General Discussion

General DiscussionRushing diffusal blade level 2 with Riki in 6.84 - is it legit?

Rushing diffusal blade level 2 with Riki in 6.84 - is it legit? in General Discussion

    The Diffusal Blade has an agillity*100 to cost ratio like this:


    The Diffusal Blade after uppgrade has this ratio


    It is obvious that you get much more agillity (=backstab damage) for the gold you invest in the Diffusal Blade after the upgrade.

    My questions are these:

    Q1. During which situations could it be good to uppgrade to level 2 as fast as possible even if you have charges left on the Diffusal Blade?

    In theory, having a higher total agillity/"invested gold" could increase your snowball potential which could be an advantage good enough in order to waste the first remaining charges in the Diffusal Blade when you upgrade it.

    Q2. How many charges should you use before upgrading to level 2?

    Ofcourse, It is easy to use 16 charges from the Diffusal Blade during an ordinary game. 16 charges and more are needed, basically. Which is an argument against rushing level 2. On the other hand, the snowball potential might still make it usefull since you might get enough gold in return from this choice in order to by a second Diffusal Blade when the charges are empty on the first upgraded blade. Not even mentiong the space creation and gold+experience advantage this decision could result in. Which ofcourse should be accounted for, but it is hard.

    The level two Diffusal Blade also drain more man during hits. 130 instead of 78. It also give you 0.4 mana reg. instead of 0.24.

    Q3. During which circumstances could this mana reg. difference (+0.16) have any impact?

    Pom Pom 🍕

      If you get a basher later you won't need the charges as much. So depends how much you value getting an earlier basher to disable people you smoke when you're out of diffusal charges. Diffusal blade charges are also great defensively though, especially when you're an invis hero weak to dust of appearance. Purging dust can often save your life, and it's a lot more common than sentries since often cores might buy it to gank you.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        you probably want to grab treads next. And if you're not tanky enough, S&Y. If you want moar right click just get mom.


          Basically you pay 700 gold for 15 agility, which is awesome. But if your team really lacks disables maybe you might want to wait for charge efficiency.


            welcome back to high skill


              Seems a shame to waste them.

              If you are desperate to upgrade, why not use them more frequently?

              If you decide you want more charges after diff 2 is empty that's 2k gold you've pretty much lost and it seems unlikely the extra 15 agility will have early that.

              After hanging and purging dusts I don't really know how you still have charges to worry about tbh!


                1. I almost spam purge charges
                2. I use I always build manta and use it to get ride of dust to save current purge charges
                3. I basically never get basher
                4. I usually get diffusal blade befor basic boots
                5. I never get sange
                6. I usually upgrade the basic boots to boots of travel sometime after getting manta


                  I usually get eye of skadi in the end instead of getting a second diffu lvl 1

                  Have tried rod of atos but skadi seems better



                    the almost dubble mana burn is probably significant also


                      So, is it Riki that is uninteresting or is it the Diffusal Blade choice that is uninteresting?

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        the manaburn is actually the same both on db1 and db2. They changed that two patches ago I think?


                          Diffusal is uninteresting

                            Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                            casual gamer

                              treads sny skadi master race

                              diffusal is better against players who dont build bkb and force staff i guess, id also get it against an antimage 100%

                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                well euls is still a common and fantastic item
                                ghost got buffed for supports too
                                diffusal feels like a godsend for a support rapist like riki

                                casual gamer

                                  ya but ur so squishy and u cant chase people who have bkb

                                  idk its obviously still a fantastic item


                                    You can chase them with the blink strike or what the ultimate is called. It is often enough even if you have to use all of the charges on the ultimate vs someone who poped bkb.


                                      I have never had any significant problems with people that are getting force staff vs riki.


                                        its not worth it, if you buy diffusal on riki, its mainly for the purge, not for the dmg. and if u need the charges, then you dont rush diff2~~
                                        else you go sy/basher whatever.

                                        " 4. I usually get diffusal blade befor basic boots"
                                        thats just, nc.. u lose ur entire roaming/kill potential, its basically killing the entire hero's main purpose to not going boots on him, hes alrdy fuckin slow even with boots.
                                        You are a chaser. if you rush diffu like a mongol in my game, you will stay with 200 networth ur entire life.
                                        its like a cosmic law to always get pt first on riki -_-

                                        Este comentario fue editado


                                          That really dont make sense. Without any significant dmaage or agi you dont have any use of the purge anyway.

                                          "u lose ur entire roaming/kill potential, its basically killing the entire hero's main purpose to not going boots on him"

                                          You couldnt possibly be more wrong...

                                          "You are a chaser. if you rush diffu like a mongol in my game, you will stay with 200 networth ur entire life.
                                          its like a cosmic law to always get pt first on riki -_-"

                                          Just watch one of my games and you will see how wrong you are.