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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet
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    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Nice damage and farm, but SF was too big, 43k networth. Other than Mag and you, lots of deaths.

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        @gg long ass game WON wp but overall team dmg quite low in 1hr Mirana did really well MVP and luckily u get ur fav hero in Random draft


          @ Crayon:Awis

          I think that if you went different itembuild on Tusk you would have better chance at winning that match.

          Why Raptor didnt went Meka, for example. I find your HD really poor, but seems like you were in a lot of assists.

          Bad Intentions

            Yo shred, monster KDA performance mannn :D im a KDA guy so i appreciate dat game impact :] looks like ur at home in 4k mann, get back in here mann :D


              I had a hard time understanding your build. Were you offlane?

              Also since you're a KDA guy, you've got good KDA there.

              Maybe a blink would've done much more than SB but your TA was wrecking everyone else so it didn't matter i guess.

              Very old school if you had built pipe.

              Can't tell who was mid on the enemy side? Tinker? Think he was pretty much failing with that bloodstone build of his too.



                Great build, looks like you were owning hard, so i understand double daedalus, kinda a roller coaster game, so i ld have considered instead of a second daedalus a bkb, although u had the manta and linkens already, with 1hour game, a 10s bkb would give u the gg, cuz ur team had a good phys dmg with u and daedalus wr, besides that the other team wasnt very tanky.

                Im a noob so might not be a good advice :)


                  nice, good viper play, owned mid as expected apparently. smart itemization, pretty much won by better picks


                    1. That hero bio name thing got patched so change it 2. Looks like you guys had a really good Oracle and Slark got out carried hard by Jugg. From the looks of it your Slark just got out farmed and couldnt consistently get kills. Nice item build on WR; the BKB was a necessary pickup and I am assuming you would have gone damage next if you guys were doing better. I noticed you only had 400 tower damage which is puzzling but im sure it was hard to push against them.

                    Player 124137522

                      My nigga going with that badman/slahser build spectre. That's what I've been doing lately, everybody's on the bandwagon I see. Good shit nothing to say he, pretty much identical to what I've been playing the past few matches rofl.


                        Kicking ass with Spectre, the old fashioned way. Nice hero damage, but that Phoenix must've landed some epic ultimates to have that much. Looks like you guys almost tilted towards the end. Glad you didn't

                        Pale Mannie

                          What a huge stomp with such an unorthodox build as Jug
                          well fucking played im out
                          enemy PA deserved it

                          Tablut Master

                            Looks like you and your team had an overall great game. Good early-mid game items.

                            Bad Intentions

                              Naise 20-20 game :] very guud game impact man, decent item pickups, standard, key player in your teams win. Only con is prob the normal skill game but still gud peformance.


                                Carried the game pretty hard. Where was your team? You have more than double Hero Damage than anyone in the game, haha

                                Edit: One second too late. Darn.

                                @BadIntentions You've had a decent game. Why vlads over Dominator, though? I imagine the aura, right?

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                                i stroke my shit to nugge...

                                  Best kda on your team with alright last hits, but jugg didn't go mkb for you and you (or AM?!) had no bkb vs invoker silencer? I have no idea how you ended up winning like that tbh, but well done nonetheless.

                                  bog water

                                    Wow dude, you literally fucking destroyed those kids. Also, that's some sick gpm (this is coming from trash tier mmr guy) Also, I would consider picking up a moonshard (unless you picked it up and used it) since you were owning them so hard. Maybe not very insightful, but I hope this made you feel like a good player.

                                      Este comentario ha sido borrado

                                        You farmed heroes instead of creeps, but regardless of that, I'm pretty sure you had plenty of time ti maximize your FARM.

                                        For almost 60 min game 250 LH as SF is really bad and there is no excuse to get at least 350, even in 1k mmr.

                                        Also, it'll get in your head and you'll start trying to chase heroes when U get higher and it'll be bad habbit, because sometimes you need to farm as SF, and also you need to stack jungle camps.

                                        So try to get more farm, stack and I would sugest try to get as many denies as you can.

                                        Last thing, focus more on splitpush and tower-destrucion, in 1.3k it's piss easy.

                                        I'm not great player myself, but if you want to check how you're supposed to play in 1k mmr SF, I'd like to share one game with you, where I played on account of one dotabuff poster.


                                        It'll help you learn few things I think, but don't take everything too serious because after some point I went full retard.

                                        Rektdalf the White

                                          Your team was ahead greatly for about 90% of the game, you have decent farm, albeit i consider refresher on slark as somewhat gimmicky item, I believe abyssal stun on tinker or OD would make difference: from the duration of the game - 69 min it seems that you were unable to breach the hg even though you have storm, pudge and clock on your team. I think that if you itemized better you could have ended it faster. Still pretty good job and it surely was entertaining game.

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                                            invoker wasnt the pick here. smart going for qw at least, orchid was a bad choice, euls would have been better



                                              Great play as ta, what a nice gpm and xpm u got, rekt mid, i believe drow gave u the aura at 1st lvl, so a lil help there, i believe ur team owned due to draft issues from the other side, while ur team had much more synergy. You went all glass canon, no need for a bkb cuz u had the dazzle, and the other team had no time to react to ur melting tower and lycan.

                                              Pretty solid game man, gratz on ur ta, wish i felt confortable with that hero like u hahah


                                                haha thanks man, i made a pretty indepth guide for TA if you're interested:

                                                on your match, looks like you guys had issues closing the game out, thrice. then came late game and they just had more carries eh

                                                lm ao

                                                  thats what you get for not pushing as early as possible nils

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    Typical TA, stomp mid, get blink and deso quickly then snowballing to the end of the game be4 AM can do any shit.

                                                    Anyway they don't have a mid hero so it's ez for you.

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                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      Nice comeback, you died a lot as well as your team, but you made some good trades, actually ended up pushing and winning. Nice hero and tower damage but I am surprised at the really low number of last hits for a game that long, it seems you got most of your farm killing people.


                                                        LC Spammer stomping normal skill match; Jungle LC I presume, you purchased an Iron Talon. Jungle LC isn't very useful during the laning stage and if you were against smart opponents they would have abused that but I suppose in normal skill anything goes. 7:13 minute blink dagger which is okay.


                                                          All I had to see was a filthy Slark picker put in his place as a bottom bitch of the game and I was satisfied. 10/10, best Necrophos NA. Is Shivas really better to get though over a burst combo like Dagon + Aghs tho for instant execute?

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            Pick-wise both teams had no real lategame hero. Your build is just the total gimmick of max range + max slow. Should've bought Shivas or you were about to buy it. It's actually the only good build i know. You and your team tried really hard but at the end the 3 Desolators paid off and ended the agony of permanent defense.


                                                              @goethe, comment on his guys, not me

                                                              To be honest, Shivas wouldn't have helped me, they were mostly spamming magic, my team was doing poorly even before the Desolators came out, literally only me and Pudge got anything, but unfortunately 2v5 ain't a thing when they got like 3 stuns, 5 if you count the two Bashers and plenty of AoE to easily win the fight. I personally think the matchup between my team as far as Sky, Lich and Bristle was concerned against the enemy's lineup was just bad.


                                                                @goethe Impressive batrider plays. Normal skill match but oh well. this was a typical stomp so not much to comment

                                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                  cool. I always found earth spirit interesting and you play a whole lot of the hero.

                                                                  the hero damage and networth tell me you provided lots of space for your carries to further stretch the lead they already have, which I also suppose you gave to them as well. Might check the match replay sometime to learn earth spirit.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    You weren't the central figure in the game, you went with a -armor alchemist build which is good since it helps your teammates do a whole lot more damage, so their hd is kinda inflated compared to yours. Seems like the game's had its ups and downs but NP did a ton of tower damage and eventually they could no longer defend.


                                                                      You stomped the game, snowballing out of control with duel damage and ending with an impressive Kd


                                                                        Buy Quelling Blade but never use it, why? At least cut the tree for pulling hard camp. The rest seems okay, scary pusher that focus on objectives, love it. Maybe help team better? And try to die less


                                                                          Nice last hits! and two rapiers? wow. Good job, your only real opposition in the late game was a drow and you had 3 times her last hits and didn't feed anywhere near as much as her.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            Pretty bad hero damage for a venomancer, you didn't farm enough even as a pos 5 support and you died a lot. Their WR seems to have been completely useless, and pudge overfed, which made space for AM to farm. Well, dang.


                                                                              your shitty sf lost mid hard against the od, who proceeded to snowball and wipe the floor with your team
                                                                              you couldn't do much about it yourself because you didn't have enough farm


                                                                                duno all looks good :)


                                                                                  Void didn't use his chrono when it was off cd, you had no gank potential other than Pudge who missed a lot of hooks I bet and was a general burden. Weaver did a lot of work early game, but they had the better teamfight composition and rapira sealed the deal.


                                                                                    how do u know he missed hooks? he did miss like every single one lol...did u actually watch replay ? and you right about void....he didnt chrono shit for my ulti

                                                                                    sorry for off topic,

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                                                                                      No, his items are a giveaway considering it's a 55 minute game and Void has really low hero damage considering he had a radiance.

                                                                                      I just read the whole thread name.

                                                                                      Well you did more hero damage than void and pudge while solo supporting and Lich becomes kinda useless late game so you were ok I guess.

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                                                                                        You did decent hero dmg but you died tons in the process. Pretty decent cs for that much time you've been respawning dude. Luckily your morph and invoker were pretty good so you managed to win in the end.

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          Just a really good nyx stomp, nothing to add there. I find it weird you didn't have ethereal blade with your GPM though, or did you just prefer to have the ghost scepter alone?


                                                                                            You have no items, just trolling? You got carried though so it's cool. I just don't understand. Good XPM for your deaths i guess. Not sure what to say.

                                                                                            Not match related, but why do ppl spam LC. I suck with the hero but i don't get it. I used to spam Riki, and actually this last game someone randomed him and asked me to trade.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              "You have no items, just trolling?"

                                                                                              I had armlet and heart along with my current items at the end of the game, I sold them both to try to rat with divine, but I lost the divine and it ended up in Ember's hands. Look at my hero damage dude, Storm and Dusa did carry us but I did a ton of damage because I built to have 3500 hp and blink blademail into enigma duel so that they don't have black hole, and I damage everyone in the fight.

                                                                                              "Not match related, but why do ppl spam LC. I suck with the hero but i don't get it. I used to spam Riki, and actually this last game someone randomed him and asked me to trade."

                                                                                              The hero's actually fun to play for some people, and it forces you to be active on the map.

                                                                                              Your last game with riki, you stomped it as you should, you built stat heavy and tanky and they couldn't fight you or take you down, so good job there.

                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                Yeah i saw the hero damage. I figured you sold shit i was just curious. Sounds like you made sure those teamfights went in your team's favor. I might have to give LC a shot again. I just do soo bad with her.


                                                                                                  @Arturia Thank you! I'll take on your advice, but jw, how did you know I didn't use my quelling blade? Did you watch the replay??


                                                                                                    @Austinfett a very close game with sniper. Slark carried your team, and gave the final edge to win. Bkb is an interesting choice, would you not go for more positioning/utility/more damage? As you have the sb and you're most likely going to be far from most of the battles to avoid most magic damage but it may have suited the situation and good choice in that case, close game, well played.