General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you think some doto players are..

Why do you think some doto players are.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Knowledgable in theorycraft but does not translate to the real game?


    Not really a theorycrafter but get good results in the real game?

    Thoughts? and experience?


      lol is this inspired by, ahem, recent forum events?



        about the pa headress?

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        Bad Intentions

          just generally speaking actually

          do we tend to overthink sometimes and just fail to focus on the objectives of doto?



            where do you get that people even know or understand shit?

            there are very few so yeah, your thread is shit


              ^Ouch 5 game losing streak


                funny part, ruiners on the first 4 and now i had a team of bunch of trash that afk'd all game, played like shit from the start AND STILL HAD NO ITEMS, ignored the shit out of me being the only carry and shit, and then THEY WENT IN AND FED

                fucking great

                Bad Intentions

                  ^benao! your losing streak :O!


                    40% WIN LION

                    its like playing with bots i dont get it fucking shit c*nts all thise fucking losses have been between 3am and 8 am so fuck this fucking sh*t im not playing at this hour anymore, ill fap instead and fucking make myself sleep instead


                      i played a game as huskar on my smurf (i was playing with bad/new friend) and i was mid vs. an OD

                      he kept banishing me. i told him u know that i don't need mana right? he says that isn't how the spell works. (ie: technically it doesn't take my mana, and that it gives him int) except then i just kill him over and over again ( 4 times in lane before he abandoned the lane) because his "superior game knowledge" knew that banishing me gave him intelligence.

                      what he didn't know is that banishing me means that i can life break and rape you and you can't dodge me while tps show up.

                      classis case of "i know more than you" >> but you suck.

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                        Hex Sigma

                          ^isn't this like irl? Idk but i heard somewhere that intelligence doesn't mean only knowing a lot of things, but it means knowing how/when to aplly them.


                            i know people who are "smart" (by social standards) but are actually very dumb, if you know what i am saying.


                              Simply cause dota's point you need to have knowledge/mastery or w/e are so vast, that just knowing everything isn't enough


                                Well in real life, knowledge = Scheiße if you don't have some experience unless you are a genius. In gaming, being a genius is still merde if you can't apply your genius, and being able to do so usually comes from experience as well...


                                  Knowledge =/= Application.

                                  Some people cram in all the guides and jargon and know random stuff like at level 7, my combo does exactly X damage. Then when it comes down to the game, they misclick or they can't move fast enough. Etc and etc. Your brain jams in those adrenaline packed situation and then all that knowledge goes to shit.

                                  Theres also the special kind of people who DON'T make use of what they do know. "Oh 5 heroes missing, I shouldn't attempt to farm alone in jungle, NAH FUCK IT LET'S FARM".


                                    an engineer that just knows formulas is fucking useless if he doesn't understand them and know where and when to apply them. If he can't bend and adapt he's also useless so yeah! there you have it.

                                    and just so you know

                                    crammers (knowledge in this particular case) <> does NOT reflect intelligence.


                                      I thibk that guy meant recent events as in the Relentless event



                                        Benao's chats are always the best

                                        ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                                          wow Benao.Lifedancer 7 games losing streak, u mad ?

                                          ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                                            Where do you find chat log ?


                                              need dotabuff +

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                That 1-20 normal skill magnus game, he definitely mad :)


                                                  you so good
                                                  you so smart
                                                  you full of dicks in yo' ass