General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is tusk getting more popular?

why is tusk getting more popular? in General Discussion

    Just a few weeks or so back I remember Tusk was in ~90th place regarding popularity and now he's 43rd. Was that because of new Aghs or a new set from the chest?


      he can troll you the entire game, there's really no escape against him


        definitely because of the set :

        Miku Plays

          his been this strong before the change in ice shards

          waku waku

            pretty sure he's always been trash and easily countered


              How are you supposed to counter him? I think he has an underappreciated high skill cap and can, apologies, snowball very well.

              Insane range on ice shards, BKB-piercing ulti with a guaranteed initiation, loads of tricks/disjoints with the snowball and sigil is underrated (although the bounty is a bit harsh)

              With Silver Edge he can do 1k burst every 30secs (Silver Edge+Walrus Punch+Snowball)


                skillcap is very low, the hero is annoying and can really solo people and farm fast like out of NOTHING, even after raping him in lane

                plz do

                  is octarine core an option for him btw?


                    mb cause he is too strong ?

                    bum farto

                      Just FYI, look at the heroes I called out long before the patch....



                        how is he strong? weak laning, can't push, fairly easy to escape from. but he has nice teamfight potential. I'd build him as a aura bitch and not as ganker though, if I ever play him again.


                          wasnt that around the time of the Tuskar video?? ofc he wasnt op then...

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            When tuskar had a weak laning ?
                            He has pretty much the fisure 2.0 for laning, sigil is broken, his ult might look a bit weak, but it's actually a half laguna half roar.

                            And snowball, one of the strongest spell of the game. both defensively and offensivly.


                              his sigil is stronger than before, fucking shit i cant take it down in less than 5 hits and that shit slows me and escapes too


                                i feel like he is very squishy, but I played him very oldschool aswell, without taking point in sigil.


                                  Friend spammed that to 7k. That and lesh. Hero is legit.


                                    What's the standard build for him?

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      He has a few abilities that work against magic immune not just his ultimate.

                                      I think he helps too on some of the popular heroes right now QOP, Lesh etc.

                                      And most of all if you get good with blink you can almost always get away using your snowball/blink combo.

                                      Night 夜

                                        Friggin' Tusk every game man, annoying as hell.

                                        i love u butt

                                          winter is coming, tusk makes snowballs = tusk gets popular

                                          waku waku

                                            he's weak because he's more useless than most other heroes if he does not figuratively snowball
                                            ice shards block much less territory than fissure and are harder to land as well
                                            snowball is one of the few skils that can actually screw your team over more than if you hadn't used it
                                            and punch is pretty weak if he's not figuratively snowballing as well,

                                            pair him up with someone and he owns? sure that might be possible, but you can say that about tons of other hero combinations


                                              Gyro is really popular nowadays, and Gyro + Tusk is a classic lane combination


                                                @i love u butt

                                                "winter is coming"

                                                It's summer you little shit don't ruin it for me

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                                                  Hero is nowhere being weak. Dno what youre on.
                                                  Dont know what bracket you play in but in any 6k game hero is super useful.

                                                  waku waku

                                                    post some replays thenn, cause i never ever find him useful


                                                      Quite agree to memelover the weakness of Tusk if it doesn't snowballing well at early stage. Recently i played a game of tusk and found that it quite weak on laning phase, pressure to carry or supp if individually at offlane. Maybe I still not used to it and i think it should be stronger if against some glassy carry because i against a DK). Without the early snowball and I died few times during the early game, I planned turn into support but luckily my team found some good initiations and teamfights and I managed to turn back 3rd position and get some utility items to help on my team.

                                                      This hero become one of the most impactful hero in teamfight. The block, the stun and the punch can easily burst an enemy support hero or lock down a core hero. I also found that the Sigil is really a good skill in teamfight or vision control too !!

                                                      Overall I think the hero is quite good if play it as position 3 or 4 together with some hero with BURSTING SKILL. :D


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                                                      milk that tastes like rea...

                                                        haven't played him much, but it's pretty fun going offlane with soul ring, spamming shards and being an all round nuisance.


                                                          silver edge is huge on him

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            His problem is the choice of role. He really isn't that good of a support, not a good mid, not a good carry. The only option is offlane really and he won't get shit from there against any proper trilane. His mid game is where he is really fucking good.

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              IMO he's more effective than beastmaster. With low HP support enemies it's like a killfest late game. Was just in a game he picked off our ally wd & dazzle on every cooldown.


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                                                                trash hero


                                                                  I experimented with Tusk as a counter to Void/Enigma/Magnus. Idea is to blink in and hide your teammates in snowball out of Chrono/Black Hole/RP. But I never was able to get my blink in reasonable time to make any difference. Did anyone else attempted this?


                                                                    "His problem is the choice of role. He really isn't that good of a support, not a good mid, not a good carry. The only option is offlane really and he won't get shit from there against any proper trilane. His mid game is where he is really fucking good."

                                                                    This + the fact that he really need to snowball early.

                                                                    milk that tastes like rea...

                                                                      in a dual offlane he does alright, or just get soul ring and spam shards from afar if you are 1v3. if you can't do that, he ganks decently too.

                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                        I prefer to run him 4 position duel offlane and do the roaming to rune and then possible mid gank.

                                                                        In the right matchup mid he will do super well but I stress right matchup mid.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          He's not super op but he's so freakin easy to combo. You know how you have those games where you're raping a juggernaut and then he randomly runs into you not by a creep wave and presses his ult and you die desipte having triple his networth? Tusk is kind of like that, really, insanely easy/cheap combo with snowball/ult that can kill people stronger than him even if he has no items or has bad positioning otherwise.


                                                                            because of Zai.


                                                                              i just lost and fed to tuskar because he can snowball people while snowballing... i wasn't sure, i sure as fck am now.

                                                                              piece of shit op hero

                                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                Let's not compare tusk to jugg in ult killing power. Tusk doesn't just hit a with no items and kill people strong then him that's a huge stretch.


                                                                                  he does

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    What I'm saying is and what the guy referenced was those times your out laning jugg and then he hits 6 catches you away from creeps, hits Q and your dead.

                                                                                    Tusk losing a lane doesn't just snowball into ult and kill with no items. Now he may use his q, w, and his ult and after a few auto attacks kill you if no one is reacting. It just doesn't work that easy.


                                                                                      shadow/silver still procs off of WP out of stealth?


                                                                                        yes but the extra damage doesn't get critted up.


                                                                                          Hero is strong but needs to snowball or falls off hard. Blink counters his snowball skill easy though.

                                                                                          PaPaWhiteClownZipZap !!!

                                                                                            haha if uw ant to improve the punch buy deadlus and iceshards are really helpful if u know how to use it :) im a pro tuskar :D :)))))