General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    it says spectra has aghanim aether blink travels maybe bug anyway drow and blood rekt them rly ez


      One of those games that give you orgasm after winning. Tbh i have no idea dafuq happened in that game and dem items ok but im pretty sure a blackhole won the game wp


        damn thats a sad loss :/ Only so much you can do with embers who dont itemise properly and keep getting caught. Seems like shaman just shit the bed and kept getting caught and they snowballed from there.


          1st of all, congratulations on winning

          Why linken instead of BKB though. What did you fear? WD ult can't be linken-ed. Assassinate damage is a joke. The rest can be blocked by BKB better


            Made space for your team. Didn't know that offlane bounty is still a thing tho.


              nice played with earth spirit , you literally outplayed the other team , also i dont like the build of medusa (low damage) and the build of tiny


                Nice combination you got there. You literally forced the enemy to help anybody trapped by your disruption or abandoning them to be nuked into oblivion. Anyway, i think next time you might want to max Soul Catcher sooner (maybe second) since your carry can definitely provide the burst and those 50% bonus damage is super strong

                casual gamer

                  looks like you snowballed pretty hard on ogre. I like your items, there's plenty of cool stuff you can do with euls this game. they have a whole bunch of carry but none of it ever amounted to anything


                    Cant really say anything insightful since you just pubstomped your opponents, really good morph game since they only have 3 good disables for you, and only 1 disable before storm had orchid and hex, definitely carried your team WP


                      Err well played i guess?haha




                          5k acc buyer confirmed


                            you had an abandon after he probably fed. (im a 1.5k mmr though so i know jack shit)


                              ez game , pa abandon so 5vs4 they doesnt have hard carry


                                0 deaths, good support items early, should ve went veil and dagon, aghs instead of daedulus as you were supporting and this weird transition usually isn't as fruitful as the other item choice


                                  Good pick together with Morph, was able to deal heavy tower damage. A close game throughout and it looks like one big clash was the difference maker.


                                    Sven has agha.. Medusa no boots.. Easy win.. Gg

                                    Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                      As a queen you need to die less. I'm not sure drum is not a good item. I would swap that one with Eul, so you can have more mana > spam more skills, dodge spells (or eul axe whenever he berserker calls someone) and survive in teamfight.

                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                        looks like its a stomped match


                                          Sexy Sven carry, nice 20+ kills kda.. sexy game


                                            Skipped me?


                                              Wtf is that techies build. You played good but it seems the enemy Tinker was 1 v 5ing. Looked like a close game anyhow. (replying to eg.rtz btw)


                                                I don't think veil is good for this match as you are the only magic output in your team. Eul is a better choice.


                                                  not sure what to say..5 man party vs 5 man party comeback..icy avatar with icy heroes in the game. good job keeping the huskar down?


                                                    What a performance, nc et game, out farming storm and void? wp plus your aura fuqs their lineup hard


                                                      Damage focused Wyvern? LUL


                                                        well supported. A rather easy win for you. That drow 0-7-0 tho wtf?


                                                          17-3-6 pos. 4 in a vhs ranked game, amazing performance. You led the team in hero dmg despite having a armlet-manta-rad alche... TA experienced hell. Though, you could've given Jugg some kills lol.


                                                            fucking ez game ez life apparently

                                                            enemy team went full retard and thought Windranger was a safe lane carry and you took a massive steaming shit on that. wpwp

                                                            Literally only notable mistake of the enemy team right there. Cause she ain't got the power to solo carry. No wait. Cockwerk went Maelstrom...Undying didn't let him solo the offlane for free XP...and OD basically counters WR by taking her main stat away. You got possibly THE luckiest match where the whole enemy team seemed to have NO IDEA what they were doing.

                                                            GimmeGimmeeeeeee. I want that kind of luck bb. Cause I get teams like that enemy team on my team way more often than I'd like.

                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                              Tusk had no idea what he's doing.


                                                                Brilliant Pugna pick. Legion got rekt by dazzle and you probs. RIP Zues by nether ward i guess.. GG WP !!!


                                                                  the am+lc clearly wins the lategame , your kunkka doesnt have enough farm to contest

                                                                  Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                    Looks like a rage game . Nothing to say


                                                                      Lineup isn't well rounded, and the other team, while they didn't have hard carries, prolly pushed well with DK and BM.


                                                                        daat 40 assists, u must have roamed and fought alot and helped ur team. 20 k healing jesus christ.



                                                                          That was literally THE least insightful thing I've ever seen. Try harder.

                                                                          Don't rate mine, rate the one above me CAUSE I DON'T SEE A QUOTE/ACTUAL REPLY FUNCTION.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            Damn once afternoon alot kid playing doto


                                                                              What happen in that match? If you have heavy harassment in lane, i think you should max your ward first rather than skill Q. Battlefury rush is common in jugg but make him very frail if don't have competent support. At this situation, it's better to build cheap item like aquila to boost your survivability


                                                                                good job on assisting your teammates and not dying


                                                                                  @PlzJustDie What did you expect though? lmao

                                                                                  He has a 48% winrate and subpar performances. EDIT: OH NO WAIT, YOU'RE UNDER 50% TOO

                                                                                  Skip me again and rate the guy above me.

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                    @Extvia: Well, i'm just 1k scrub who just play this game yesterday. Everyone need start from bottom to gain top place right?

                                                                                    Good job on carrying your team. I can hear dire team crying when you blink near them. I give special credit to Dazzle

                                                                                    pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                      Pretty even game until 10 mins in, from then on dire just keeps losing fights and feeding track kills and objectives. Their lineup is way too lategame oriented and they're struggling to find farm while you're taking easy and clean fights. Good job not feeding them unnecessary kills.

                                                                                      kunst 2

                                                                                        Ok I will comment riki game, cuz lion is too casual.

                                                                                        I notice that you maxed smoke instead of any other spell, not the best idea. You absolutely don't need 'miss rate' in early game, so getting only +25 to smoke radius, instead of cool fade delay reduction or +damage and reducing cd on blink strike.

                                                                                        Also not sure about normal skill tranquils, cuz you may easily turn into carry after supporting stage (this mostly important in solo mmr).


                                                                                          did most damage to enemy heroes, well done.

                                                                                          kunst 2

                                                                                            did most damage to enemy heroes, well done.


                                                                                            L'ADIEU AU SOLEIL

                                                                                              -rep, plays sniper & max sharnel, still carryed, wp


                                                                                                Good Alchemist carry, completely making up for that 0-12 Rubick and 2-10 Pudge. Pretty sure you just boosted your teammates with that carry.

                                                                                                Whole enemy team lineup is cancer and got smashed for it gg no re

                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  Lot of kills despite abandoned cm, not exactly sure about the reasoning behind the diffusal. Enemy team has 3 desolators and sniper has 3 crystalys and a raw hyperstone for whatever reason.


                                                                                                    @Potato Viper with Diffusal is basically +65 damage for 3150 gold and ripping away mana. And for some reason was chunking people. Works pretty good since a lot of them basically had no armor anyway. It works at my MMR so I just do it. Also dat purge. Lots of Rend Wounds and Life Break slows negated with it. When it stops working I'll stop using it and find something else.

                                                                                                    Skip me and rate Potato.


                                                                                                      @Potato, i dont even know how that game happened. Doesnt look vhs, no farm on the enemy team. Stellar performance on lich though. 10/10