General Discussion

General Discussioni5 Problem

i5 Problem in General Discussion

    render quality lol i cant play at 85% ... feels blury in comparison with 100%


      You should be able to run dota 2 with 4k-ULTRAHD and still get 120 fps. it]s not settings. its hardware, software or heat that is problem. Your dota is probably not running with your grahpics card active. btw a i5 can run dota fine over 50 fps not even using your GPU.


        ^ Lol, in an ideal world maybe, in real world nope. I'm happy with stable 75-80 fps in teamfights.

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          Look at me, Hector.

            who ever sold you this pc scammed you and if you built it yourself, you should've asked people and been more communicative about it

            Look at me, Hector.

              i hope ur motherboard consist of japanese capacitors and get rid of your wd blue storage, replace it with SSD or wd black


                Yes please, listen to her. :D

                Look at me, Hector.

                  if ur being a sexist because im a female and imply i don't have any knowledge about computers then i can actually get you sued, you know that right?


                    I know, yes. You're right. Sorry.


                      I have to be honest, the motherboard is the backbone of all your components. Never, NEVER cheap out on a motherboard.

                      Bad Intentions

                        the female player has a distracting avatar..


                          ^^ I know the mobo is the backbone of my components but this was all I could get in the budget I had. When the time will come I will replace it and the gpu with new ones, I think the cpu is gonna be good enough for 4-5 years.

                          Hex Sigma

                            How can a mobo affect fps though? I never heard of that till now...


                              ^ It doesn't, he was just stating the obvious. I know the mobo is not great but so far it does it's job.


                                Pft there is NO WAY a motherboard is going to affect fps that dramatically. Random FPS drops usually point to voltage issues (IE not enough), possibly bad or going memory(which happens), too high of an overclock, or the PSU is pushed to the limit. I have an AMD card and sometimes their drivers are also to blame. Could be a lot of things.

                                Secondly, your HDD/SSD whatever will never affect FPS. EVER. Unless you dont have the RAM/VRAM and your on to the pagefile.



                                  That guy is right.

                                  Mobo is cheap because he's using Intel without unlocked multi. No need for high-end Mobo with I5-4460. It's waste of money.

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