General Discussion

General Discussion17 min gg how does a Meepo with a bad lane matchup prevent everything...

17 min gg how does a Meepo with a bad lane matchup prevent everything from collapsing? in General Discussion

    Does this even make sense?

    How am I supposed to be control the tempo of the game before level 10 with 2 meepos when every lane was getting destroyed? I was midlane, invo off, rest tri top.

    All 4 teammates bandwagoned and reported me and while I'm not worried about getting lpq from this sole game, it just baffles me. I rushed blink from a bad start against troll and got it around 13 minutes because even our jungle was long invaded.


      Blink before aghs seems shitty regardless of what situation you are in


        10/10 thread

        bum farto

          Some of the better Meepo players might be better off answering this but for what it's worth I will give my two cents.

          Meepo is strong cause of his ability to overpower, outfarm, and outlevel his opponents. If you're opponents are keeping up with you then you're in trouble. Meepo requires a little bit of space, stacking, and resources.

          Meepo farms lanes, jungle, and heroes where he can but this can leave a team weakened if they also need the farm. This was one things I disliked about meepo is that you have to play around it. Also I am pretty sure most meepo played get the sceptre before anything else but again, i could be wrong as it's not my hero to comment on.

          Be careful about the meepo pick, its a strong hero and can win anywhere from 60-70% of your games where you pick/play him right but sometimes you just get unlucky and are forced to split farm and apply pressure instead of fighting with Meepo.

          Opt for lane pressuring over trying to help your team out so much early, with meepo there is always a chance of a comeback.


            I'm not really qualified to comment apart from I don't really see how or why you can expect to have much impact on lanes that have been lost - surely you need time to get ahead in farm with meepo before you can do much good - if the lanes are drawn then you can have early impact but otherwise don't you need to get a few more meepos and farm/split push a bit till you have caught up?

            Do many people stack diffusal on Meepo btw? Doesn't seem that optimal - I can understand buying one and replacing it when all the charges are used but carrying three seems a bit courageous :)


              I go Aghs first 3/4 of the time. But sometimes rushing it blindly is foolish cuz you might miss plenty of kill opportunities which could've snowballed you further and instead compete with your jungler AND carry for farm in which case causes your team to be way too weak early.

              @Rocket, its 3.85k for 35 agility and can dispel buffs. EB is 4.9k for 40 agility and Skadi is like 5k+ for 25 agility.


                If you're behind, and your supports aren't helping then go stack the jungle with your second meepo.

                Always get aghs before blink. The extra meepo even when you are behind is so much more worth it, not to mention stat sharing and extra stats. Your clones are painfully weak when not sharing stats.

                If you don't have a very good team fight line up just try to dodge team fights and farm and push towers. If you are unable to fight I think taking a T2 is worth your teams life pre 20m.


                  Meepo scales from hero that can't make shit happen to unstoppable bastard that can snowball from level 3 based on enemy picks.
                  Well, in this particular game it's probably not about meepo, though. Your team just failed overall.


                    But suppose a 7k meepo was in my spot, I felt they would've won somehow.

                    So I'm just wondering about that how.


                      A 7k meepo would have bought stats and farmed better. The game was really close kills wise with a whole lot of squish on their team. Your poof does wonders in the early game.

                      Farm the enemy jungle if your jungle is contested.


                        There are games you cant win, 7k or not.
                        Current meta aint too kind to meepo.


                          there was no way to win that game no worry

                          Greygrey the Sailor

                            1st things 1st you rushed bottle against a team which is never gonna give you space to pop that on any of your meepos (troll and axe)
                            You rushed blinkdagger rather than aghs
                            and you generally were outpicked

                            Troll beats meepo in most situations unless you rush eblade and scythe


                              ^Bottle isn't meant to be used much during fights really, it's more to sustain your meepoes during farm, and if you are running away during a fight. You sell it for aghs or blink. You never hold it past 3 meepoes.

                              Greygrey the Sailor

                                ^marlan doesn't a tranquil boots do the same thing and better as it allows you longer hp regen and more movement speed for ganking

                                I just don't understand some items on meepo... like buying daedalus... it blows my mind..


                                  you don't get the ms/hp when doing pretty much anything. it mostly helps your clones, and you can't use it in combat. also it doesn't restore mana which is an issue on meepo early game. also they don't scale, treads do because stats.