General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win with brood?

How to win with brood? in General Discussion
Arek Akashi

    which of these is the best way to win a game as brood

    1) Nuker: dagon - >eb
    2)Pusher : necro , ac , and now deso
    3)Fighter : bkb , basher , etc

    any pro brood?

    Btw, tell me your gameplan ( do u get tier 2 then swap to other lane ? or do you keep a tp to fight ? or do you call all your 5 teamates for a fast tier 3 siege )

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      im not a brood player myself, but from what i see other ppl doing

      midas/soul into orchid or dagon is the most common build. it is followed by smthng like bkb/manta/eb/hex then.
      once you get t2, you go for t3. its senseless to swap lanes when you can harras hg and eventually get rax.


        i dunno. i thought i could play her but i lose way more than i feel i should.

        i'm sure it is me failing with her but my team always go retard when i pick her and somehow manage to lose the other lanes 4v2. when i look up there's usually 2 in the jungle and one walking back to the fountain.

        maybe i underestimate how important being involved globally is for keeping the team from being idiots.

        anyway, my cookiecutter plan is to max webs, win lane (delay spiderlings if got a counter in the lane like axe) and then establish myself across their jungle (with correctly spaced webs you can cover all camps with 4 webs).

        i don't push the towers down too aggressively unless i need to relieve pressure from other lanes. i find it attracts less attention that way and people underestimate how fast brood can farm if left alone for 5-10mins.

        i go qb/sr/phase/midas/bkb then some combination of diffusal,manta,ac,abyssal, mkb.

        i only write all this out because i'd love to know what i should be doing different. despite me blaming the team, i'm the only common denominator....

        last game:


          thats how i play brood

          I go midas orchid necro ac then vlads or manta mostly(no boots)

          My game plan is keep pressure on the lane and let there team never 5 man , ruin there economy by making the sups buy alot of sentries , ruin the map by making them ward there jungle , try ur best not to die

          Last pick brood into lack of aoe , never pick brood against zeus , NEVER

          start with soulring recipe pulled ward tango healing clarity and sentries ( u buy the sentries)

          Ward the pull camp or anywhere u like , if ur radiant dont block the big camp at lvl 4 u start farming it

          If there sups r strong at low lvls (sky cm) u leach exp dont die till lvl 3 , dont use ur sentry , at lvl 3 start spawning broodlings , when u get like 6 u farm with broodlings push the lane place the sentry kill there sentry (try hide ur sentry incase they sentry again they might not see it) and at lvl 4 u can kill the sups , if they play safe , or they can kill u (something like ogre cm sven trilane ) web there woods farm there woods and keep showing urself at lane from time to time , when the sups try rotate kill them fast at there jungle with ur 10 broodlings and urself , 4 4 0 0 by 8 is the besy build sometimes i go 4 3 0 1 if i needed my ulti by 8 , force sups to stay with there carry , cut creep waves when they leave , kill every1 who come to ur lane by 7 , at orchid kill any1 who come to the woods alone or 2 , u can solo kill 2 or kill 1 and run , keep pushing take t2 tower , dont leave the lane , farm the woods push the lane hide let ur broods farm incase someone come u dont risk urself if every1 is missing , keep forcing defence , if a team fight happens take t3 and rax if u can or at least lower there hp , even after rax dont leave the lane , u push top and go to mid woth ur web , or u can go str8 to t4s like my last game i took 2 t4s while the enemy was taking mid and bot rax of ours and i died bought back and we went gg push to ancient my team held there team i ended the game

          Im on my phone and these what i think about till now if u have questions feel free to ask


            1. Dagon e blade is pure shit worst build in pubs and it can`t work well. If worked once with Zai in pro game doesn`t mean it actually work every pub game.

            2. Yes basilus,treads and necro 3 than bkb/ac

            3. Fighter build is without spiderlings the way I play him and usually you play that if they have Axe,Legion Commander or keeper of the Light and shit like that where you can`t use spiderlings in a right way because all of them are counters to it.

            You go poors man shield,basilus than phase boots than Yasha (solo rosh lvl 11 with this build) You can watch some of my brood games to see how


              ^ imo this build is pure shit if i want a fighting hero i would pick something like bristle offlane , brood is ment to pressure the enemy team to force them into defending and pressuring there economy , brood can be a fighter , just like veng , but when i want this type of hero i wouldnt pick eather of them