General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone here codes on unity for android ?

Anyone here codes on unity for android ? in General Discussion

    im making a game on pc, but i wanna play it on my phone too but i cant find a good way to convert all my hotkeys to 'touch' keys.

    i know i have to make GUi buttons, but i want my game to like "detect" when X button is touched is equal to X key pressed on keyboard, if u kno wat i mean.

    also if someone with ideas for 2D platformers wanna team up, im down.

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      Talk to iWin4Arka this is something he's familiar with.

      Giff me Wingman

        So basicially you are working on a 2D Platform game for PC/Andriod.

        to your issue:

        this should answer everything you want to know.

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          nah that doesnt help me, i already coded everything for pc :/
          i need to convert this shit, i dont wanna do everything over again from start -_-"

          but i guess this is gonna help if i dont find a solution and will be forced to remake my entire shit for Touchpad

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            Not familiar with Unity in particular, however faced a simialar problem elsewhere.

            In LibGDX (Java) it is handles with Rectangles/Regions.
            Just check whether your Input is within those (Screen)regions, if so doWork()

            If anyone needs any advice, I accumulated quiet some gamedev knowledge. Cannot really talk about Unity as I work on other engines

            Edit: I doubt there is anything that lets you straight up convert it to mobile stuff, you would have to find a workaround and change quiet some stuff.

            Thats why I like using LibGDX as whatever I develop I can use for Desktop/iOS/Android/Html and it is very flexible in general

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            Dire Wolf

              what's your game called? you got a demo?


                Nvm figured it out, thx
                took me all nite but np ;pp its working.

                @arka you can convert to any platform from unity, i was talking about code conversion from Input keys to Touch keys but i just had to change some lines and add stuff and its ok now.

                @timber its not called anything yet, im just making stuff up as my ideas comes, i dont rly have any lvldesign plan yet.
                i got a "demo' for android if u want, but there is not rly much to do for an outsider player yet.
                u just walk/jump and blink on stuff atm with a Sonic charachter :p

                i can upload it somewhere if u wanna try it tho.

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                    yeah ofc, unity ftw.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I mean are you guys just making games as an exercise or to actually publish them?


                        I would work any day to develop a game for REV-share


                          its my first game, im kinda learning shit as i go :)
                          but the plan is to gather a maximum of data so i can develop real games in the future

                          Dire Wolf

                            I write software for a living and think it'd always be cool to make some games but then I remember good games have great art, even the simple ones plus I have no good game ideas lol.