General Discussion

General DiscussionScrub asking for thought on Troll Warlord

Scrub asking for thought on Troll Warlord in General Discussion

    Recently, i was trying to play troll and have a decent winrate on him ( 5 - 2 consisting 1 game i feed on purpose with my friends ), so i want to ask what is the real strong point of this hero ? From my feeling, troll is a decent pusher in early game, good teamfight contribution from his ultimate and synergies quite well with 1 more right-click core. And in the late game, he is a pretty good DPS. Beside that, he can farm okay with 1 spamable aoe.
    Seems like he is okay-good in almost every way, so what is he real strong/weak point?
    P/s: his armor is actually good too


      Top played heroes:

      with 49% win in high skill level...

      And now he wants to add troll




        Just spam the whirling axes and don't go ham unless you are feeling it and you should be fine

        legendary ball

          Because this new patch troll as can reach max as... 600 sth... And if you dont notice,, its fvkin fast.. Void with mkb and maelstorm n mom just reach 300 as... You know where im going bois..


            I believe max as is 500 which is like 3 attacks a second.


              He's good simply because he's good at all stages in the game.


                Max attack speed is 600 right now, and for Troll it's 4 attacks/sec.


                  @Kryptnyt actually, i did not ask how to play troll xD i ask for your comment on his strong/weak points xD

                  if my english sucks so hard that u guys can't understand what i mean after reading my topic title and text, i'm sorry xD what i mean is literally i'm asking u guys what do you think is the strongest/weakest point of troll xD


                    He's really strong right now, because you don't normally see a hero that can thrive in the early game and still be a beast in the late late game. He's also a good farmer once you get phase/roa/domi, and can be 2nd to Lycan when it comes to split pushing power.

                    One of his weaknesses is probably the fact that he doesn't have any escape mechanism (not that you can't turn the fight around). Another weakness is probably the fact that you have to rely heavily on your allies to lock your opponents down since you don't really have any way of doing so yourself other than relying on your first skill's bash. Which is pretty much why a skadi/dagger pickup would always be nice on him.

                    I have spammed using troll in my last 11 games, you can check my dotabuff for the results.

                    Miku Plays

                      Troll Warlord

                      stun and ias passives
                      ok aoe blind
                      global ias

                      nukes kill him
                      he needs to be close to his target

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Tower, early rosh, sumthing for teamfight, hard to kite, strong against melee rightclickers

                        Manaburn = useless troll, manapool is shit, rather easy to nuke


                          his slow is weak with hefty CD despite good aoe

                          other than that; what two above posters said...


                            @RLDy nice streak xD you always prefer to go max Q before skilled the 2nd fervor level?

                            @Blunt yeah troll is hard as fuck to kite as he can go from melee to ranger in 0 second xD that's what i'm looking for xD

                            Dire Wolf

                              No, your skill build depends on a lot of things like lane you're in, opposition etc. Maxing fervor will net you most dps always which is usually what you want for farming.

                              Troll doesn't really have weaknesses. Small base hp I guess. Can be cc'd once bkb is down. That's about it. That's what makes him so strong, his lack of weaknesses. And that he can dish a crap load of dmg with little items so comebacks are quite easy.


                                @Timberwolf agree with one of my wins with troll i suck hard early game, not feed but i farm bad and enemy carry is quite fat.but then my team do a good job drag the game a bit and give me spaces to farm and i can surprisingly out damage the enemy carry just after i had bkb and sny.troll is a good comeback hero
                                so from what u guys provided, i can sum up a little bit about troll
                                global ias, okay-ish blind and nuke, good-aoe slow, gud at early pushing and rosh, hard to kite, capable of comeback and decent farmer

                                bad hp and mana pool, rely on bkb as he can be cc-ed to death

                                thank guys xD you guys help a lot xD


                                  Maxing berserker rage can net your more damage than fervor max (during laning stage), since you run faster, and hold people longer if you stun one time

                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I meant creep dps for farming. You def want fervor max'd before going to rosh for example. Ideally you'd be like 3/0/4/1 build at level 8 with dominator and qb to rosh but a lot of times if I am in lane I drop a point into whirling axes for the slow and am something like 2/1/4/1.


                                      @matrice yep i've tried both build Q > E and E > Q and i noticed that i play better with Q > E. but i dont understand the game as much as you to point out why :D thanks for advice
                                      @Timberwolf how can u play with 3-0-4 or 2-1-4 build. i always though i need to max W first cause it's a cheap aoe/slow and okay-ish nuke.but your build can farm good on safe lane and better for rosh-ing. can u describe more clearly how you run that playstyle xD

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Actually I prefer to jungle troll and 3/0/4 is best jungle build.

                                        In lane, yes, W is a super strong slow and nuke. It really depends on if you think you can score kills or not. If you are vs a solo offlane and have a support like cm or someone good at killing early then you can max W. But a lot of times I'm just farming lane and I want to get fervor maxed out for dps farm and Q maxed for move speed for farming so I can rotate into jungle easily and clear lanes quickly.