General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver aghs + wk aghs = bring hero back from the dead?

Weaver aghs + wk aghs = bring hero back from the dead? in General Discussion

    So if a hero is in wraithform, and weaver targets them with time lapse, does the targeted hero go back to a point where he/she was alive?


      hahaha creative. i guess yes. its not too big of a deal tho. wk scepter ulti is the crucial thing. u get 5 secs to pull off an important teamfight breaking ulti like black hole or troll manfighting the entire enemy team even after death

      Este comentario fue editado

        i dont think agha is gonna be a thing tho.
        weaver hasnt enuff damage without dmg items to be able to waste 5k gold on an item that gives mana/hp and an active spell+cd

        just not enuff momentum for her to get such item, otherwise it'd be good.
        if you play weaver offlane, u cant just build agha first item cuz you will be useless, ur only impact will be utility with ur ult on allies.
        u dont want to be utility hero as weaver, u want to deal dmg.

        he's an assassin/carry

        u can build it as 3rd or 4th item but its same shit, if u have 5k gold, u buy carries items not utility else u lose ur momentum.

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          i wonder what's the point of these aghanims
          all of those sound ridiculous and game breaking but.. they probably won't be bought, will they?


            Well wk aghs makes some sense, since wk is sometimes played as support. But there is no such thing as weaver support, so, as Ampoule Aquatique said, weaver aghs probably won't be a thing. I was just thinking of a creative combo.

            Dire Wolf

              Reminds me of abbadon aghs and sven aghs. Abbadon even plays a support role prefect for building a stat item like aghs and he still hardly builds it and it still has a win rate lower than regular aura items like AC and radiance. Remember how everyone thought sven aghs would be super op? Then we realized having a sven farm an aghs over 80% of a daedulus/ac/heart is stupid and only works on very specific teams when sven is a 3 spot.

              KGBlue Lives Matter

                You could still pull this Combo off with non Aghs Timelapse just on weaver himself.

                Giff me Wingman

                  Weaver aghs will be a thing. Think about it, pugna double ward, double tombstone, double *insert retarded thing here*. That shit will be abused since it's gamebreaking.

                  Weaver doesn't need damage if he can cause shit like that.


                    Nope time lapse doesn't restrore cooldowns or something.


                      Except he can't, he doesn't reset cooldowns. Blunt confirmed 4k? xD

                      Unless you are talking about Morphling Aghanim's (seeing as Morph support is now a thing) to copy his ally Tombstone and shit.


                        Doubtful. The wraith will be a new unit that has only existed for 5 seconds, and thus timelapse will probably kill it instantly.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          rofl, i had morph aghs upgrade in mind when i wrote that. Dafaq, shit happens when you multitask.


                            yung griphook

                              you cant black hole in wraith form its non-ultimate abilities only