General Discussion

General Discussionpoor Visage

poor Visage in General Discussion

    For a while now, he's been the least played hero in the game and his win rate has just gotten lower and lower.

    I tried taking it upon myself to try to represent this rather cool hero, but while I do feel like I understand how he works I still lose every game. And I find that the big challenge is keeping the familiars alive. Maybe I just suck at microing, but I do hate how A) the familiars have a really short attack range; and B) their goddamn diminishing damage.

    Hoping for buff?

    Pom Pom 🍕

      His familiars are actually really strong (try going medallion to buff their dps). His problem is the base stats they nerfed on him through a lot of patches. He has the lowest natural magic resistance, very low base armour and also moves really slow. With the popularity of Axe (and even ember some patches before) it becomes harder to keep his familiars alive, even just to stun and not attack.

      Of course his skills actually improves those things he lack, but after the changes you need to prioritize his cloak over grave chill, which kinda sucks since your familiars need the grave chill slow to catch up to enemies and the movement buff will only be 3 seconds, which can still make you easy to catch.

      He still has an insanely strong nuke though. 4s cooldown on an up to 410 magic damage nuke (in team fights you easily get max charges on it constantly).

      If he gets buffed it probably won't be a big one, since he used to be one of the most op heroes in the game. He still has his strengths, just more weaknesses.

      < blank >

        Buff needed for Alchemist, Lone Druid and Visage

        Greygrey the Sailor

          and meepo, kappa

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              You can watch his gameplay... he is pretty good with it and certainly found away around it's nerfs.
              Even though the majority is him playing mid.


                Visage birds get wrecked by high dps range carries (if they know how to focus), axe, bb, and several other heroes

                Microing well is something that you will eventually learn. Try and look up visage farming patterns and watch top players to see how they itemize and play the hero.