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    @bubujia (earthspirit spammer like me with sweet winrate and kda :D ) great game, made a lot of space with ur axe, basically carried in a sense with highest hero damage. Dat huskar 11k dmaage fire monkey rat is real

    Proto | 改善

      literally cancer.

      stupid fuck 2000

        figuratively cancer

        Massive Dynamic

          Typical Ember game. Great farm and GPM.


            Great supporting line up, you guys probably made fuck tons of space for AM to overpower them. How does on go 3-12 as zeus?? XD


              Both team have no dedicated support though, normal day on SEA. Good job on your most played hero

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                Proto | 改善



                    Looks like you had a really rough time finding space to farm in the early game. That clock must have been pretty good to force you into a 20 minute BF. Your farm did bounce back though, but I guess their pickoff strat was just too powerful to stop.

                    All these scrubs ruining the spirit of this topic.

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                    plin plin plon

                      Good, not jungling SK but only normal skill :(


                        Gathered 3 kills in a 15 min game as omni wich is good. But its hard to say something, they couldnt even GG out so.. what did happen? Not sure on who left first etc.

                        I assume they where pretty, fucking, broken :p

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                          The enemy's draft has synergy and early laning advantage; yours didn't and your team was quickly put at a disadvantage and lost all three lanes. You still managed a fast midas, but your mid-game power spike where your orchid / BKB and PA's basher / BKB was not enough to turn the match around, though you came pretty close. Tough loss, but against an outdraft, it's perfectly acceptable.


                            Pick Omni vs an all physical line up, win game. That Alch on your team was absolute trash 25k net worth by 50 minutes wtf, the necro almost out farmed him.....

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Your team got outplayed, mistakes in positioning and itemization lead to defeat. Drafting all wrong and, Jesus, that Tusk holy crap who did he get that Silver Edge for? And why does he have the second highest XPM in your team if he died 11 times? Anyways don't beat yourself up too heavily, you couldn't have done something about it and you tried your best.


                                Well, rich Tidehunter is never a bad thing for your team. Looks like you did really well in initiating the fight for your team. Must be stomping the enemy real hard that you managed to get GG boots, Blink and Refresher @ 30 minute mark. One of your party member is feeding hard, but maybe he's a bait for your successful teamfight ?


                                  Good work supporting your team, for some reason I just can't win with Jakiro.


                                    anybody that plays earhtspirit well has a place in my heart. Good job being the sup and making plays. That ghost scepter must hve definitely helped u escape alot. WP


                                      playing beastmaster just straight out jungle is a very risky move, especially when enemy has a roaming riki

                                      in this case scenario anything the roaming riki does will have a 10x effect because your team lacks that 1 laner, and they have one that can be in any lane at any given time.

                                      also if you're partying with a friend, i'd recommend for you to pick complementary roles, like support + offlane/carry or roam + mid. just because enemy party has a likely chance of doing that, and you'll be at a disadvantage for that.


                                        Dank smurf m8


                                          idk you have so low creeps with treant..u got agh min 35 and have 50 lashits means you didnt put trees alot and in right place (you should put them in lane too to stop push stop heroes and get more farm which you need . . . nice hero healing


                                            @cookie Their enemy riki became useless the instant I got my necro 3 which u can see was at 17 mins. The whole point of me picking beastmaster was to create space and rat while my team kept hunting. Your comment is right but its a full berating of my plays when in fact I had little to be berated for.

                                            Himmel wouldn't grief

                                              Hmmmm.... why did puck have radiance? Why did phoenix have dagon? Not really comments tho...
                                              Both teams have a weird lineup i guess....


                                                Don't understand the aghs pickup on jugg,solid game all around but your cs and gpm is lacking esp with bfury in a 50 minute game


                                                  ez carry they are playing an out of favour hero in an old way.


                                                    You got anti fun'd


                                                      Classic farm and win sven. a bit confused as to why there's no blink, but it worked so no complaints.


                                                        Got outfarmed and kited

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                                                            Support wk BrokeBack


                                                              didnt get bkb earlier than you did, wouldve made the game a whole lot easier not having to deal with nyx abilities in fights.


                                                                @p2d BIBLETHUMP I was so close to 15 bp levels FeelsBadMan

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  I personally wouldn't go manta but it does dispel diffusal and gust

                                                                  big comeback, post 40 minutes your team started recovering

                                                                  low impact ember spirit

                                                                  plin plin plon

                                                                    I know u very good at void but i think tht linken is quite good item againts thy kind of enemy

                                                                    pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                      Really good void game, wp

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        looks like an even game up until about 10 minutes and then a constant deathball with superior teamfight and track leads to a crushing victory

                                                                        zeus really put in some work this game, track/hook/call probably let him nuke people with impunity


                                                                          [PA Game]

                                                                          Looks like you guys won a big teamfight around 30mins.
                                                                          I like your pa build. AC was a good choice against all those solar crests.

                                                                          You're alot better than me so I can't say much,
                                                                          but wp nice stomp.

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                                                                            Your team had a stable lineup 1-2-3-4-5. Your opponent had 1-3-3-5-5 and didn't seem to understand wyvern's heal is countered by Sky's ulti. Easy outdraft, easy outplay.


                                                                              Complete stomp.
                                                                              Didnt yet see a game where it would be worth to go anything else than mana boots(or tranquil soul ring) into aghs and refresher but I guess your build did not matter there xD

                                                                              LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                                                                0-11-20 on Slardar

                                                                                > S P A C E C R E A T E D ! !

                                                                                wp gudshitboiz


                                                                                  31 kda lul what a fucking nightmare to play carry against an offlane dark seer


                                                                                    Objective gaming best gaming. Why would anyone pick Huskar without a healing support though (or at least someone buy an urn), is this really High Skill?


                                                                                      Ah Normal Skill Single Draft ... I know the pain you had to go through my friend . Seems like you rose above and had good farm and were able to own the enemy . Good Job !


                                                                                        Intriguing how one team can go all carry in a ranked game. Then again, it's normal skill SEA ranked hell which I'm fucking sick of. Total stomp from start to finish, WP!


                                                                                          Pudge didn't seem to work out all that great for you but your cores are so far ahead of everyone but the Mirana. Mirana can't do it on her own and you guys take the game good work.


                                                                                            typical 2k game where 5 random people plays 5 core and loses. great job farming them


                                                                                              Great antimage plays, had a similar impact to the meepo, what u lost in hero damage you compensated in pushing. Good game over all


                                                                                                close game, i guess the game finished by a comeback on your favor c:
                                                                                                btw EXELENT TD damages, you carried this shit son

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                                                                                                  Well played DP against that Tinker cancer. Good farmed and nice items. GJ


                                                                                                    Ty, it was a really pleasured win against this fucking tinker and spectre pick, btw alchimist was the last pick and we needed a support, he didn't listened and took it. drow was crushed by them but her aura did well for me and helped me carry, weaver had problems early but did ok in this game, and rubick helped me getting fed on this game.

                                                                                                    CM was bad, Lich was bad, bounty was definitly useless and tinker x spectre was toxic.

                                                                                                    it feels good to carry his team (and a good sup)

                                                                                                    but it hapens way too much times on 2.7K........ (61% WR, 100% WR with DP)

                                                                                                    ^ Comment on Spader-, not me. ^