General Discussion

General Discussionwhy am i always dire

why am i always dire in General Discussion
the realm's delight



      because i am too


        i have 70% wr on dire and 55 % wr on radiant. And on dire i play in a disadvantage because ancients are far from mid
        so dire = win


          do you still stack ancients on dire? i feel like bot rune distance is too far from mid plus taking bot rune u may not have vision of supports coming from the slope. Isnt stacking the medium rune camp and taking top safer and shorter distance? plz enlighten :S

          the realm's delight

            i dont stack ancients on dire. dire is so fucking bad it makes me puke


              i stack them on dire when i'm going for a rune, every 2 min, while on rad i can stack every minute. but I'll miss 2-3 cs in lane, more than radiant
              however on radiant I have my quad stack at 8-9 minutes, on dire usually tri stack at 10 min or smth

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                This is my theory , when u are soloing u are waiting for a bit time to accept the match making For example The first 5 who click ready is the radiant And the 6-10 player is dire . And in party if one of your party Member is first yo click the ready u guys wi be on radiant ...... just try it to prove it click fast don't wait for second in accepting htw match malking

                Dire Wolf

                  Pretty sure that theory is wrong.


                    Completely sure its wrong.

                    the realm's delight

                      i dont think thats legit but yo ill try it whatever, id do anything to play radiant. 3 out of 4 games are dire for me fucking biullshti


                        Dire side ancients are much easier to stack. I love dire side.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          kwa wtf that pick?


                            pedo mode : on ^

                            the realm's delight

                              4th dire game in a row VALVE FUCKING STPO PLEASE

                              Este comentario fue editado



                                  At one point when I played with my stack day in day out we would have like 4/5 games being on dire.


                                    Me too and i have 58wr radiant 43 dire

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Just pick jungle rosh'ing heroes (who don't really stack ancients) cus dire jungle is a lot better layout and rosh slightly closer. Go troll jungle, jug jungle, ursa jungle etc. Stay away from ancient stacking mofos like sven, pa (battlefury version), luna.

                                      the realm's delight

                                        sorry that kind of shit is not going to work in my bracket

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          troll and jug jungle work in every bracket


                                            Radient>>>>>>>>Dire (at least for me) and also in my experience I tend to lose games when we have one support and a jungler. Its always better to have 2 supports


                                              in general, radiant side wins more often than dire (in pubs, at least). you can check it just checking random players' profiles. most probably in 9 cases out of 10 you'll see high wr on radiant side than on dire.


                                                i hate dire side man...

                                                you use to call me on my ...

                                                  dire is only for strong peoples , git gut


                                                    you have higer winrate on dire tho

                                                    the realm's delight

                                                      coincidence i suppose