General Discussion

General DiscussionSilver Edge

Silver Edge in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Since octarine core got its own thread (and rightly so), i think i need to make a thread for this bad boy:

    -> [IMG][/IMG]
    descripion for those who don't know:
    Shadow Blade (2800)
    Sange (2050)
    Recipe 350 Total: 5200

    +32 Damage
    +30 Attack Speed
    +16 Strength
    Lesser Maim
    Shadow Walk: Invis attack now deals 225 damage also applies Break to disable passive abilities, and reduces the target's damage output (all damage types) by 40% for 5 seconds. 24 second cooldown. Attacking to end invisibility cannot miss. Debuff does not pierce Spell Immunity

    Anyone else here think that this item will make slark an insane pain in the ass?

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      Dire Wolf

        Good on slark but who else? I mean it's kinda weird, a sange and shadowblade.

        I think doom's a no brainer. Use this to init over blink, get some stats in the process. But it's quite a gold investment.

        Dragon knight... maybe. Again a huge gold investment and can he afford it over going farm/core items?

        Sven I think no. Again other core items better.

        Tiny?!?! YES sounds amazingly fun. Shadowblade tiny is already great fun. And now alch can give you a freakin aghs so who needs to farm that? haha.

        Alch! Yes! Shadowblade alch already a thing. But you won't be able to farm those aghs if you go this.

        Axe? Doubtful, blink much better.

        Bloodseeker? This might be ok on him. Riki? Kinda good on riki. Drow? Probably not. Viper? YES!

        Hatsune Miku

          everyone forgot about those sb lc meh


            OP active.

            will be nerfed.

            btw, do shadowblade and silver edge share cooldowns? Cause if not that shit is going to suck so bad.

            edit: btw i don't think shadowblade on alch will be as prevalent. As I understand it the stun is now area targetable? You can just throw it away.

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              yeah the active is op, but not as much as the hero under oracle's ultimate, nor the sup with 2k networth, that can survive ~50% of the hero base with just ghost + tp.

              Anyway, the first point about that item, is that it should be heavily nerfed on ranged heroes, is just way too cheap for them to make break + -40% damage

              Edit: didn't test for alchemist stun, but imo it's like sven's or tiny's toss, aoe cursor, but still need a single target.

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              Greygrey the Sailor

                Not really made to be built always on one hero, more to be built against many heroes

                Pa, Faceless void and antimage come to mind
                Wouldnt mind always purging away their passives


                  Core on Slark? Could it possibly replace SnY?


                    test client update #3 as given shadowblade and silver edge shared cooldown.


                      great on TA

                      Im the Bully of my School

                        yea deso done. now silver edge on ta and slark ! . and moon shard on alch and slark and every carry !

                        Im the Bully of my School

                          but most popular items are glimmer cape and moon shard for strenght/agi


                            honestly it can be good on every carry

                            it's really good even just to manfight enemy carries

                            plz do

                              normal skill games will suffer so hard because of this item. nobody uses detection and u can abuse invisibility intensly. and they dont understand item mechanics which reduce fuckin 40% dmg output. holy mofo. its like.. u can only run.
                              oh wait - its shit in vhs cuz its deathball meta. u try to gank one and 4 others roll over ur team as the answer.


                                ez slark ez lyfe
                                idk about these new items, will be extra hot fix patches every day after the release

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Alch stun is like Sven stun now. It just shows you the area it will hit but still you target someone. And the concept of this item is fine, but recipe needs to be at least 1000 for it to be balanced.


                                    @hushhush, dunno the last time you were in normal... but everyone here is so shit scared of invis that you will literally be focused all game with dust and sents (easier now since you can have ward/sent in same slot)... It might make space for other heroes... but playing invis heroes here is ass as all hell... you are literally painting a bullseye on your back.


                                      Great anti-carry item. Silver Edge LC here I come! got a fed PA/Void huh? He's going down in 5 seconds.

                                      plz do

                                        lets play a match together. I pick riki <3

                                        plz do

                                          dude. i wasnt even kidding my party mmr is really low. lets play together .



                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                              Now I dont need vg on Kunkka anymore. Will build this.