General Discussion

General DiscussionIs am win rate below 50% due to 2k and 1k skill levels?

Is am win rate below 50% due to 2k and 1k skill levels? in General Discussion

    Just wondering Cuz it's seems like if u know how to farm fast enough he is strong plus I see him a lot in pro play.


      it cant help that nubs try to play him as a fighter rather then a farmer (and wouldn't know how to farm if they did play him as a farmer), but I think the hero is just kind of week in pubs.

      His issue is that he needs to get good farm in lane but cant secure farm for himself. It doesn't have to be complete free farm, but in 3 and 4k a lot of supports will do a bad job at keeping the offlaner off of you. They will pull when they don't need to and force you to take a lot of unnecessary damage or wont pull when the wave is barely out of range of the other teams tower. maybe they will fuck up a pull and push the wave or will basically leave you to solo vs 2 heroes while they do god knows what in the jungle. a lot of carrys can be fine with these types of mistakes coming from their lane partner but AM isn't one of them, he will end up getting an 19 min battlefurry and never get the farm lead he needs to carry.

      if you know you can farm fast enough with him, and you are stacked with someone who you know will do a good job at securing that farm for you then he is a fine hero, but don't touch that shit in the solo queue.


        He is like alchemist. Both heroes are played as afk farmers and teams lose because they cant 4v5 the other team while they are farming.
        Also people at that skill level usually dont know how to farm effectively and an AM with no items is useless. AM is also weak in the early game and has virtually no team fight presence until he has lots of items. Thats not to say that AM cant be a good carry he just needs lots of time and farm. He also doesnt have a good winrate in pro games either. Hes certainly doesnt need a buff he just needs the right draft for him to be effective.


          It's because people pick AM last pick with no comprehension of what four heroes would go well with an AM pick.

          Big Daddy C

            Also people pick AM because 'look at my shiny new blades'


              I honestly would love to see win rates via skill bracket (as that seems to be a rough idea of the MMRs involved

              Or even a stat of win rates in 1-2k MMR range other ranges of course but id like to see how hero win rates change as the skill involved in the games goes up

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                idk I had 35% win rate like 1-2 yrs ago back when i was retard bracket.

                now im like 85% win rate so..

                so yeah, it's either i was too bad to understand how to properly play carry, or my team was too bad to properly play WITH a 4-protect-1 carry.

                probably a mix of both.


                  Don't blame supports, the problem is with AM pick itself. If you see possibility of strong enemy aggro trilane - don't pick AM. If you see jungler in your team - don't pick AM. It's basic thing, but most players just think that they can pick any hero they want to play at any time.

                  BTW, early fights with AM are not that bad if you have Vanguard. That old meta is back, I think.

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                    i have low am winrate cuz of my friends :)


                      in VHS am got 47.28% winrate this month. far from ideal, but still better than overall.
                      am requires some knowledge in terms of positioning and decision-making, so the higher the average skill of the game, the more viable this hero is.


                        Thanks for the input , I have had some good success with him the last couple days yall think he is worth honing as one of my main carries? I am 3.2 k btw. Just seems like a fury with manta at 20 mins in games turns the tide of the game big time.

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                          How to win without boots => lose lots of games => get low MMR, win whenever you feel like it.

                          The AM on my team was very bad. He would kill himself by ulting Nyx with carapace on. He would blink into 4 heroes and die 20 sec after the team backed away. He got HoM first item with no boots, and died from lack of mobility. I am guessing that he farmed HoM first because it is less gold than battefury and he was afraid he would never reach bfury.

                          AM would get caught oop by SS and nyx. I would save him with a blink call. He would then jump back in and die before call was up and then blame me for his feed. Despite this we won anyway. You just have to control the map well enough at this level that your autoattacker carry will accidentally farm up and then eventually accidentally win fights.

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                            Lol dam that sux, I actaully go pms into treads first and I actaully get atleast one kill off those in lane before building bf components , he can actaully deal out decent damage in lane with treads and pms early.


                              the reason antimage sucks is because supports are trash and people run around like headless chicken when it comes to 4v5, they got no clue what to do

                              but it must be that antimage pick that lost the game instead

                              not to mention typical antimage players all go 4-4-4 and brown boots/bf instead of stats and treads/bf

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                              CAN'T WIN

                                No, its cuz of u