General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does the new ursa work

How does the new ursa work in General Discussion

    Since it is a fury swipes multiplier, 30 damage on the first attack, 60 damage on the second attack, 90 etc,... if its multiplied by 3 then its 90 damage on the first attack, 180 on the second attack, then 360 on the third attack? So it's better to get ur stacks up before ulting?


      if u jump someone with 6 attacks and enrage he will most likely die


        Ya combined with over power your stacks will get high enough anyways don't have to worry about saving it plus whenever possible you are preloading your over power anyways. His ult is pretty fun I had 20% last night necro ultra me I popped ult shrugged it off like a beast n killed him I even got ganked a few times popped ult and bkb and killed enemy carry one vs 5 before dying , one for one while getting ganked is nice.