General Discussion

General DiscussionTimbersaw MMR Grind

Timbersaw MMR Grind in General Discussion
Hide The Pain - Herald

    So as most can see I am a 1 dimensional player and was just wondering would it be possible to grind purely timber at the current meta.

    Been experimenting with the cutcutcut and just calibrated at 4325.

    casual gamer

      it is possible to grind mmr with any hero if you are proficient enough, case in point the guy who got to 6k spamming alch

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        Judging by your winrate id say its a bad idea... but each to their own :)

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            timbersaw thread finally, lmao. i feel useful now.

            yes, it is

            couple of tips about your itembuild (i looked through your recent matches):
            aghs is good but still not a must-have, if you are not rli rich and cant get it by min 22-25, you'd better buy smthng more useful for ur team (pipe, earlier shiva, etc.). aghs is good if you are core.

            try blink sometimes, its good as long as you know how to use your spells properly
            also, you overestimate the power of ghost scepter, its very situational
            moreover, pipe and halebard are very good, while dagon on timbersaw is overrated. since it was nerfed, it is no longer viable to build this item for this hero.

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            casual gamer


              you have my condolences btw, i just had an 80 minute match too T_T


                ^well, we had timbersaw as safelane maincarry against troll and sniper. thats not what this hero is supposed to be :)

                bum farto

                  That was an extremely hard game, the fact that we managed to cause they to sweat so hard an even almost lose shows some of the strengths of Timbersaw. Mostly due to miscommunication about who would carry and YNIT picked pudge we ended up with a rough start but did come back quite nicely for most of the game.

                  Probably should have stashed some necrobooks for when we were able to push.

                  plz do

                    it is triple's db curse

                    bum farto

                      I think the issue of it is comfort of the stack. There are certain people who will go into stack with good players and random or play on certain roles as the weakest player in the stack. The opponents will almost never random with their best players mid or on other cores with the weaker players on less impacting roles.

                      We all played well that game but if say....YNIT had picked a support, and Zeus had picked a carry we would have had a much better game as I was intending on jungling bat but in the end was offlane vs a trilane which was pretty ass for me but I am sure TripleSteal as a extremely good Timbersaw player would have done a lot better.

                      This is why a lot of the DB stacks fail, no pre-defined roles or picks against other 5 stacks who have this already sorted. I think in the two games I played with TripleSteal it really boiled down to initially playing casually against a really tryhard 5 stack in the opposition. Wins will come in time.

                      plz do

                        yeah, sounds very familiar. that is what happens to me in stacks as well - also i tend to fuck around too much when playing w normal/high skill friends and there it got better once i started claiming pos 1 or 2. would be fun to try out a real stack some time.. like where everyone knows his place in the game and does not yolo 75% of game. but at the same time, mb im too much of a loner.

                        Hide The Pain - Herald

                          Yea i start out in the offlane, but pretty much look to be a secondary carry.

                          My builds are usually straight bloodstone - scepter - shivs/guinsoo/travels (easiest farm cutka)

                          Guess i like scepter cause of the potential dmg output, zoning and it basically shreds the supports. I'm an ex bb player and this is my second account so used to all the fk this shiit, go hard or go home dive wreck supports.

                          and your right triplesteal the ghost is really situational, usually get it when we have physical dmg opponents but gotta admit i lean on it alot sometimes even up it to EB to give people who get caught out a small window to escape after spells are used. Dagon yea don get it usually unless team is winning and its basically a stomp.

                          Never tried the halberd but it definitely makes sense. usually forgo that for an abyssal if we are short on disables and the bkbs come out. 7th slot will usually be necrobook on birdy in the trees.

                          Thanks for all the advice folks, appreciate all your valuable experience

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Best part of this game was seeing the chat log and of course the troll player..."Ez"