General Discussion

General Discussionwhat kind of mmr am i supposed to get?

what kind of mmr am i supposed to get? in General Discussion

    So i m in lvl 7 atm .. wiht 800+bp .. so almost lvl 8 .. and when i played my first game.. i got kda ratio of 9. . then i went to high skill bracket.. after that managed to stay in that bracket for 20 games or so.. then i suddenly had a 5 lose streak.. and in 4 of them.. it was like total throw by team.. for example in one game. we were winning and suddenl.. our team's tide went to secret shop and died..(in very late game .. few sec b4 our last def).. seeing that instead of backing .. our zeus and magnus.. went in as well. even when they saw there were 5 enemies over there.. zz all 3 dead.. no buyback.. and lost.. EZ throw.. i actually played proper carry.. and leavers .. idiots who seeing enemies picks.. picks a hero which is ez kill for them. for ex.. enemy team was lina , sb , puck , zeuys.. and someone i forgot.. and our team one guy was ssooooo stupid.. even after seeing thsoe picks he got sniper.. zzz.. ez kill for them.. .He fed full game.. with smthing like 0-14.;. and many such stupid instances.. but i always manged to get around 2 kda ratio..
    So wt mmr can i get??

    Mokujin you like .... dicks


        not really.. i m not gay u see..


          "i actually played proper carry" no you don't your record for last hits per min is 5.02, that isn't good farming, and that's the most you have ever gotten. Don't blame your team if you aren't doing your job either.

          learn to farm or dont pick carry's, I would recommend learning to farm you will get 3k easy if you can learn to farm.

          IO's Balls

            u r smurf


              3k max

              Mortimer Smith




                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    1500 mmr


                      4k for sure