General Discussion

General Discussionso i was thinking

so i was thinking in General Discussion

    Just like jug and troll and some others this patch and alot before r extremly strong but were considered normal till they got discovered with time and item builds, do u think atm there r op heroes or extremly strong heroes , but arent discovered with the builds that make them go to top tier heroes?

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      there is the Str morphling. its obviously not undiscovered, but it is overlooked.

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          I tried str morph , as strong his lockdown is farming and doing damage is a huge issue , u can do too much in a team fight , biggest strength is stealing auras , but ur damage is extremly low , maybe i didnt try hard enough, a buff to the mana cost of wave might help him become viable tho


            Not overlooked, people don't play it cause its fucking boring.

            Anyway, the few I can list off my head are:

            Medusa with a proper item build. People just never build her right but she wins games in pubs. Good against all the fotm heroes.

            Dark Seer. With the rise of all the rightclicking carries and jungle being extremely popular by Axe, he's a dayuum fine pick in the meta of easy offlanes. But he's so forgotten noone picks him. I would like to add most carries don't get bkb till really late nowadays.

            Chaos Knight. Probably the hardest carry in the game but with the weakest farming ability. None of the currently fotm carries/midlaners can deal with his illusions.

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              The difference is that jugg, troll , sniper got overbuffed. There are some else getting buffs over and over though. Undying is strong ATM, sniper is good vs him but he can work very well in certain situations. Maybe abaddon, also.

              Natsuki Subaru

                Shadow fiend rushing blink and bkb instead of euls
                I dont like euls on SF

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  If you don't like Euls would let shadowblade be a better choice?

                  Dire Wolf

                    Yeah but medusa is far from op. I agree she can be a pubstomper and late game carries as hard as sniper, but she takes skadi and usually another item to do it. Troll takes like boots and dominator. Sniper takes mom or maelstrom. Completely different.

                    CK will never be played that much cus he has terrible farming.

                    My three kind of hidden gems (I don't play em though) would be spirit breaker, slardar and sven. SB is actually gaining back a lot of popularity as a storm and sniper counter anyway but his win rate is pretty impressive. People went a little overboard in the reaction to his nerf.

                    Slardar has a pretty good toolkit for death with troll and sniper. So does sven. Sven with just mask and blink can blow up sniper before hammer wears off and I'm not sure about troll, maybe. Sven can also match trolls farming ability.

                    Last one might be riki. But he's picked quite a bit already so I don't know if he qualifies. His smoke though is quite good vs sniper and troll and his blink strike is great vs sniper.


                      I think a carry that works decent in this meta is AM. He's extremely good at dealing with sniper (due to high mobility), decent vs jug (he can blink away/manta when he ults, and just manfight him afterwards) and not that bad vs troll (just bait his ult and you're fine. Otherwise, you may get bashed to death :/). With a good start, you can be online around the 20min mark, with a quite scary damage output and, like troll, strong lane pushing power.

                      Since games tend to go late in this patch, and AM has a pretty decent late game potential, he is a very viable pick in most cases. Also, he is a great counter to many heroes, punishes non-bkbed carrys and can deal massive aoe damage with his ult.


                        I agree that slardar is good vs troll and sniper but I don't think sven is. Sven can't kill troll before bolts off and then dies and vs sniper you can blink to him but then you are in the back of enemy team where u can't cleave not to mention sniper shrapnel will prolly disable ur blink and then he'll kite you . I have played a lot of slardar vs troll and sniper and it works well slardar can stun troll before he pops bkb then amp him and whale on him for a decent bit alotho he still won't solo troll ur allies do more damage due to the amp as well so it works decently definatly not a counter to troll tho. I have a a lot of success with slardar vs sniper. Slardar is too mobile to escape with blink or shadow blade and his haste. Plus sniper still builds shadow blade sometimes altho less and less.

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          With all the heavy physical damage heroes this meta I'm a little surprised slardar isn't more popular. His damage amp's cooldown is ridiculous now. Even if you purge it once with like manta or eul, he doesn't need long to put it on you again. The cooldown also lets him place it on more heroes during a team fight. Damage amp with any of the popular carries right now just melts anyone.

                          His problem I guess is his slow ability to farm and normally put as a carry. But with his early game skills (aoe stun/slow and ms boost) and decent base stats (5,4 armour, 21 str) he should be okay as an offlaner.

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                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            + rep Pomii

                            Natsuki Subaru

                              All female heroes are good against the famous heroes in this patch ^^


                                Yeah please giff more cm :D

                                Ez mmr


                                  i also think riki is great, so is oracle. Ck and slardar are not 100% pick em every game heroes , but they are situationally good in some lineups :D

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