General Discussion

General Discussion4K Bracket is the worst thing in this world

4K Bracket is the worst thing in this world in General Discussion

    Hopefully I gonna get to 5.5k soon on party cuz this shit awakens the demon inside me.


      @high five
      high four


        @high four
        are u high?


          Well i am smurfing now. Last game i picked an alch went carry on safe lane but my lich decided, hey i want to go offlane because i marked there first. So we lost :D. I assume i am walking in the edges of 4k atm not quite sure though. It says very high skill but we all know very high skill stars around 3800 or something. I dont get this game. One game i get people so good, they even body block people for their carry to last hit. Some games i get brain dead zombies like that lich last game? How does this game work??


            4k is pretty much the most inconsistent place of all mmr. Either they play like 3k's or like 5k's. It almost seems like there is no middle ground.


              I quite agree with that, either you get really descent people or fuckin trashes who deserve 3k. Well, 4k is the middle zone where either people get to that 5k or drop, you either improve there or drop to even worse trenches.

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                    ^^agree. 3k's just want to feed

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                    CAN'T WIN

                      4k is love!!!
                      SHUT THE FUCK UP IF U DONT KNOW WHAT 3K IS!!


                        I'M 3K TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        I'm just too lucky that people carry me all the way to nearly 4k. Hate it. Tears...


                          "no woman no win" give that guy a medal for the name


                            ^ Haha, he is my turk friend who loses me 2/4 games.

                            Last picking is 4 pussies


                              Weekend Dota........

                              Guy sits on slark and team doesn't pick until 1 second so I pick kotl cause I like it and goes good with slark against their first pick WR if offlane. Retard doesn't pick slark and goes AM.....all compounded by retards everywhere.

                              Love this game on weekend.

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                                  ^ Lmao, just watch the fucking stats of the game. Don't even try to tell me that stuff, they're just retarded.


                                    are u going to play tmrrw?

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      @ Kitrak' not everyone got a chance to abuse void and tinker over and over in whatever patch that was to calibrate ;)

                                      Plus you never explained yet for one what you would do differently in this game


                                      you know the one where you last picked yourself a carry and with 20 minutes space had items you could get as offlane sven.

                                      Bottom line you cannot will your team to winning in 3500-4500 as support its just very very unlikely.

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                                        Last picking is 4 pussies


                                          Here Kitrak tell me how you would win this one?

                                          Oh look making blanket untrue statements again yet avoiding the obvious point bleak things I throw at you.

                                          Plz just stop talking you know your not even a legit 5k player hell you don't even win there unless on str morph or slark.

                                          GOt there on 2 heroes stay there on 2 heroes.

                                          I actually read the rest of your post putting words in my mouth? When did I flame universe?? I said you pick one of the best offlaners in a world a support and he played very unpassionate I think at a certain point he realized him and QOP couldn't carry you (the carry)

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                                          casual gamer

                                            but you couldve won several others if you werent so bad

                                            like this one

                                            oh, and this one

                                            not to mention this one (you lost with megas rofl)

                                            so then the 1 almost certain loss (which you couldve won if you played 100% perfectly with a different hero) wouldve been offset by +75

                                            but you dont think of that because ur stupid

                                            and ur stupidity combined with ur goddamn awful attitude results in 3k mmr

                                              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                JDF8 the one you link we lost with megas u realize we did al that 4v5 yes? Side note your most played is sniper congrats you must be talented ;)

                                                Oh wait I get it JDF8 play the meta heroes collect mmr talk trash on dotabuff like your versatile.


                                                Kitrak' I don't think Im better than you I think ur overrated and if you were 3k you wouldn't get to 5k no doubt if you tried it would be from mid only heroes or slark.

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                                                casual gamer

                                                  rofl dude 90% of my sniper matches were back when he was complete shit, back before ranked was out

                                                  look at the fucking timeline

                                                  yeah im a real scum for abusing op meta heroes like 6.83 gyro, antimage and ember

                                                  oh wait

                                                  you play EARTH SPIRIT

                                                  the MOST OVERPOWERED HERO IN THE ENTIRE GAME

                                                  and you lose

                                                  to FUCKING 3KS




                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      I lose as earth spirit? sure got me that's 58% lifetime with 62% 6.83c when you were rocking sniper and every other right clicker only minus your 4th highest played was oracle cute.


                                                      Seriously sort that by matches played and then look in the mirror.

                                                      Oh and I love people like you here is your earth spirit stats...

                                                      2 games played, 0 wins, .89 kda. Sweet job bro. 3 kills 18 deaths 13 assists so OP and easy that you cannot do it.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        you do realize that as i play primarily carries almost EVERY hero in my top 10 is basically a right clicker

                                                        but you cant get to my mmr playing carries, you cant get to my mmr playing anything (even fucking earth spirit)

                                                        ya i randomed earth spirit once and picked him once when he came out, im sure if i played him 10 times in bot games i could crush ur bracket with 90% winrate

                                                        only problem is that i cant get down that far after almost 3000 games because im not a fucking idiot

                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                          Tell you what I call your bs on your third sentence.

                                                          Side note if I was like you and milked carries I probably would do much better but tell me again about how you could win 90% on earth spirit in any bracket cause you and I both know that's bs.

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                                                                rofl this 3k earth spammer needs to just cool it for real
                                                                see u flaming in every thread lately
                                                                ur not good

                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                  Jump on the bandwagon kitrak.


                                                                  Once again tell me how you didn't spam void and tinker to calibrate high when they were on top of the meta cause that's always my favorite thing you cant just admit.

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                    In no way at any point have I ever said anything about my talent level or matched it with the words good yes?

                                                                    By all means please post a quote to prove other wise.

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      just cool it u spam every thread and its annoying


                                                                        Everyone has games in which their teammates play worse than them, or one particular player throws. Please stop making threads "___k bracket is the worse" or “why couldn't I carry this game?" etc, etc.

                                                                          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                            Your full of it you do have to spam and you already did to calibrate even though you claimed you didn't. Match history don't lie.

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                                                                              yung griphook

                                                                                2k represent

                                                                                CAN'T WIN

                                                                                  3k is the worst thing on dota, i was on 1k, 2k, 3k and 4k.

                                                                                  3k: shittiest palce ever.

                                                                                  2k: shit, but people dont flame so much, there a lot of quiet players.

                                                                                  1k: i just played 1 or two games so i dont remember how it was, but the skills=0

                                                                                  4k: best place by now.