General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove techies strawpoll

Remove techies strawpoll in General Discussion



      Fuck techies BabyRage

      Mortimer Smith

        really 8-3????????

        Mortimer Smith

          i thought this forum was serious

          Mortimer Smith

            aanother game vs techies another game lost


              the fact that people dont share your opinion doesn't mean they are not serious

              Mortimer Smith

                yeah it does LMAO

                Mortimer Smith

                  yeah it does LMAO

                  Mortimer Smith


                      Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                      CAN'T WIN

                        There is literally nobody who walks on mines more than me.

                        CAN'T WIN

                          Btw a 37% is a very high percentage of people who dont want techies


                            srsly how can u loose to fucking techies all the time? there are like 5 million ways to get rid of this damn bombs without even buying sentries(If you have HotD use creep, if u have summons use sommons , if u have zeus use zeus, if u have dazzle grave and run, if u have manta or illu rune use illu).... and honestly people always do the same shit with tping to enemy safelane and planting bombs. if u play support u can just tp to your safelane and make him fuckign worthless by preventing him from doing his shit

                            ur doing smth wrong

                            Mortimer Smith

                              I will install the maphack for techies bro, dont worry.


                                ^lel gl


                                  I usually always win vs techies but when he kills you or teammates it's demoralizing or it pisses u off extra , he still loses but a death by techies makes me more mad then from other heros.


                                    I don't have Dota buff plus can someone tell me my win rate vs techies I kinda wonder what it is now just instrested in ranked btw.

                                    Mortimer Smith



                                        60.71% over 28 games


                                          Techies stays, only 39% voting to remove.

                                          FYI you are 6-2 win-loss against techies in ranked.

                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                            Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                            Dire Wolf

                                              It's not that he's hard to beat or hard to win with, I've had some damn good techies on my teams. But he makes every single game less enjoyable period. He makes games really long and waste a ton of money on gold. No one gets enjoyment out of running through a lane and getting pwnd by mines except for the techies. The hero who died just goes wtf, and the enemy team doesn't find it that fun either cus it leads to lopsided scores like 10-2 where techies has 8 of the kills and your team really isn't ahead at all. Dying to techies with no one around to get gold or xp is not a big deal early, just annoying.

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                techies fucking sucks


                                                  ezst vote of my life