General Discussion

General DiscussionI seem to not be able to play TA as good as before I need serious help.

I seem to not be able to play TA as good as before I need serious help. in General Discussion

    I climbed from 2k mmr to 3.7k playing mostly TA. Games starting getting harder at 3.6k-3.7k. But I could still win them and do decently. The most recent games I've played as TA I have failed horribly I don't know what it is? Am I playing on tilt, do I need a break? Or maybe its this meta, because back then without troll sniper jugg axe, I did amazing as TA, now with these heroes its really difficult I don't know whats up.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      Troll is pretty much the best hero in Dota right now, why not climb with him until nerf?

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        idk sometimes certain lineups are hard to play against like ur last game
        learn the proper way to block
        adapt your item build every game it isnt phase aquila dagger every game


          Ta is harder this patch.
          The hero just isn't good against bash, or slows.
          I've noticed it too, and my winrate on the hero has been much lower this patch than the previous one.

          Oh and it might also be that you are finally on the MMR where you can't stomp with TA anymore.

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          plz do

            It looks like that ur journey has just begun. its like lord of the rings and frodo just left the shire. now u start to learn and get better.

            also what they said about ta being weak this patch is true. but these things have little influence on normal/high skill games. You will probably be better once u improve generally with map awareness, gpm/xpm efficency, decision making, momentum, teamleadership,... maybe try another hero to become familiar w other positions in order to predict movements of opponents and ur team better. step by step + u will be good.


              I am just a 2k shitlord... but TA being weak this patch just doesn't seem right to me at all... she can get right on top of a sniper with blink and trash him hard in a few right clicks untill skadii, she is a natural deso builder for objective gaming. Troll can be an issue, but that's when you go manta earlier to dispel the blind.

              Can you guys tell me how she's weak :S... I was thinking about playing a load more TA recently.


                She's perfectly fine, just don't pick her if your team has a greedy lineup.


                  Because after 3.7k they start to read skills like refraction, so they counter it



                    plz do

                      ta is very strong until very high skill games - i agree. but sniper shits on ta due to shrapnel killing blink and refraction. sniper wins unless bad.
                      plus a stormspirit or lina or sf just gives u more in late game

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                        I think the problem is the comeback mechanic thing cuz games this patch are 40 - 50 mins long, when TA is rather strong between 10 - 30 mins Due to blink and deso. Also I think troll and sniper mostly out carry her by the 40 mins mark when farmed. lastly she is a hero about perfection and efficency...


                          phase blink deso if u r ahead treads drums manta farm if u are behind

                          take advantage of ancients

                          dont get picked

                          ta is still very strong u were probably just not a very good ta in the first place

                          many of the popular mid heroes atm are very good against ta - u should practice matchups vs sniper storm troll lina and learn how to beat them or at least go even/farm


                            ^ the difference beetwen TA and the other mid is that

                            TA can go to late without losing the dmg or kill, or u kill TA fast or TA kills u

                            the realm's delight

                              ask wagamanga


                                Dunno but I think people favor Desolator on her a way too much.

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                                    Deso is not that good this patch, because then you can't build Skadi


                                      you obviously have no clue how ta works if you think deso is bad


                                        psi blades spill pure damage taking into account armor reduction making deso the most cost-efficient item for increasing your dps/farming,
                                        you can make gimmicky builds like mom with skadi, i tried it once or twice and there are better heroes if you wanna go that build.

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                                          I am bad Ta player, I never said I'm good.

                                          I never said it's bad item, I'm just saying it's not 100% go to item on her at all cost.


                                            actually, it is

                                            CAN'T WIN

                                              skadi on TA ROFLMAO


                                                I'm not sure but one of the reasons I think of losing is because games seem to drag to almost always 40+ minutes then their Troll, Sniper, whatever begins to get stronger then me then we lose, and also all the bashes, and slows from skadi sange and yasha is also very annoying to deal with. But before in 3.6k there was slightly less of troll sniper jugg could still stomp.

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                                                Not Really

                                                  i thought i was the only one playing TA horribly these times . we have the same problem bro.