they changed his passive to hp regeneration and no longer does he slow when you orb walk, instead he stuns them briefly for 0.3 seconds
i'd say he's still viable.
Wait, I'm on dotabuff, there don't seem to be any changes on his q or e, both have slows, and e still dmg's enemy.
Is this a new patch update leaked?
hes viable but not rly strong atm, same as ember tho. so you'd better play what seems to be more interesting for you.
I think he's still legit strong, in a meta full of magic dmg, his passive gives additional 25% magic dmg resist. He can still trash almsot all mids and is srs good come midgame. yasha>aghs best build tho
Mek is pretty good if you dont have someone to build it, as it gives you lotta armor and the active for team
In a sense, he's like Undying. Which means, you better not let the game extend for more than 32 mins or so.
he is win lane lose (?) game hero
good at 5 man faceroll deathball push shit with his early mek
Just lost, mid was going well, but we were too busy teamfighting, no one noticed LD got pretty big, and then enemy team just steamrolled us, our solo offlane CK was trying a new build, so he didn't get too farmed
During lane, I was out-csing and had lane control, hence why I said mid was going well. After laning phase I couldn't impact too much, because I ket getting picked off/had to be frontline. And CM tiny bot kept getting ganked by 4/5 man, hence why her dmg stats are that high
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Considering trying to learn a mid hero and I'm stuck between ember and viper.
I find him boring but he seems to be good against almost any mid laner.
Is he still viable playing mid against the qop's and SF's nowadays.
also is it better to go mek aghs, or go straight tank, since he doesn't seem to need much dmg?