General Discussion

General DiscussionShitty Gyro

Shitty Gyro in General Discussion

    Every fucking game Gyro.

    Fucking Q deals 690 magical damage, missile deals 500... come on...


      Buy blade mail, dead Gyro ^_^


        Well, not if you have less hp then he has :D

        kvasius # KSVM

          Gyro with Octarine is the one of the most annoying (and maybe OP) heroes atm.


            If by shitty Gyro you mean he fucking sucked in the last few games I can remember that had him in it, then yes.


            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              get stuns, I really haven't seen him in games as much as I used too.

              kvasius # KSVM

                Because everyone is looking at buffed heroes or heroes with new Aghs. But, actually Gyro is really buffed by new items. He became more versatile, maybe. With some items he can be nuker/semi-support now. Also, Silver Edge is rlly stronk on him.