General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Cent not picked in competitive?

Why is Cent not picked in competitive? in General Discussion

    His aghanim seems so broken, 60% dmg reduction for the whole team, and you can go through walls at max speed
    Pretty much everyone said "omg imba shit!!1" when 6.84 came out, but no one picked him yet in competitive

    or is it some secret tryhard strat for TI5?
    However I'm trying it with a friend in pub and it works really well

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      he doesnt fit the meta


        Because he's a very greedy type of offlaner.

        It's like, Enigma's Black Hole pierces BKB and has huge aoe, woah imba shit1111 but it doesn't work like that.

        Remember, if you pick a Centaur, you'd first need to overcome the first hurdle of Blink. He doesn't really have much going for him in the offlane role other than Return and a good health pool. He can't farm ancients like a Tide does here. People punish him hard early and thats why he fell out.


          Seems legit, but:
          - you can give him safe lane farm in a early game push strat for a fast blink like alliance did (i think last month)
          - he can recover with stacks
          - bristle and clockwerk are picked, and they are greedy as well
          I agree tho that farming blink aghs on a cent is not easy and probably you can do it only with giving him higher farm priority

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            Been a while since I've seen pros pick tide tbh.


              He's not exactly a great stack farmer.

              Anyway, giving him safelane farm is taking a risky and somewhat pointless gamble. You'll get outcored and there are plenty of early game carries with better scaling if you want early aggression.

              Clockwerk isn't greedy at all. What? He does great without items and has higher survivability in the offlane AND has the ability to farm there. And with Bristleback, you still have a better offlane life and that hero is legendary for its ability to snowball which is why some teams pick him.

              Don't get me wrong, Centaur has his own pros. It's just that with the changes in the meta, he struggles too hard and people have learned to punish him. People who play it for a living won't take pointless risks to try more exciting or fun heroes.

              Pom Pom 🍕

                I remember seeing him a lot before aghanim got nerfed.

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                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Or you just send a support with him because he is a really good dual lane hero?


                      ya ^^^^^^^^^^ this he needs to duel lane offlane with a strong zoning support


                        but often times you will need a defensive trilane or somthing so you have to pick a less greedy offlane aka undying aka timber also timber with octo core is rape

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                          bum farto

                            Lich undying is a lot more annoying, even Veno undying doesn't touch the lich....cause you get tons of bonus exp so it helps you and undying to not just survive but out level your dual lane.


                              the other day i did a lich undying bh offlane and raped :p

                              lich rly strong with undy, won the game alone (lich)


                                Personally i think teams just forget how devastating centaur is.


                                  i guess its because pro dota is not like pub dota. it's faster paced. you start pushing with bkb mek, they start pushing with buckler


                                    Centaur scales so well if you stomp early you go tranquil blink heart and then you afk and creepwave kills themselves on you.

                                    Sometimes cent can destroys slarks because darkpack + blademail + centaur passive one shots slark before he ults if he pounces you.

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                                        Even though it does bring damage reduction, unless they have a team composition against you that would teamwipe you in less than the duration of the centaur ulti, that aghs upgrade isn't worth it. Most professionnal teamfights will last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and most people already survive on their own without requireming that aghs centaur. It also enhances positionning of players in your team but pro players do not do such silly mistakes.

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                                            I like how people talk about competitive scene, are you guys pros or even facing chessie on a regular basis? Its dotabuff where people range from 0k to 5-6k max. Pro scene is a complete different meta.

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I think he fits meta fine, if pros wanted to make him work they could. Pros just don't put variety into their picks and it's mainly because they can only practice so many lineups. It's something you just accept.