General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I improve my SF gameplay?

How can I improve my SF gameplay? in General Discussion

    Hi, I would like to ask for some advices on how to improve in my SF gameplay. And what type of item build should I go if the match was dragged beyond 45mins mark? Here's an example of my recent game which I lost, and I believe it's partly due to my item pick..


      Desolator: you either get it early on or you don't get it at all.

      If you get it, items that goes good with him are: Sange and yasha, Assoult Curias, Daedalus.

      I'll assume you got it early, but I don't understand your item progresions. Why Manta? Why you don't have some Daedalus or MKB already in 60 min game?

      Why you didn't upgrade your SB into Silver Edge?

      There is no magical advice how to improve on SF.

      Just play it, that's it.

      Also, SF aint' much of hard carry past 45-50 mins, since a lot of "real" ones are getting fat about that time on some decent games.

      So he can't realyl contest FacelessVoid, Jugg, Slark, etc...

      Your job as SF is to take advatage of having good dmg/farm ability and try to push some towers - start to snowball and win the game asap.

      Or just go for this new SF meta with early mek into blink or euls, followed by BKB and hope your team will stick to you.

      Rest is just a practice and game sense. SF Requieres game sense, so it takes time to master him.

      In my opinion, at least 100 games.


        ^ so I should work on silver edge right after shadow blade?

        Silver edge > Deso > MKB?


          You dont have to rush silver edge at all, unless they have great passive like bristleback, PA.


            I agree the manta was not a good item choice, it would have been better to get the silver edge or just went for another item like AC or daedalus or mkb, if you build desolator you're opting for the damage build so go on and get more damage so you can one shot suports and take down carries pretty fast.

            I only get manta on SF sometiems when theres a slark (to purge the pounce) or storm, etc...


              If you go deso be warry you will have 0 survivability. So if you get focused alot go for blink or eul instead. I never really tried deso on him, feels like it was old meta when i didnt even played SF, now it feels to frail unless you snowball very well or you have a blink initiator and they ignore you.


                ZhZh - it depends. But sometimes Silver Edge into Desolator is good, if you can get it like pre 25 min.


                  just decide on a style and build him accordingly



                    I've started liking silver edge/sny/bkb/skadi super tanky build on him a lot, helps you hit like a truck and also keeps you at 3kish hp, helpful if you wanna man up and rape teams. Also if you're having a very easy lane, maybe a midas or euls(farming purposes) goes very well with this build. Also sb>sny is relatively cheap and very destructive by the 22~ min mark


                      I seriously dont see any game where deso is worth it at the moment


                        going midas on sf warrants a report for ruin


                          I don't think sny and skadi stacks right? Hmm..

                          Bad Intentions

                            Yo shred, watch rtz man, just play sf like him :D

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Never skill ulty on level six, it's a waste of skill point. Get ulty on 9, after you max razes and necromastery.



                                Getting ult on lvl 8 is sometimes usefull. Or at least I find it usefull.

                                Like, if I die, I take pudge with me. :D

                                Sano, I think it's decent item on him.

                                3500 gold for that item ain't that expansive, and if you can combine like:

                                12 min pt/aquila/sb into 18-19 min Silver Edge which will result (if you snowball, get good start, etc) in about 22-25 min Desolator.

                                Hell, sometimes I can get Silver/treads/aquila/desolator in 19-20 min..

                                You really hit hard, and against some heroes it's pretty good.

                                Bara has low armor, for example. SF with desolator/silver edge can wreck bara if he goes madness build with ease with those items.

                                Same goes for like Lifestealer/alch/slark..

                                Also, heroes like ES, CM, Pugna... Dies in 1 or 2 shots with Silver Edge-Desolator build.

                                But yeah, probably most of the time you won't be able to get desolator, since there are mostly some better or much more needed items...

                                But im some low-tier games, like 2,7-3.2k it can work.

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  Alright I guess I'll try to pick SF every round when I'm back this weekend and try out the different item builds to see which works best :)

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    seriously, people seem to think SF is good late, i mean he's SF he's great at all points of the game, but he certainly ain't no late carry, that's for sure.


                                      he is a very scary late game hero in the hands of a good player



                                        Not really.


                                          ^Aimer is right
                                          it's pretty much obvious if you watch pro matches or even some ~6k av mmr pubs.


                                            as long as you avoid getting inside 6 slotted void's chrono you're fine, sf is StronK


                                              How is sf bad late game lol


                                                don't mind him, he farms really bad and he never reaches 6 slot anyway.


                                                  My last two games I changed playstyle completely as SF. Usually going for SB MoM BKB now I went tanky as hell with treads stick drums sny skadi and whatever. I farmed ALOT more than I usually do. Must say, not quite sure how I feel about the playstyle. Struggled to make an early impact, weird score, above average last hits, but felt limited in regards to item slots.

                                         - Scored a rampage this game yet tiny and meeps splitpush the hell out of us, not sure how I could have done better, lifesteal maybe?

                                                  But back on topic, I find forcing yourself to farm more and more makes a huge impact on your overall momentum, something I finally saw last night you have to work hard towards :D

                                                  plz do

                                                    ^5 bot vs 1 bot. ez splitpush and map control vs ur slow ass team.


                                                      Sano, it's not that he's bad lategame, but there are plenty of heroes that can deal with SF lategame.

                                                      It's best to end game 40 min mark.

                                                      Also, I think it's stupid to compare pub sf to competiive SF.

                                                      They all got good cordiantion, so ending up with Chrono Void is less likely to happen.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        The only thing i do with this hero is farm lmao

                                                        I just dont like to fight early with him

                                                        CAN'T WIN

                                                          Tell your mates to pick dazzle.



                                                            Axe says hi ^


                                                              57 minutes in, why do you still have a mothertrucking bottle? And against the lineup of their heroes, it'd be better if you went for tanky items like skadi late game, AND lifesteal. You deserve to get rekt against late game kunkka if you have no lifesteal at all.

                                                              Anyhow, play by play, assuming you had mid lane for yourself, up against WR - you prioritize last hitting / razing at lvl 5 or 7 and going to the jungle for stacks.

                                                              vs Invoker = easy mid lane, you may net an easy kill by lvl 5 or 7.

                                                              Anyway, in this match, you really needed to either snowball or really get ahead in farm to win. keepo