General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat changes would you like to see in the new update?

What changes would you like to see in the new update? in General Discussion
Greygrey the Sailor

    So here is the layout,

    Hero changes 1:(Most desired)
    Hero changes 2:(2nd most desired)
    Hero changes 3:(3rd most desired)
    Item changes 1:(Most desired)
    Item changes 2:(2nd most desired)
    Item changes 3:(3rd most desired)
    Mechanic changes 1:

    Mechanic changes 2:

    Gameplay/gamemode changes 1:

    Hero changes 1:Troll warlord
    Change:Reduce bonus movement speed from 20/30/40/50 to 10/15/20/25
    Reduce blind chance from 60% to 40%

    Hero changes 2:Phantom assassin
    Change:Reduce agility gain per level and strength gain per level

    Hero changes 3:Elder Titan
    Change:BAT lowered from 1.7 to 1.4
    Elder titan astral spirit stomp deals pure damage rather than magical damage

    Item changes 1:Orb of lesser power
    5+ All attributes

    800 Gold (2 OLP's and a recipe build into ultimate orb, effectively giving manta, linkens and scythe rushers better early games)
    Item changes 2:Diffusal blade Level 3
    Does not increase agility or intelligence but gives 8 more charges

    Item changes 3:Linkens sphere
    Fix the glitch in which self casting can in some situations give another charge (Putting it on cooldown and on 1 second before it wears off it is broken and you gain another use 1 second later)

    Mechanic changes 1:Increase Tier 2 tower armor from 25>27 but decrease Tier 3 tower armor from 25>23
    (Will effectively nerf turtlers like sniper and techies)

    Mechanic changes 2:Day/night cycle will not change aggro from creeps, they will have vision of any unit they are targetting unless the unit leaves vision range before the change. (This can sometimes be the difference between a tower or not)

    Gameplay/gamemode changes 1:Increase pool of heroes for captains draft from 27>29 (this way the first pickers wont always have the advantage because they have a hero that goes uncountered)


      ta arcana

      Greygrey the Sailor

        no pls ;-; If anyone is getting an arcana it must be meepo, invoker or wraith king, (wraith king would turn him into skeleking)


          why do people like to play dress up with men


            why would u want to nerf pa shes already quite underwhelming

            and eldeer tider who was already nerfed ?


              ^Reducing his BAT to 1.4 is actually buffing him.

              Also. Nerf sniper's shrapnel to something like giving slow to about 20% at level 4, less damage to 35 per second, keeping the 3 charges. (maybe nerf headshot to be a 30% proc or take aim to give less range, either or.)

              Nerf MoM to give less attack speed or make it more expensive.

              Nerf Troll overall (specially his bash. It may be 10% chance, but later on his attack speed is so good that perma bash isn't impossible. Also it's 2 seconds long, lol. Maybe add a CD to his bash something about 2 seconds long. Another thing could be making Battle Trace having a bigger CD or not being global).

              I would say to nerf slark, but I have no suggestions as to how.

              Other than that I guess everything else is ok.


                TA arcana
                And cosmetics for oracle


                  diffusal should get refreshed charges the way drum does once its lvl 2. why nerf PA?

                  I want to see beast master buffed, but IDK how.


                    But diffusal does get it's charges back when you upgrade it.

                    Mortimer Smith

                      invokar arcana


                        ^^ I mean after its already lvl 2 you should be able to refresh the charges the way you do with a drum. as in 8 more charges if you buy a 3rd recipe.

                        Dire Wolf

                          They should rework sniper entirely. Get rid of take aim altogether and give him base attack range of 650. New take aim should be an active skill that does something like makes your next attack stun for 1.5 seconds and deal 50/100/150/200 extra dmg. Can be activated while disabled.

                          Make shrapnel only hold 2 charges but on a ~25 sec cd.

                          Biggest problem with sniper is late game he's impossible to push high against cus of shrapnel and ridiculous range. So nerf those two, then throw him a bone and give him something to escape and nerf high stupid late game stuff. Second biggest problem is he can kill almost anyone with three shrapnel charges at like level 6, so drop it to two and make him actually have to work for those kills.

                          Troll I would buff his base mana pool but make his abilities cost more. I don't know how much but makes aquila not sufficient to spam whirling axes and ult whenever they are up. Then make his ult not global range, something big for a team fight like 1400 but not global where you can help gankers across the map and pull off retarded split pushes.

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                            ^I agree with Timberwolf on take aim and shrapnel. Those abilities definitely need a rework/slight nerf.

                            Nerf MoM. That items's utility is just too good for its cost. Either make it more expensive, or decrease the attack speed or movespeed bonus.

                            Buff alchemist. It would be nice to see him become a viable carry in the current meta.

                            Buff shadow demon's shadow poison. Either increase the damage multiplier for stacks or decrease the cooldown. Yes, I know shadow poison can deal 1040 damage at level 4 with 5 stacks. But it takes way too long to get to 5 stacks.


                              Item: Etherial Blade
                              Change: Projectile is now removed ( old good days :'( )

                              < blank >

                                I don't want it to see, but next patch coming with Troll nerf + Arcana for Troll


                                  arcana for slark?


                                    6 meepos.

                                    Greygrey the Sailor

                                      @xan every meepo can hold an aghanims scepter allowing for infinite meepos if you can get 4200 gold for each


                                        that would be op.
                                        6 sounds just like a right number



                                          Lone Druid aghs:

                                          Spirit bear's leash disarm is removed.
                                          Spirit bear is always affected by Lone Druid's auras, and vice versa. (lore-wise: aghanim gives Lone Druid a stronger connection with his bear)

                                          Troll Warlord:

                                          New Battle Trance:

                                          Radius: Global
                                          Attack Speed Bonus: 60/120/180
                                          Duration: 7 10
                                          Cooldown: 30 60
                                          Mana cost: 75 150


                                          Conjure Image has now instant cast time (or a very short one as opposed to current).
                                          Metamorphosis persists through death (the duration keeps going on while Terrorblade is dead and respawns through buyback or aegis)
                                          Metamorphosis's cooldown is now 140 120.
                                          Strength gain to 2.0 (from 1.4) - this nets terrorblade extra 273 HP at lvl 25 compared to 6.83


                                          Gold/xp comeback mechanic reworked from scratch

                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                            Hero changes 1:(Most desired)
                                            Hero: Crystal Maiden
                                            Change: Hard Carry BKB piercing ultimate with 9% damage for each explosion hit and AOE frostbite no unit target of 400 with Crystal Nova turning into Crystal shield where she creates a force-field that can only get broken out of by using BKB for her teammates. Kind of like a circle shaped invoker ice wall.

                                            ty ty pls make happen.

                                            And end Juggernaut, Storm, Troll, Axe, Sniper picks. ty ty

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              ^^ You fucking stole them from Reddit. And that guy's ideas were pretty shit anyway.


                                                buff all the heroes we hardly see, and nerf the most picked.


                                                  Lunas glaives should have only 30% reduction so manta becomes an option again


                                                    just nerf axe alrdy, call way too op


                                                      Swap the passives on axe and cm. Problem solved.

                                                      plz do

                                                        I do this as OP intended.

                                                        Hero changes 1:(Most desired)
                                                        Hero: Troll (he is like dota 1 sniper w 2 basher)
                                                        Change: stun nerf (+ what others suggested sounds reasonable w nerfin ult or increasing mana cost/cds)
                                                        Hero changes 2:(2nd most desired)
                                                        Hero: Jugger
                                                        Change: base agi, ms, as reduced again (wtf icefrog these buffs)
                                                        Hero changes 3:(3rd most desired)
                                                        Hero: Witch doc/void
                                                        Change: Ward in bubble must work again (worst cancer combo - i love it - its personal)
                                                        Item changes 1:(Most desired)
                                                        Item: diffusal blade
                                                        Change: it will get a buffed somehow anyway, probably by decreasing gold cost - gonna be important again soon
                                                        Item changes 2:(2nd most desired)
                                                        Item: skadi
                                                        Change: nerf (every match more than 3 skadis, fml)
                                                        Item changes 3:(3rd most desired)
                                                        Item: HoT
                                                        Change: make it worthwhile again e. g. by stats, cd, add a fuckn aura, idk
                                                        Mechanic changes 1: I really liked the new runes. gives dota map new objectives. Mb even increase the competition around it by higher value of gold/xp runes.

                                                        Mechanic changes 2: balance ward blocking of easy camps

                                                        Gameplay/gamemode changes 1: fix some matchmaking stuff like if i report a player, i dont want to be matchmade in the same team w him again the game after.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          "Radius: Global
                                                          Attack Speed Bonus: 60/120/180
                                                          Duration: 7 10
                                                          Cooldown: 30 60
                                                          Mana cost: 75 150"

                                                          Dude that's a buff to troll's manfight/teamfight. Who cares if cooldown is longer if duration increase by almost 50%? A team fight is over/decided before it comes back off cooldown either way. You nerfed his pushing ability a little bit but greatly buff his team fight.

                                                          Talking about cast animations, yeah let's rework come of those! Can sven please get rid of cast animation/delay on his ult? It's so annoying trying to chase/jump people and you have a ult cast delay that lets them make space. Same with CK ult. I don't want to have to pop my ults ahead of time and telegraph my intentions. These heroes aren't that great in current meta anyway so let's buff em up.

                                                          U wot m8?

                                                            so you want to nerf that u get rekt with ? cry baby


                                                              TA is my most played and PLS NO ARCANA I DON'T WANT PEOPLE WITH MY TA EVERY GMAE


                                                                Rather than 6 Meepos, Aghs can now be stacked allowing up to 10 (no boots) Meepos. Wouldn't actually be that OP. DPS/Health would be lower than you could get at the moment but would make for farcical micro.

                                                                More realistically, I'd like a BoTs nerf to Meepo. At least March never damaged towers and NP's TP has a cooldown. If someone could explain to me how you are supposed to counter a split-pushing BoTs Meepo I'd be grateful.

                                                                By "like" I mean "please leave it for us to abuse".


                                                                  IDK, kill him?

                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    - duel now mutes passives and items

                                                                    plz do

                                                                      ^and while ur at it: also disarms and turns enemy into a huge piggy. o0


                                                                        more escape mechanics , killing heroes before 20min Mark awarding no xp/gold and even better comeback mechanics (just like it was some patches before)

                                                                        ah and not to forget dark pact should also be able to dispel things like black hole , chrono, etc from the map

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                                                                            Randoming taken out of ranked. I have wanted this for years