General Discussion

General Discussionwinning vs megas?

winning vs megas? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    you guys ever win after defending ancient from megas for 5+ minutes?


      I won a game once +60 min and all 12 raxes had benn destroyed. I had like two Divine and it was like 3v3 or 2v2 in Dota1

      Pom Pom 🍕

        Only with a sniper on my team.


          lots of games, too many too list actually


            I won a game vs 64 raxes


              as 6-slotted spectre with divine, yes

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                  If my teammate hadn't been a moron and just watch the creeps destroy the ancient we would have won (my longest game lost because of an idiot)


                    I think i did it about 10 times. Its not that rare tbh. It happens mostly when the enemy team gets mega then instead of waiting for bb gold or just playing it safe they rush in and dies at lvl 23-25 with a huge death timer then we get alot of time to push back and throne while 1-2 supports stays and def the top and bot lane. Or sometimes the enemy team gets cocky and die at our throne them buyback and travel right back when we are all up waiting for them.

                    Oh yeah and tiny aghs, lol.

                    Dire Wolf

                      yeah it's happened, rare though cus usually if they are strong enough to get megas they're strong enough to kill your base without wiping. A ton more games are 1 rax comebacks.


                        Done it on gyro, medusa, techies and jug too i think

                        Arek Akashi

                          pretty easy with Imba Spirit


                            I've done it before , the more memorable time tho was a loss Cuz it lasted two hours since our carry got butt hurt and stayed in fountain after we Mega , n we couldn't kill throne vs dusa and void without our carry , was such an aggravating game I think if that ever happens again ima just farm instead of constantly trying to rat vs a dusa. Was most aggravating longest game I ever played. I don't remember how I won vs Mega exactly I just know we team wiped them twice at our throne then surged mid to throne then after second time.


                              i dont think ive won vs megas except when we've wiped them straight after then gone throne. ive lost vs a naga when we had megas for like ten minutes though :S


                                no win but we can win super defends! :D


                                  I'd say i've ~10-15% win against megas, usually they were finishing the game with 2 rax (or 3 rax but mega never came to the base)

                                  My most memorable game against mega, i had pl. I send a spirit lance illlusion top, and the illusion it created pushed the lane and took all tower + a set of rax :)