General Discussion

General DiscussionHello dotabuff. "Dead game, mmr irrelevant, people not having fun any...

Hello dotabuff. "Dead game, mmr irrelevant, people not having fun anymore" in General Discussion

    Last time I checked dotabuff people were crying about their mmr not being accuracte due to shitty team-mates, and now I see people crying about how dota was before when people didn't care about mmr.

    What's happening? I don't understand.

    If you think dota was better before cause you have better memories, then BLAME that on youself. It's up to you to enjoy the game, "like you used to", none else.

    It's not hard for most people to get a group and get on teamspeak and enjoy eachother with a game of dota. Approaching your opinions about mmr being irrelevant and people not having fun anymore is just a fucking stupid opinion as I would call it.

    I always go from my regular rankeds where I'm not there to have fun, to go party games and enjoy some fun dota with whatever hero you could've imagined.


    If you can't enjoy yourself playing dota, then that's on you. Just like you being unable to raise in mmr, cause you're awful.
    I've not played with any players from dotabuff I'd consinder good, so go ahead and improve and raise in mmr, or enjoy your games with friends isntead of exposing your random opinios that means nothing.

    OHwait, Vroksnak is.. alright..

    Go enjoy what you like doing instead of spreading stupid shit that makes no sense. "dota was better before cuz now people only care about mmr"

    ya, those guys that u can isolate yourself from by playing party :facepalm:

    Thanks, big shoutout to you guys not being negative on this forum, bye.

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        I agree with said above. If you fail to enjoy the game, you can change ur attitude; it's not game's fault. Dota is a nice game, but it is still just an opportunity that you can use in any way you want.


          I've been playing party matches almost exclusively before people started crying about Dota2 dying. No regrets.
          It's true, you should just play the way you enjoy the most.

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            Is this game honestly 100% impossible to balance?

            Must there always be meta easy heroes sheep use to try hard?

            I guess this to me is what makes all phases of dotabuff frustrating aka try picking oracle and think about how useless you are compared to other options.


              Zenoth explained a fantastic scenario earlier whereas his stack random and shit and has to play against those meta heroes whereas they try their best while enjoying eachother to win with shitheroes vs Undying and Leshrac pickers.

              Doesn't matter if there are "tryhards", which is the most retarded term ever, in the enemy team when you can pick Techies and enjoy your time with your PARTY and FRIENDS.


                Dota isn't a game supposed to be 100% balanced. It's impossible, cause each heroes has their counterplay, but if the game was 100% balanced every hero would conter eachother or be as strong which would make the game stale and extremely boring.

                I'm sorry to say, but if you can't enjoy the game then the game probably isn't for you. If other peoples intentions with the game isn't similar as yours doesn't make the game dying cause dota is increasing in playerbase on a good rate.

                If it dies for you, who cares. That's your loss, not others which stick around and enjoy whatever they like doing. Might it be Dota, or useless complaining on either Reddit, Dotabuff or

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  hmm thinks that made dota 1 fun:

                  1) wc3banlist

                  2) Custom games

                  3) IH leagues

                  We're getting there, now if they can just ban RQ & leavers in custom games. Region lock custom games if the ping is too high etc..

                  Welt aus Eis

                    "even on non-rankeds there's shitfuckamount of tryhard players."

                    Omg people are actually trying to win srsly dead gaem


                      so much emotions here


                        ""even on non-rankeds there's shitfuckamount of tryhard players."

                        Omg people are actually trying to win srsly dead gaem"

                        +1 and agree with DD.

                        People complain about the same things and those things are not going to change anytime soon. Just quit the game if you feel so stressed and wronged about it.

                        the realm's delight

                          "I've not played with any players from dotabuff I'd consinder good"

                          EXCUSE ME???

                          i love u butt

                            @op: problem is, you care too much about the crying people.

                            Just ignore the cryers and stop making posts crying about people crying

                            much wow, such hypocrite


                              Playing on Dota2 reborn actually has been quite pleasant, it seemed to have changed peoples outlook on the game so giving it a try. Due to lack of any relevant benefit people are playing it because they love Dota and not for any other reason so I have had a few fun games.

                              A little bit of flaming here and there but people genuinely tell others to behave and people get alone. Quite enjoyable at the moment.

                              I will still play the game and I will still enjoy elements of it and I will probably stick to reborn and then move to custom games much like I did when I got bored of WC3 Dota.


                                Tryhards in normal games are brought by those shitty charms valve introduced a while ago.
                                With them is just becomes like a ranked game, makes it less fun.

                                Perhaps something should be changed. Predict only in ranked or something.


                                  mmr is nothing its never been .....


                                    to be honest, i was 5350, happy about the climbing, but now I played with a lot of 5k's who are raising the mmr playing with 2 accounts (one on 4k to feed the other team), so, i'm just trying to enjoy the game and searching for a team


                                      @Havoc Badger: You are right to some certain extent. However there are people have fun trying hard even for no relevant benefit (me as typical example)

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        @DD I was so sad when u failed connecting to skillshoot wars((
                                        U still playing mods?

                                        Sister Fister

                                          I never understood people calling other players "tryharders". It's a game in which you win by defeating the opponent team, isn't it natural to give your best in an attempt to do so? Yes, some games are fun even if you lose, but it's because people on both team tried their best and it concluded to an awesome match.

                                          I don't know how someone can expect a player to voluntarily perform bellow his standards in a game which encourages competition. (For example, I stated several times in different discussions with friends that I play Slark for fun and not competitively, but even when I decide to go for an exotic build that puts the game at risk, I still try my best with it and I embrace the challenge of defeating a "tryhard" team.)


                                            i did post about ranked being miserable at the moment but i also did what you said - i am enjoying party, faceit and even lp. it isn't that ranked is tryhard i is that it is full of ragers atm.

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                                              plz do

                                                I read it all. fml. anyways, I read some interesting ideas about dota in this thread. And i agree with some of the guys that one huge problem is that ranked games are played like unranked and vice versa. Sometimes u want to have fun, sometimes u want to play serious. Its the same if u play football/basketball/whatever - sometimes u just want to play ball, sometimes u want to compete for points. Sometimes u want to play variations, sometimes u want to play the standart game. Too many people mix it. Hence people feel betrayed. but like honestly, how would it be if u went outside to play ball w 9 strangers?
                                                I think the ladder system is not optimal, because it promotes casuality - that is a compromise for all players, so normal and vhs can feel important.

                                                tl dr.

                                                i care about mmr. i care about the game. cuz i luv it and cuz i hate it. its passion, boys!

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                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  keep dreaming pub stars

                                                  some ppl take a game too seriously


                                                    The game design/mechanic is still fun. Its the people that you played with that make the experience bad. I just can't stand playing with people who have no DOTA ethics.

                                                    Examples of Dota ethics are:
                                                    1) Courier ethics --> DO NOT FUCKING RECALL THE COURIER WHEN IT IS HALF-WAY ACROSS THE MAP AND ABOUT TO DELIVER ITEMS.
                                                    2) Mid-lane ethic --> Please give mid to the people who call it out first regardless of your MMR.
                                                    3) Mid-lane ethic 2 --> If you are going mid, please fucking choose a proper mid hero. The GOLDEN RULE in AP is DO NOT LOSE MID. PERIOD.
                                                    4) Mid-lane ethic 3 --> Do not lose your mid lane too badly. Ask politely if you need help to gank mid.
                                                    5) Picking phase ethic --> Please do not spam "Please choose a support/Choose stunner/tanker/xxx heroes" etc. People are free to play what they want (unless you are mid lane). This is AP, not captain mode for fuk sake.
                                                    6) Picking phase ethic 2 --> If you are going NC, please do not fuking choose furion cliff jungling.
                                                    7) Request ethics --> Please do not spam "We need wards" / Courier please etc. This is AP, not captain mode for fuk sake.
                                                    8) Party ethics --> If you are playing in group of 3, going for a tri-lane, please do not flame your team if they lose the off-lane. Especially when they get paired with imba laners like Huskar and Silencer.

                                                    I am not against tryhards. Just be polite and have some ethics. Where is the fun in losing? The fun is in being godlike.


                                                      ^ lmao haven't you heard 80% of players win mid lane


                                                        As awesome as the thing we always heard: GG report mid pls fuking noob



                                                          ya I do some overthrow games every day, it's fun. I don't know, but sometimes when I find lobby I get a "reconnect" and "leave" button which doesn't work even if I restart the game. I guess that's to blame on BETA :cheeky:


                                                            Wish over throw games lasted longer need 50 kill goal instead ;) I played like 5 games last night lost first four then won last one but felt cheated in victory since match was so short.


                                                              dota is always fun when you dont play ftw.


                                                                That's your opinion and that's great and all. Although what other people define as fun should not affect you.


                                                                  Butthole you playing tonight? I might join you for a couple games if you are.


                                                                    Im also in then. I think by that time solo will piss me off and Ill be down for party games.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!