General Discussion

General Discussionimmortals are out..

immortals are out.. in General Discussion

    .. fucking 14 chests and i didnt get gold am bashers... :\

    someone trade me. AM is one of my favourite heroes.

    i have shadow fiend item and one of everything else. or other items to trade.

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      [H] Virginity
      [W] Sven Shield


        14 chests? how much did you spend?
        and can you gift what you get?

        i want the sf things


          i am level 280.

          i think so


            lol i got 2 chests right now
            got sven shit
            then i got golden am shit + clock tinker shit LOLLL!!

            i only wanted sf shit fuck this shit

            Este comentario fue editado

              i rly dont want to give away my bracers so easily...
              but i rly want the sf thing so we can trade gift if you want.... and since you got so much shit add the normal bracers and the luna gold thing? :D?


                CAN I TRADE U FOR AM PLES


                  My offer is still up

                  Giff me Wingman

                    i didn't get shit, volvo pls


                      what is virginity?

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        the only cool one is sven shield, u don't need sword just hit with shield lmao


                          marlan just add me...



                            i added u benao


                              ah you already did xd

                              Giff me Wingman

                                holy shit volvo breakdown

                                EDIT: Benao, if you trade those golden ones away then i'm going to laugh at you.

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  I also got nothing, level 55 so should have received 2 I think but nothing right now. Seems like its an issue, anybody heard anything as to why?

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    some got and others didn't, i suppose you just have to wait a but, volvo is breaking down.

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Sven got absolutely hosed......

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        Why? Is the sven immortal the new Cauldron? :D:D:D:D:D


                                          i gifted them away

                                          just laugh


                                          they were cool and all but whatever :p
                                          i got the normal ones anyway and its not like im drooling for the gold ones. On the other hand... i was kinda drooling for the sf one xd

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            What are you talking about? You got the golden ones.

                                            You should wait and see how rare the droprate is. If you are lucky those golden ones might end up being worth like 200 bucks or something like that.

                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                              i dont like waiting anyway


                                                and im all against this item shit being a business

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  Well, if you get meepo immortal in treasure 3, then fokken giff it to me or i will slaughter a puppey on the street.


                                                    i only saw zeus update immortal

                                                    how do you know theres a meepo?

                                                    and i dont think my compendium is at the level i get immortal 3


                                                      and i think i'd prob trade meepo with xan if i got it (for smth good decent)

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        u get immortal 1 2 and 3 treasure at lv1.

                                                        When you check dota content, then u can see traces of zeus, meepo, OD, Kunkka, Furion, Lion and troll.

                                                          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                            ohh.. but i only get traces of zeus xd (like his complete avatar)


                                                              got void and AM...
                                                              the void one is the worst one...
                                                              imo sven is the best

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                This urge in people to get the golden AM is actually gonna bring the hero back into meta.


                                                                  the hero is actually decent for this meta

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    Well bummer, i got void. SaD StOrY, hoped for bushars.

                                                                    Big Daddy C

                                                                      i got sven, disrupter, tinker, lesh, void and golden am blades.

                                                                      gold am blades look shit imo


                                                                        Wow i want am and sf immortalz ;/

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          all I wanted was SF gloves. It looked cool enough to make me play SF again for the first time since dota 1 lol

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            @legacy: agreed, the normal ones look better.

                                                                            So far, sven immortal is shit compared to the others LoL


                                                                              Ok went in a bit after my post and got mine, got AM and Sven. Was so keen for AM and its pretty wicked, checked it in lobby game and decided to go with 1 basher and one manta arc, like the contrast. Think Svens is really cool though, warcry sparks this lightning and you hit things with your shild instead of sword so its really decent. Not bad I guess.

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                u should see void.

                                                                                At frst i was like 'oh fuck this looks like shit', until i saw that it changed timewalk (looks really good and new sound) and it changed the avatar, which looks really good, same as lesh immortal. So overall i won't complain.

                                                                                it only looks garbage on the loadout screen.

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  im on my last lp game so i can try sf in ranked soon...


                                                                                    Nice, yeah I play mostly carry so I tend to want those cosmetics the most so I can mix and match things for some unique looks and also like the custom effects so would like the void next if I can push through to the next immortal II drop I get. Waited long enough and got what I really wanted with the AM so yeah, lets see what we get in a month or 2 with the immortal III's.


                                                                                      anyone willing to give sf or tinker immortal away? :D im in desperate need

                                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                                        Tinker immortal looks best imo

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          I have tinker immortal

                                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                                            ^Yea me too actually spend money for it :( oh well who needs food anyways

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              I just got the quick lv 50 compendium was pretty cheap. I dont play enough to level it from 0 anyway lol


                                                                                                THE SF ITEM IS PAY TO WIN

                                                                                                my ms increased
                                                                                                my attack speed increased
                                                                                                my animation is SMOOTHER AND MAKES EVERYTHING FASTER

                                                                                                im not sure about turn rate but i think it also slightly improved


                                                                                                  Haha me too! I got sven and tinker OwO



                                                                                                    May you stop playing SF when you hit 666


                                                                                                      AH FUCK but its so soon and i enjoy sf so much now

                                                                                                      hes finally good again


                                                                                                        with the nerfs to euls GG