General Discussion

General DiscussionYour favorite doto hero responses?

Your favorite doto hero responses? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    On top of my head, that jug response when killing lich :D


      Sof Izh!


        - Tidehunter
        (To Kunkka) "Kunkka, you're not my Admiral!"
        (Killing a Hero) "Ha ha ha! Women and children and Kunkka first."
        (Gaining a Level) "I could eat a _____" (I like em all)

        - Pudge
        (Dying) "Time to cut my losses."

        - Crystal Maiden
        (Rare) "Someday I'll return to the Blueheart Glacier and sleep for a thousand years."

        - Gyrocopter
        (Meeting an Ally) "Holy shit, it's Viper"

        - Batrider
        (Moving) "Yeah, yeah, girl!" ROFL

        - Slark
        (WHEN we Kill Slark) "But I hadn't spawned yet!"

        Bad Intentions

          Tidehunter, if you'll not be wanting that fish, it will make me a very small snack!

          Bad Intentions

            It is my spirit that keeps me safe, and not mere armor!

            Bad Intentions

              I'm the Juggernaut, Lich!

              Miku Plays

                "Sometimes the little fish eats the big fish"
                Slark after killing tide


                  best of the best

                  "wat's happening"


                    "To the Underscape/Narrow Maze with you!"
                    "Your ashes will fall like rain!"

                    Centaur Warunner:
                    "Your name shall be forgotten."

                    Nyx Assassin:
                    (best death line in the game)

                    Outworld Devourer:
                    "I could hear your caterwauling from clear out on the rim."

                    Legion Commander:
                    "Never trust a...BEAR!"

                    milk that tastes like rea...

                      Everyone's favourite is, without doubt:

                      From the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that this one is in the bag!


                        Zeus, killing Slardar:

                        "I'll be having a few words with Poseidon about your behavior."


                          ^oh god i read that in skywraths Voice..

                          Need to talk,remove your ...


                            I'm every demon's worst nightmare, but I'm your best friend.


                              Skywrath Mage:

                              "Missing Middle!"


                                Way too many puns that it becomes unfunny… The more creative ones are better.
                                I'll save this until it's five o'clock. Somewhere…


                                  This Luna laugh gets me every time.
                                  I also love how everything Earthshaker says is a really bad pun

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                                    " I have seen the future; you're not in it."
                                    "Time is money. "

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                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Riki: " If you can see me, than you're already dead! " O_O
                                      " You my friend got owned. "
                                      " What you see... Is what gets you. "

                                      Slark: All of his laughs, and just about everything he says, he is my favorite hero after all.

                                      Brewmaster: Just about everything he says, i love his personality

                                      Bounty Hunter: " You can't buy this kind of power! " O_O

                                      Troll Warlord: " Faster, Faster!" motivates me to farm faster when in the jungle. XD
                                      and lots of his laughs are just bad ass

                                      and more, but i have to go right now.

                                      plz do

                                        The battle is ours! Victory is assured! This one is IN THE BAG!§!§!


                                          Skywrath taunt


                                            LINA YOU HELLFIRE BITCH


                                              If playing Razor has taught me anything, it's that gold is a great conductor.


                                                Dark seer my lord
                                                love all his responses www

                                                beginning the battle "Now it begins, I've seen the end."
                                                gaining lvl "My beard grows longer."
                                                buy scythe "Sheepstick."


                                                activating haste "Run run run runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"


                                                  Bristleback with that accent too:

                                                  -Quilled in the line of duty
                                                  -Gold for me teeth
                                                  -I'll concave your head


                                                    Lich :
                                                    Lich gonna have your Mama


                                                      gyrocopter when picking first bounty rune: "here is my pension", or smthng like that
                                                      "axe is not axe!"

                                                      SWAG DRAGON

                                                        razer quotes....he would make the best train driver...
                                                        (mind blown)


                                                          Jugg has by far the best lines

                                                          "Cask, meet Jug"
                                                          "Does it matter if I put this in my jug or not? Get it? Jug or not?"

                                                          are the best

                                                          plz do

                                                            oh yes triple-! axe is so brilliant.
                                                            There is not team in Axe.
                                                            Back in AXEtion!
                                                            (Void as teammate) Nice choppers! Axe approves!
                                                            (Void as teammate) Axe is curious. Where did your face go?
                                                            (killing Meepo) Axe cut you in four!
                                                            Axe cut you into more than four.
                                                            Axe cut you into more than four. Nine?
                                                            Axe cut you into more than four. Twenty?
                                                            Axe cut you into more than four. Hundreds?


                                                              d1 sf was the best

                                                              "aah, for the last time, im a death lord, not a drug lord"
                                                              "why do i have wings if im always walking"


                                                                "There may be many earths, but there is only one Earthshaker."

                                                                I get the feels everytime

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  ^with dat es voice too rite? :]


                                                                    Someone once told me I needed to face fear to get over it, and I thought well why not take a step further and cut my fear into little pieces then set my fear on fire then throw the hot ash of my fear into a lake and then poison the lake. Simple!


                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      It's Dreadlord, not Deathlord.


                                                                        Can't think of any hero responses but pretty much everything coming from Bastion announcer is amazing!

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                                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                          It was not luck, but skill.

                                                                          Lets go north! No south


                                                                            Timbersaw to Nature's Prophet

                                                                            "You.. make.. tree-people... Okay P-prophet, I don’t think we can be friends."


                                                                              4th wall breaking stuff!

                                                                              "Where'd that funny light come from?"
                                                                              "How many levels is that? One?"
                                                                              " They picked me! No one ever picks me."
                                                                              "We won! No, we're on the other side. Oh."


                                                                                axe "good day sir, I said good day sir!"
                                                                                axe "good night stalker!"


                                                                                  I still don't know why Axe makes Willy Wonka references, I don't see the connection.


                                                                                    When my teammates ask me to do something, I answer:

                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                      LOOK AT IT GO!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                                        Rubick to Silencer --> I'll see your silence... is eternal.
                                                                                        Rubick to Invoker --> Invoker, your ego is as big as the crater I leave you in.

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                                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                                          Enigma by killing Tiny:
                                                                                          ''I crushed you into diamond''

                                                                                          What a badass