General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to carry 4 Retards as an Idiot?

How to carry 4 Retards as an Idiot? in General Discussion
    please halp. please flamerino. pece.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      You forgot to add including matched up against a blood seeker picker...


        Pick undying.


          >Normal Skill
          >SE Asia

          You asked for it.

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              @max payne hype train, yea its been ages since ive played solo ranked. And its worsen now.
              @Master FrankieBallerina, yeah SEA is love Normal Skill Is life.
              @LKZano, I cant play undying :\
              @Last Picking 4 ssss, BS wasnt the problem for me. But WD and QoP feed him too hard. I cant even. Oh And sven was pretty good.
              And for mid I didnt remember who Storm was up against. I think it was CM. And he lose mid I think.


                The solution is right in front of you. Play Meepo. Pick off supports. Blink Poof Kill Farm. Repeat.

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                  A-Lif, you can't pretend to blame people which don't know how to play.
                  You have to do all by youself. Go mid, pick TA.


                    @Master Chua4life, Im bored of playing meepo right now. Cant seem to have fun with him again XD
                    @Master FrankieBallerina, Im not a good TA Player. So I cant seem to be doing that. Im an OK Storm and Slark i think. But here in this bracket people wont let anyone mid. U know storm picked 1st and then someone pick QoP and they fought for mid a little.
                    I guess Ill just 1st pick and believe in myself. muahauhau

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                        Some of your posts really make me reconsider if I really wanna go to 4k bracket or beyond..


                          I'll stay in 2k bracket thanks. 4k sounds terrible


                            Yeah lets go to the most bottom of the most bottom. 1 mmr. Im coming.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              Do it like this:

                              4 retards, all useless feeders.

                              or like this:

                              retarded but at least not feeding

                              or like this:

                              people to autistic to make any correct decision or lasthit creeps, at least WR was useful. X6 was useless as fuck (no suprises here)

                              Another alch:

                              Autistic people as well here.

                              You can also go for the OP ass leshrac (mates in this game where not 2 bad):

                              works too.

                              So to sum it up:
                              Play something with carry potential. Be useful and don't Q_Q about shitnap mates, concentrate 100% on carrying those subhumans, if you are to busy whining you will end up like x6.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                S1: Don't pick tiny without io
                                S2: ???
                                S3: Profit?


                                  @Blunt, Thank you master blunt. Ill try my best not whine and carry the shit out of my team.
                                  @Dotka 2 Gamplay, Sir, How am i supposed to meet someone who can play Io in my bracket? Thats like finding a small needle in a haystack.


                                    I tried solo Qing with Io. I got flamed a lot lol.
                                    You can ping and you can say over chat that you're going to relocate them and they still act like a deer in headlights when they're suddenly somewhere else.
                                    Then the blame train leaves the station


                                      Tiny is fine without Io.


                                        Named artour? Maybe volvo thought you were RTZ :)



                                          I feel with you.

                                          is this what the very high skill bracket is like


                                            pick what ur good at, mmr will follow

                                            except if ur good with viper then fuck u uninstall now


                                              Im gud with viper mr @cancer.
                                              @Soultrap, ofc Tiny is a monster, he can rekt if teem not feeding.
                                              @BlackFish, yes i am artour i live in a smal village farming potatoes.
                                              @Arin, worry me not, ive felt very high skill. Its better because people in SEA can actually speak ENGLISH :'D.
                                              @MinorHojo, yeah dont pick Io, unless u r The Guardian(Wisp) dude XD.