General Discussion

General Discussioncan i be a 4K? (now 9lvl)

can i be a 4K? (now 9lvl) in General Discussion
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    someone told me that he think i'm on 3.6~3.8K. so, if i try more hard, can i be a 4K in 13lvl first ranked match? or too late to try?


      No you can`t you ll be 3k forever


        It's never too late! >Don't give up!


          It's never too late to try


            yes, you can. try to win as many game as you can by the time you get lvl 13.


              If you win all following 60 games before ranked, then yes, if not - i'm sad to tell you, but you'll probably get 3.5k.

              I'm Fucking Back!

                Even if you get 4k you gonna drop anyways don't even bother trying nab. Dota ain't for you. Fkin loser.


                  Does it matter if ur 3.5k or 4k ? I don't think so. You should focus on improving ur skills instead being fixed on the number. If u improve ur skills u don't need to smurf, u will just win much more games than 50% & climb.


                    I am going to assume your normal skill games are party games. If your solos are high/VHS then you will get 3.6-3.7 as it is now, but you only need, wins > (16+losses) to get 4k. even if you don't get to 4k on calibration it wont be hard to grind your way up assuming you can improve your skill a little bit.


                      Let's see if we can determine it from dotabuff data.

                      Based on your scenarios data... you are 10-10 in Very High, 17-20 in High and 19-18 in Normal. Based on your first few games it appears that you initially started into the High Bracket via the anti-smurf boost for high KDAs. I would guess that your Very High games are most likely party que with a Very High player.

                      Your KDAs for the Very High games average 1.63 compared to 2.01 for High, and 2.59 for Normal. This suggests that while you were able to win party games in Very High, you probably will consistently lose more games than win in Very High if you solo. In fact I suspect that you will struggle to win more games than you lose in High bracket as well.

                      Overall you may have lost about 50 MMR points since you started. I suspect you are currently around 3.2k MMR and would require wining a net 32 games to reach 4k MMR.

                      I could be wrong, dotabuff does not tell me what games are party que or solo que so I just have to guess at it.

                      To make that much improvement will require a lot of practice and fundamentally changing how you play and think about the game. But it may be possible.

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        What would you do if you get a 4k mmr account? You stop playing ranked match? If you don't stop, I think eventually you will be wherever you deserve, so stop worrying about initial mmr too much, just play the game and try to improve your skill.

                        Regard the matter of your account, I think it's currently about 3k-3k2. Your KDA is not that high, so is your GPM and XPM. If you must be calibrated at 4k, I think you should make another account, try your best to avoid being dead and farm more. Get KDA-GPM-XPM about 5-3-7-420-500. Then win 9 out of 10 TBD. But as I say, doing so is just not as fun as learning to improve your real play.