhat aggresive, disrupt enemy's farm using tidebringer, if enemy support outranges me, go X on myself/tidebringer combo (happens quite rare). If everything is OK and enemies are harassed, trying to get 1-2 kills using X/torrent combo. Avoiding ganks is also a very big component of this stage, ofc.
    Fights: Preferring dont go on the first attack wave, launch unexpected torrent/ship combo, get a couple of nice tidebringer hits, if we won - get the running enemies by X/torrent combo, if we lost and i am alive - run slowing down enemies by unexpected X/or tp out if its real.

    Feel free to critique this build and tactic or tell about better one.I'm still noob, so any sane critique will be appreciated.
    Thanks for reading or writing a comment.


      kunkka cant hardlane lol if theres atleast 1 support with iq above 50 u will be zoned out and left lvl 1 until end of the game

      kvasius # KSVM

        Then, there are almost no supports with IQ>50 where i'm playing.
        tl;dr So where he is need to be played?

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          as rather experienced (although not brilliant) top100 kka i would say that you CAN play him as offlaner, but in any situation he is not the best possible choice for hard. Kunkka is midlaner, rarely support. Some rly mad people try to play him as carry but do not succeed (Loda, for example).

          About skillbuild
          Imo you gain more if invest points in X mark rather than in Torrent. 1st lvl x mark range is ridiculously small, while marginal utility of additional points invested in Torrent is quite low.

          I dont see point in going for vg on Kunkka, but it could be just because I never tried/seen it done by good players (although in most cases it means that its just a bad idea)
          I would suggest drums and/or urn instead.
          Halebard is weird and very situational, you invest a lot to get an item you dont need much, tbh. Blademail seems to be rather weird as well.
          Basically there are two ways to build kunkka - sb+2x daedalus, or bf+blink+daed. You can try bf mb.

          You are right, you shouldnt get right into it, better staying relative away and punishing bastaz with ship/torrent/tb harrass (and that's why I dislike the idea of purchasing blademail/vg/halebard for kka). Also, usually its better to use ghost ship in the very beginning of the teamfight, even giving up future possibility to stun more enemies, just because ship's buff is more important that its stun.

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          kvasius # KSVM

            1)Well, yeah, i admit blademail are VERY,very unexpected and weird there, but it worked for a couple of times here and there.
            2)So its better to get X on 8-9 lvls? Gotta try that.
            3)Vg is really helpful for me, idk why, but it suits my style.
            4)Halbeard is really situational, but for me its seems very useful. Often fight starts with torrent/ship/halbeard on their maincarry, and 70% of a time ,it works. Also it's a nice way to escape: X them, then disarm, run and when disarm ends, return them. Worked ~6/10.
            5) Personally I dont see a good reason for bf, because kka already have a splash... whatever. will try it at some time.

            And what about PT's for kunkka? I saw some pro players getting PT on him.


              dont like pt myself, tried it only couple of times. better get pt if you are going for bf i guess.

              For reasoning behind BF on kunkka, its better to refet to Attacker who was the creator of bf/blink build. Generally, its about splash, damage and mana regeneration.

              kvasius # KSVM

                Ahh, so it's like more aggresive build which includes more splash dmg to get your tb even more effective and X/torrent combo spam. Quite interesting build,must admit. But it seems losing its strength in the lategame, there are no lategame kunkka without at least 1 daedalus.


                  kunka mostly viable as mid but he kinda gets raped by majority of popular mid heroes

                  or roaming support

                  mark x torrent combo insanely stronk for pickoffs

                  skill build max x always torrent after that then get tidebringer ulti when possible

                  kvasius # KSVM

                    Kunkka as roaming semi-support? Makes sense.

                    And other question. What is better- crystalys stack or 1 daedalus?


                      daedalus unless you are in very deep troubles
                      btw bf build includes daedalus right after blink/bf, i mentioned it in first comment. actually, right after that you go for another daedalus, too (in most cases).

                      kvasius # KSVM

                        Oh, forgot about that. Thx for help.

                        (Better to get it somewhere so this topic will not be lost)


                          In Abyssal Blade I trust.


                            i personaly was going phases shadowblade bfury/deadalus build before mark x was changed

                            i guess its still good considering pubs never buy detection anyway

                            if not the go brown boots > blink dagger > bfury/daedalus > daedalus

                            and ofc most obvious thing but probably not obvious for everyone is that u should have a bottle and tp scrolls at all time

                            u mark the x urself u teleport to fountain u refill ur bottle heal urself and can refill bottle for ur team at the same time (roaming support mostly ) its really efficient thing to do

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                              Id say sb and bf do not stack rly well.I mean, both are OK, but if you go for sb, youd better just get daedalus and go pure one-hit; while bf supposes also having blink.

                              kvasius # KSVM

                                Oh, and yeah, when to buy THE RAPIER?


                                  either if you know to play him rly safe with blink and have enough vision, or if stuff is going rly good or bad. Otherwise, additional daedalus/mkb (in case there is evasion on enemy team) usually works better.


                                    u can never go wrong with rapier lol


                                      ^well its like "always get normal and clever itembuild on any hero, unless you can purchase a rapier; in this case always purchase a rapier".

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                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Desolator and AC should be considered as well.


                                          nope. very big nope. even NOPENOPENOPENOPE.

                                          edit: unless you are position 4 and its very late stage of the game, or somehow you try to be #1.

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                                            Deso is not that bad, but Abyssal Blade is the best item for Kunkka.

                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                              You decrease armor of main target - therefore increasing cleave damage.
                                              It shouldn't be gotten every game, but it should be mentioned.

                                              Abyssal is good on almost every hero.


                                                kunkka is hit'n'run hero, not manly-fight, bash is not rly needed
                                                additional damage of extra daedalus is greater than the one of desol/abyssal.

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                                                  It doesn't work this way.

                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                    ^ True. Stupid me. IDK how I forgot that.

                                                    AC is still nice on KKA.


                                                      why is ac nice?
                                                      tidebringer doesnt take into account targets' armor, only its TYPE. Ac is bad for the same reason desol is bad.


                                                        kunkka doesnt need attack speed

                                                        kunkka doesnt really need to reduce armor

                                                        so ac is big waste unless u suffer heavy physical damage

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          Because sometimes you need armor? And providing auras is always nice.

                                                          He doesn't need attack speed or armor reduction, but those bonuses aren't completely wasted. They are just extras.


                                                            you can purchase ac being #4, if you are #2, you should get something more "ego", cz kunkka himself doesnt need armor, armor reduction and attack speed much.

                                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                                              Wow, that escalated quickly. Wonder what other item ideas you will have?


                                                                situational mkb is OK

                                                                kvasius # KSVM

                                                                  So, now... Theoretical part - done.
                                                                  Gotta try it on practice.

                                                                  Thx for feedback, I owe you one.

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                                                                    good luck, young admiral!

                                                                    kvasius # KSVM

                                                                      Practical part thingies...
                                                                      Well, sb>2 daed is really good build.
                                                                      Granted, positioning is VERY needed on kka. Ship/torrent combowombo is really cool for initiating.
                                                                      Still building vg =P
                                                                      Also, 2 crystalys are very good thing in midgame.

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