General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrating your smurf during the first games - Won games vs Lost games

Calibrating your smurf during the first games - Won games vs Lost games in General Discussion

    Hi everyone,

    To the best of my knowledge there is not a generally accepted theroy on how the calibration for smurfs looks like during the first games. Calibrating the smurf into the hidden MMR that is.

    Different people seem to have different opinions on how many games is needed to finish this hidden MMR calibration.
    Some even claim that it depends on what MMR you have on your other accounts.

    I have heard people saying that as little as 2-3 games as well as up to 20 games are needed to finish this calibration.

    From my own experience, it seem to be around 10 or more games.

    This would ofcourse be very interesting to know more about, but I write this mainly as a bakground to my REAL question for you.

    During this calibration period that I describe above, does the lost games and won games have equal impact on the calibration result?

    1. Can they, for example, be weighted so that won games have a 60% impact while lost games have an 40% impact?
    2. Can, for example, the KDA, hero damage, tower damage, etc. have different impact depending on if one did lose or win the game? To me it seems logically that a KDA on 10-10-10 during a lost game would be more worth then the same KDA during a won game. Which in turn should have a higher postive impact in your hidden MMR.

    What are your thoughts around this?
    What do you actually know about this?


      you are a clasic fucktard


        is your own deductive reasoning too weak bro?

        it doesnt matter if you win or lose.
        if you lose in normal skill first game and you go 30 - 8 - 24 while everyone has bad scores, you will most likely be placed in high skill next game, maybe very high.

        analogically if you win a game with 0 13 9 in normal skill, chances are that you will still stay normal skill the next game.
        and by 0 13 i mean general stats too (gpm,xpm,hd,td).


          Shakira Shakira

          I am speachless.


            road to atos (7k mmr)

            I apoligize for my incapacity. But I cant tell If you actually provided any new information or knowledge that I allready had included in my post.

            Please do elaborate and try to be a bit more clear so even I can understand what you mean. Please my dear friend.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              your second game and your already high or vh skill. I think volvo already detected your a smurf. So you will already belong in 4-5k already. Already 44% winrate.. time for a new smurf ;)


                well in my post i answered exactly to your 1. and 2. questions at the end of the post.


                  Yeah as I said many times. The low win rate is for example due to being afk during ARLP games.

                  I learned much on this account and I am using it on the new smurfs to get over 5 k soon. I show you when I am done.

                  This is now just a trash account I use during the evenings when the stacks ruin the games anyway.


                    Y atos, as you can see I did use some effort to make my self clear in my first post. I wish u would do the same because I dont understand

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      If yer a 5k player.. Every smurf you make now it rated at 5k unless you fook up.


                        Sry, didnt understand.


                          Just one question - do you lack friends? You open so many pointless, stupid threads that it makes me think that you are an attention w****.


                            No, I spend so much time on FB with my friends so I have only had time for 2 Dota games this weekend.

                            Epic fail imo since I planned to play like 20 games.

                            "You open so many pointless..."

                            Well, I disagree

                            Yeah call me an attention whorè if you want. I am just trying to have fun. And I dont care if you like it or not.


                              But I do get a fascinating amount of pointless replies. Like yours for example. Totally pointless and evil.

                              It is very sad. It says so much about humanity.

                              casual gamer

                                you make all these new accounts

                                it just ruins 5 newbies' games so you can enjoy crushing them to nothing and making them want to quit

                                It is very sad. It says so much about humanity


                                  No you are wrong. Most people are smurfs actually. Often all 10 are smurfs

                                  And I only need 1-2 games to get into high skill.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    how retarded do you have to be to have a smurf in high skill


                                      Hmm I do not get your point. But since I allready answered that and most other questions I just dont care.

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                                          So, anyone came up with any new insights yet?