General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Nice fucking farm


      Almost equal GPM to Alchemist as Slark with Midas, better XPM, slower item progression.


        You could have done much better and you got carried by your team. 100 lh and 400 gpm is really low on ck after 50 minutes, even if you played hard lane. Try to improve last hitting and farming. Also your hd could have been better. About your items you should really have heart in a 50 mins game

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          Amazing Anti mage dude ..good amount of last hits, great GPM and normal item build for AM ..nothing bad to say about that game

          Pale Mannie

            Balanced purple ghost is balanced


              seems like a good od you played there. meta-oriented item build and good kda. although you might want to farm more. pay attention to what you do as a core. if you dont fight at the moment, there's nothing better than farming. you should look to farm at any given minute unless there's a fight, especially as overused dankmeme

              Jay Leno

                Average normal skill player
                Stop playing support if you can't do it correctly! :D


                  Bfury Balanar trying to teach other ppl how to play? are you serious? :X

                  Maxing Q at level 10? Skilling hunter in the night first? You trolled that game right?

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    Commenting on the last decent match you had.
                    * Your side has Spectre, game over.
                    * However, you dealt more damage than Spectre (obvio). Gj.
                    * Enemy was noob/you all were too good.
                    * Game finished before Boots of Travel? xD
                    * You should've cut down on Bottle, Eul, Scepter and gotten Bloodstone instead.


                      kinda low tower damage and farm for that long of a game on weaver.
                      lolz nice 4 rapiers bh . 2 from kunkka i assume but still funny shit x)

                      Hot Damn, Clarice

                        It looks like you basically destroyed that game and made tons of space. Great job shutting down the Spectre and winning before he could accomplish anything at all. He probably got super tilted by the rocks constantly flying at him.


                          @ Chaoshype, dude everything a zeus needs is aether lance for dmg + range, euls for mobility and regen, aghs refresher and octarine, fuck boots, seriously you beat everybody´s ass with your insane dmg output don´t wanna offend you but i dont think your advices are rly helping anybody, why in hell would a zeus still go bloodstone in this patch?

                          @ Hot Damn i Suppose you played sup? Insane items if you did mate, and the right one´s aswell, gj!


                            Lance, whaddya mean? You mean last hit using physical attacks? Who does that!
                            Also, Bottle is early game item and maybe you kept it for your mana/HP problems and Bloodstone does exactly that.
                            Bloodstone ain't cheap but it has a deny, a huge regen for you, regen for your team (after you die) and a little respawn helper!
                            Also, why'd you go for Agh before Refresher?


                              That would be fine for offline weaver against strong counters but terrible in your case. And I have no idea what happened in this game, lol
                              my last game is first game on pugna, so :D

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                ^ Bounty stole all with EBlade and Dagon.

                                Swap Commends

                                  winning 4v5 is a damn thing
                                  that bh LMAO


                                    @ Chaos i´m not speaking about dragon lance, you know? We this discussion is over, i got close to 75 % Winrate with the hero in 4k Ranked while you are Normal skill, so i guess my build can´t be that bad

                                    @ Ai.Easy Well played dude, good build and it seems like you raped them, i assume you´ve been jungling, i dont like that but it seems viable in this Patch. I Don´t like the S&Y Build aswell, an item like Bkb or a hellbeard would give you much more value imho

                                    Swap Commends

                                      I was mid vs pudge


                                        Nice LC you put them on your back and carried them to victory!

                                        Also that riki got stomped so dang hard!

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                                          MKBs everwhere for no reason. Phantom Lancer gets Vladimir's and Heart which doesn't make sense at all. Dark Seer was smart to buy Aghanim's and Ghost Scepter against a Sven. But until now, I still don't why there are MKBs on both teams when neither teams have no items to dodge physical attacks.


                                            I guess spec is just too OP? I don't know if I'm at a place to question your ember build since I don't have ember games, but I think a BoT and dagger would have complimented Naga's ratting power well. That axe just feels way too out of place considering how bulky his targets are. TBH I feel he is just way out of place this patch.


                                              Interesting line ups on both side, minimum team fight/ AOE so in a weird way they were fairly matched. Your Dusa clearly got shut down hard or was just afk farming most game. You and Sven clearly had the most impact, based on your tower damage compared to his it looks like he was pushing more than you? With you having the most HD I'm guessing pick offs were a-plenty. GG

                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                belly gud sewport CM gif commend


                                                  EZ MMR,gl on climbing more especially in SEA server


                                                    ez counter picks on enchant, spec got picked off all day err day


                                                      Wew, 110 Games, 109 on them as drow ranger, good kda over all i dont exactly get the point of etheral blade on drow though.


                                                        Wow, that game should have been easier than that. Why the hell Tide didn't build blink ??
                                                        Anyway, good job there on supporting that team. I'm sure your stats would be better if Tide didn't try something crazy on ranked..


                                                          32 assists in 32 minutes.. I wonder how many x 2 , x 3 and x 4 multicasts of fireblasts made the enemies wanna cry :D
                                                          The radiant looks like my usual teammates of 4 k solo MMR SEA, all cores with only one solo hard supporter who has to take the brunt of selfish people..I wish I can have nice supporting mates like you and the 2nd above poster :)


                                                            @ Minerva, thx i wasn´t looking at tide´s items for a while and then saw this relic and i was like.. we lost.. but well it turned out ok in the end..

                                                            @ Yankee good Invoker play but it seems like you got outratted? Losing with 13k Networth advantage feels really bad man..

                                                            Swap Commends

                                                              One sided game :(

                                                              Learning new hero

                                                                The game ended quickly. What happen with the basher?

                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                  Nice broodmother perfomance man. Stomp hard.

                                                                  Btw pls see my last match fockin cumback after ursa basically killed everyone

                                                                  Swap Commends

                                                                    That chart and THAT come back,gj man


                                                                      Low hero dmg as od dagger better than force staff

                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        Good job dealing most damage as sf dude. Despite sf lane start kinda hard now.

                                                                        @AI.Easy ikr. Spec like 3 9 early game. And ursa got dagger at 11 minutes. Somehow i can tank all the damage give spec space


                                                                          Wow, what a hard game for you. I don't know how the hell you win that.
                                                                          I guess it's a mix between some bad teamfight from the enemy and bad itemization on the enemy. Butterfly against a high magical damage lineup is bad. They should have opt for BKB or something for guaranteed immunity.
                                                                          Well played anyway.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            Looks like you had a real easy game,cause of Ursa and WK.
                                                                            (Edit:Just to point it out,I did not afk farm in the jungle)

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                              looks like u just afk'd in jungle the whole match and made nil to zero game impact. your type of players are the one's causing suffering to the community. don't try again


                                                                                ohh man sad clockwerk :/ hahaha


                                                                                  sea tiny = 2k mmr eu tiny


                                                                                    best performer in the game! gg wp!


                                                                                      You could've done better than that


                                                                                        You used voodoo magic to somehow have a positive KD as pugna in a 50 min game wp
                                                                                        I couldve won but I fucked up while ratting throne

                                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                        Swap Commends

                                                                                          U did your best.I Guess invoker lost lane.


                                                                                            Looks like you did fine, however, based on your score, there are still some things you could do. You could either find more creep farm or fight way more because your HD is quite low compared to your creep score. Overall it's good, but I wouldn't recommend an SNY unless you were really stomping them (which you were), so that's ok I guess.


                                                                                              You are a support player playing normal matches. Play ranked and you will see how much can you improve. Forget the kids playground and fin some challenge at the grown up place. :)


                                                                                                you stole people's skills and still managed to win. who said that thieves don't win? lol!
                                                                                                u should have gone dragon lance instead of aether lens tho. or maybe not. xP


                                                                                                  You were busy with farming, I guess, while your teammates were fighting. xD

                                                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                                                    seems ur match is a stomp, that undying thou. well played mate