General Discussion

General DiscussionhOW TOO WIN AT 2.5K MMR?

hOW TOO WIN AT 2.5K MMR? in General Discussion
I'm prob high

    I calibrate at 1k mmr about in october/november and climbed to 2.5k but now it seems impossible when my teams just so bad ck or pl dont get bkb vs earthshaker slardar sven stun perm stun bullshit and nobody even wants too take objectives like rosh or towers after we win a fight instead everyone just goes afks farm jungle?! how do you motivate these people too do objectives?!? it's like people down here are just stupid no matter what you tell them, any tips on how too win??


      I know your feeling man.

      Just play team fight heroes in 2k MMR. Phoenix, Axe, Spirit Breaker, and maybe juggernaut. Just try to force a teamfight every time and wreck their shit every time.


      I'm prob high

        another game lost because of a retarded team-mate meepo 3-14 or somethng and innitiated the game winning fight for their team which caused me too get necro ulted and no bb, if not for that fight im sure we would have won but meepo just blinks into 4 heroes and gets lich ulted >.>


          So, bad team mates?

          3.8k Ryozan

            That happens in evry tier, im 3800 in that moment



              No, games in 2.5k are impossible to win! Cuz teammates..


                Tell that to me, I will say it was from my own lack of skill that I lost at 2.5k.

                Just pick teamfight heroes, and just roll through them. It can't be any more simpler.

                Teamfight win= Game win.


                  i remember when i was 2700 and i went to like 3300 in one spree by playing slark i think?
                  try that

                  I'm prob high

                    yeah, 1 bad team mate can basically cost you the game ;/. and on slark i tried him a few times and everytime i can't get any farm or kills early because too me he's just so awful in duel lanes i can't even go near creeps too farm with him, not too mention half the time people don't even pick supports in this mmr


                      Actually 1 bad teammate doesn't mean much. 1 bad teammate = life of dota 2. Just because he played badly, doesn't mean that he's going to ruin the game.

                      Unless he buys a Divine, and feeds it, then use. He's throwing the game.

                      You're still in 2.5k, and you have a lot to learn about how to win at this game. Just focus on your own game down in the 2k games, and you'll do fine.

                      yung griphook

                        the problem is if the bad person on your team consistently feeds the good person on the other team, then you're going to lose.

                        If you really want to gain mmr you could spam a hero, but some would argue that it doesn't make you any better at the game.

                        either way, hopefully you will be at an mmr after spamming where teammates realize that taking objectives is how you win. No prize for a +10 K/D

                        I'm prob high

                          yea true that, i'm just trying to get better on things everyday like farming game sense etc but yea seems like its just teamfight down here


                            its imposible to get out of 2k mmr .. trash teamates everywhere


                              its not your teammates
                              your current skill is around 2.5k if u cant climb up


                                Just like soul eater says, teamfight heros are the deal! I think Sandking Is a good example. You just go support your carry until lvl 3 and then go jungle, show up for kill opportunitys and get that 8 mins blink. From there just roam around the map and kill shit, the lategame should be the easiest cause at that bracket they will just 5 man mid all the time.


                                  if u really want to cheese your way up you should try rat heroes
                                  from what i could tell up to ~3k or 3.5k people suck hard against ratting. your team will flame you but if u think u are superior your gamesense alone will help u win hardcore with ratting
                                  rat =/= furion
                                  rat = lycan, tb who are best suited
                                  other ratters generally take too much time to start pushing (naga, sylla) and u might lose the game before ur pushing gets relevant
                                  troll is a good rat hero aswell but he will get nerfed to hell so its not really worth it investing all your time into him

                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                  yung griphook

                                    It's definitely worth "learning" troll while he's still good because it's +mmr every game you play with him.


                                      I ratted with PA last night during enemy push no one saw me due to blur, I raxed them.


                                        carry tp

                                        casual gamer

                                          Your top barracks are under attack

                                          Your top barracks are under attack

                                          Your top barracks have fallen


                                          < blank >

                                            Can confirm, there is an invisible wall at 2.5k mmr, it's just


                                              ^sick meme

                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                it's impossible, call icefrog to giff u an acc

                                                CAN'T WIN

                                                  AND, yeah every game on 2k can be winned by a 4-6k player, but he is maybe 3.3 for example, and he cant win EVERY game.

                                                  < blank >

                                                    No really, what i can do? Always hitting 2.5k mmr and it throws me back some 300 mmr

                                                    I'm prob high

                                                      This shit is fucking impossible
                                                      i get left alone top lane after 2 mins for some fuckign reason and get dove on die 5times by slark and wind
                                                      retarded shit ogre goes too my lane then leaves after 10seconds and afk farms jungle for 45mins at level 20 and NO STUN. NO STUN OGRE MAGI AT LEVEL 20 WTF


                                                        I was calibrated at 1.1k mmr about 10 months ago and now i am 3.9k. I think i just played rat doto all the time to climb. If u are good at ratting try it, if not try smth like bara offlane or troll/sniper/sf mid or omni support. This shit worked (and still works at 3.9k) most of the time


                                                          One that that I read on here that recently worked for me was suggesting op heros to your teammates like troll axe sniper teams , you'll automatically start with an advantage.

                                                          I'm prob high

                                                            last game as spectre i suggested axe but no, my whole team fed spirit breaker 15 kills the first 20mins literraly even though i got 20min radiance storm was so fucking bad died every minute this game is impossible


                                                              I rose up from 2.5k to 4k over the past year and a half. Here's my advice, take it or leave it:

                                                              For 2.5k-3k, play a hero who is strong in the midgame (e.g. no hardcarries) and can get solo kills by catching people out of position. In the mid 2k to 3k bracket, people often solo farm lanes and make easy pickoffs. For this method, I recommend slark, qop, or storm.

                                                              Otherwise, just spam troll and outfarm the enemy carries.


                                                                bristle is the troll of 6.84 calling it now, also he absolutely shits on pubs, so does ursa

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  I understand it's very frustrating but you are also doing some dumb shit too. Your teammates could come in this thread and post same complaints about you.

                                                                  Aghs and refresher on qop when they have an omni other team. Orchid and scythe would be a lot better. Looks like you got outplayed mid, but this one's not too terrible considering your team picked bounty and riki.

                                                                  manta on troll? 3.3 cs a min is awful on troll. If you can't find farm on a troll regardless of your support situation you aren't good enough to rise in mmr.

                                                                  sniper I'm more sympathic to than troll but still, treads vs that team? Watch your replay, I'll bet there's tons of mistakes where you could've survived the ganks.

                                                                  Just be better, you'll rank up slowly but surely.

                                                                  I'm prob high

                                                                    1. omni wasn't even a problem that game but bounty and riki keept getting caught out and dying to slardar and wind and i'm pretty sure i killed wind a few times on mid anyway

                                                                    2. manta for jugg ult and if you watch the replay ogre goes to me lane an then just leave to go top for some reason and axe/ storm spirit just creep cut starting at the 2nd wave leading to a 6min blink dagger and i had no cs because i had literally no lane, couldnt farm creeps because sb and axe 6min blink and ogre was taking all the jungle farm

                                                                    3. yea probably right disruptor fed slark a few kills and left lane an wind and slark just kept on diving me with nobody at all tping in to help and with the treads i thought i had enough movement speed with mom and sny but i guess not. i also had no space at all while their lone druid had double midas 15 mins in i think

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                                                                      I'm prob high

                                                                        whenever i play slark i usually suck at him, but il try too practice him sometime ;s


                                                                          @shoobadoobadoo Ursa only stomps pubs up until around 3.6-3.7k. Once you hit the upper 3k bracket, troll players will know how to farm better, and troll will usually beat ursa in a manfight on equal farm.

                                                                          That being said, Ursa can still be a situationally good pick in the 3.7-4.1k bracket. To deal wtih troll's perma-bash as Ursa, you gotta rush abyssal blade, sheepstick, or possibly halberd (depending on the situation/lineup/what items troll bought).

                                                                          They key for winning 2k matches, in my opinion, is to have good map presence with a hero who can get solo kills and escape. I used qop for this, but slark and storm can also work.

                                                                          Megan-nee~ owo ♥

                                                                            Pick Medusa, head out, Phase, Aquila, Bracer, Wand, go for a 25 min Skadi, get rapier and go roshan, end by 37mins.