General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do weaver?

How do weaver? in General Discussion

    I had a freeze once everyone loaded causing me to get a random hero and I got weaver and as you can imagine an inexperienced player with a hero he has never played before doesn't do well at first (and thus I ended with a negative K:D) but after I figured out what I was doing I had a lot of fun between time lapsing to full HP for a kill and using my q and a deso to reduce enemies armor.

    I ended up going wherever their axe showed up and melting his armor so someone else could kill him (our legion had like 300 bonus damage from this at the end)

    My question to you more expirenced people would be how exactly should I play weaver?what kind of item builds work?

    In the end I had a lot of fun on the hero and would like to learn some and play it more


      heres the game in particular

      and bump

      edit: on a side note i could swear that point booster was an aggs

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        build treads and linkens into daedalus/mkb/deso/whatever damage

        farming is important on this hero


          My deso build is ussually something like battlefury and phase boots, and themn max the bugs first and it works really well


            I think rushing linken is retarded. You should go tread aquila deso bkb. Also participate in team fight and ganks. You are so slippery you shouldnt die. Afk farming liken will make you useless for the first 15 min then after that you are still useless in fights because your early shukuchi dmg is gone and linken doesnt help you kill.


              linken's is retarded, but deso rush is not good. You need mana regen
              I think the best build is something like lifesteal -> Solar Crest -> deso -> vlad (disassemble aquila)
              or casual ring of health instead of lifesteal
              Solar Crest is so good on this hero, -10 armor 30% miss and all the mana you need


                Aquila and bottle is more than enough mana, or if you think you will build a linken later stop at the voidstone but i still think its bad. Medallion seems legit, i must try that.


                  phase, aquila (eventually 1 or 2 additional wraith band), rush bkb.

                  then do 1-2 BIG damage item. then do w/e is needed.

                  Quick maffs

                    I mean, what do you do with a bkb and aquila with weaver ? I mean i bet there are supports who hit harder than you with those items.


                      I wish we had a search system, I made a thread asking for Weaver advise and some players (Androgynous in particular if I remember correctly) put some nicely detailed stuff to do with the hero.

                      Let me try to search for it via Google and I'll post if I can find it.


                        Ok, it wasn't as hard as I thought.


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                            I dont understand why you would get phase over tread, he already has good initial dmg like void and i think attack speed would let him squeeze more geminate procs no? Also alot of the time i see pros delay boots until a few small items because spamming shukuchi gives you haste speed anyways.

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                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Diffusal blade can sometimes be a nice early game pickup as well if you're against silence heroes like es, drow, sky, silencer. It's not as strong as bkb, but at least gives you some cheap damage (and a little more mana is useful too).

                                @Solaire, geminate doesn't proc like bash and crit. It shoots whenever it is off cooldown (which is what scales by level too). To make the most of geminate you need high damage (or crit), not attack speed.

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                                Quick maffs

                                  I am gonna try phase drums, i love those items anyway

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Germinate's on a cooldown so more attack speed won't get you any more procs, but dmg will make it hit harder. going phase makes it hit harder and then you phase, sukuchi, phase sukuchi so you are always hasted.


                                      I will try phase and medalion!


                                        "attack speed would let him squeeze more geminate procs no?"
                                        geminate procs are dependent on cooldown, not your attack speed. if anything the faster you attack, the lower the relative dps increase that 1 extra attack every 3 seconds gives.

                                        anyway phase are good on weaver because even when you don't consider the movement speed boost which is kind of wasted on weaver, phase got cheaper just the damage alone is worth the cost. phase are just a really strong laning item on almost any hero that's made even stronger when you have geminate attack.

                                        anyway max your shukuchi. your skill build was awful because it didn't focus on any particular ability but levelled each ability evenly which is not what you want to do. at least by maxing one skill you've got one thing that your hero excels at. but not having shukuchi maxed until level 13 is a really big deal, because you only have 2 seconds where it's off cooldown when it's maxed, which is really strong in the early game for multiple reasons - chasing, escaping and dodging shit.

                                        aquila and treads for stats in the early game. wand optional, I prefer just keeping stick as it's cheaper. early damage items include desolator, maelstrom and diffusal blade and they'll also help you farm, while later on you want a survivability item like skadi, heart, bkb or even manta style and then more damage, which is either daedelus, butterfly, mkb or abyssal blade.

                                        linkens is situational and avoid getting it as a first item as your damage is going to be crap early on, when you could get a damage item and just have good positioning to avoid damage, plus an early damage item will help you farm faster. for example a maelstrom first into linkens is going to be faster than linkens first, then getting maelstrom.

                                        and don't get aghs if you're a carry. if you're somehow not carrying or you've found a way to run weaver as a support, then aghs is good for using it on your allies. not so much yourself because it becomes a double-tap spell rather than single tap, which can cause you deaths.

                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                          if ur one of those who skill stats/geminate over swarm, then ur playing him wrong

                                          and max ur invis


                                            By the way, weaver 1.8 base attack time.

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                                                Thanks for all the help so far guys

                                                As for my skill build I had no clue what I was doing :P so I just kinda leveled...... Stuff xD

                                                Anyway if likens is situational what kind of situation should I look for?a lot of single target Ilya like lion and Lina?late game where they have a lot of disables?(such as sheep stick?)