agr tri, brood etc?
rtz himself said that huskar isnt seen that often in competitive cuz teams will punish his weak laning phase
you mean this offlane huskar abadon combo?
Normal skill, 43% winrate says that you're the one who has no clue what the game is about. You claim to be playing for fun but I see no evidence of you enjoying yourself in ranked MM. You solo queue cause you want the big e-peen despite being bad at the game. If you were wanting to enjoy the game you would invest more time into party games or something where you were having fun.
If winning and getting rank rating is the only fun you get out of DotA then this game isn't for you and you need to find something you actually find fun to invest your time into.
You bracket is well below average and if you were good you would be winning at least 80% of the games you play. The last guy who claimed it was players gave me his account where i took him from 2.0 - 2.5 in like 4 days playing only sand king and other heroes.
These fokken BABYRAGE threats are getting annoying. We know solo queu is shit and there will always be flamers and noobs, but you will just have to accept it and try to enjoy the game, because thnat is why you play it.
how did you get to lvl 13 in 100 games. its going to take me like 150 or something stupid.
Laning against Abaddon and Huskar would be a dream. Those fuckers cant do anything.
they fucked up xD
no ward on the camps and i kept pulling ahahhaha otherwise its rape
I think you should stop blaming your teammates and try to improve yourself. You are bad, that's the reason why you're losing games :))) lmao you complain about teamwork in normal skill games, you're not gonna see that shit until you reach high mmr and even then it's a rare thing. Go read some guides, learn new things, improve and stop complaining.
You're one of the worst players i have ever seen on Dota buff, those stats are horrendous, i can understand when people rage about shit team mates, cause i do the same, and most of the time, if they're like me, it is the shit teammates making you lose. (yes, yes i know i suck, yes, yes, i know everyone can improve, but seriously, people are pretty bad at dota, so fuck off)
But looking at those stats, you look like you belong in hard mode bot matches still, i mean, you play less than 7% of the cast, and the few heroes that YOU DO PLAY, you are horrible with. >.> Sorry, i'm usually not the jerk on these forums, and i always tell people, don't take everything these elitist on these forums say seriously, but they're right this time, you are easily the worst player i have ever seen on here :/ and the worst part is, that you don't intentionally feed, your stats are actually just that bad, you're one of those team mates who is 0-3 before the mid even gets a chance to gank for you.
Its stupid to make shitposts like that. The only constant in every game is you. Teammates are variables. And the truth is , you suck.
no problem.
I suck too.Barely hit 3100.But I try to improve at this game and care less about other people.
so stop making threads about teammates, if you were much better than them you wouldnt get paired with them.
All people always say that omg I go godlike every game but I lose my games.
The match where they went godlike stick to their mind. The 5 games where they fed/played poorly are already forgotten right?
I used to think like that too, and now I remember me when I was raging at my team, though I probably play even worse I other games and now I find it that it was a tough barrier between me and improvement.
Stop caring about others but focus on your game and seek your mistakes so you can improve
Atm i am getting paired with a large number of smurfs (or at least im pretty sure) and its the absolute worst. They almost all have the same mentality.
dude im a noob fcuk im still learning the game but your just one of those toxic players that ruin the game for other people.Stop blaming your team and take a good look at what you can do to your team to make them play better.Stop focken picking core every single game and learn to play a few support.I know i will be hard to be support but it is really fun and you can contribute better than having to be the 5th core in a five carry line up.Good luck improving yourself....
I'm 800 mmr on this account but on my new account i just played a high skill match! so what does that say.
Ignore what people say about your stats, You've only played 180 games and at that stage I also had a lower then 50 % win rate (it's now 57%)
Your problem is you're new, you're blaming your teammates and not looking at your own game. Sure a lot of the teammates around you right now are pretty nooby but it is because of the mmr you're in, you can't blame them and the only thing you can do is improve your own game.
This is a guide that is amazing for newer players:
Wanna learn a new hero? google and look for guides and how to play them, even post here and people will give you tips. Same thing is if you're struggling to play against a hero? Was bloodseeker so much a pest in your game? Then try look for counters and do better in the next game.
Your improvement is up to you. So is your enjoyment of the game. If you want to enjoy it more then don't play ranked.
Lol @ all the flaming assholes here. Op you are new stop giving a fuck about a number, just go play the damn game for fun. If your are eager you can try and find a team to play with but other than that you shouldnt give much of a shit. Dota is just a game nothing more.
Thanks for the helpful replies.
First of all, I am well aware of my stats and how shit they are. 180 games in I feel I have grasped a lot about dota, though knowledge and skill are two different ball games altogether.
I have the basics like cs and pulling camps under my belt.
One thing I have trouble with is staying in lane long enough to get my items before opponents get theirs.
I die a lot and I know i'm feeding, but my mindset is if I don't try to at least make myself prominent inlane then how am I going to get my items fast enough.
I need to change my mentality that's for sure. I only play heroes I like or think I like.
I'm willing to look at my mistakes and learn but it's sure as hell annoying when you don't have teammates that are going to work together instead of on the other side of map when you have 5 v 2 :( it's very frustrating.
Anyway i'm not worried about the keyboard warriors, I've been around online for longer than most of you have sniffed air so not bothered about the hideous replies! Yea I have loads of learning to do, read purges guide many times and I'm aware knowledge doesn't mean anything unless you use it properly.
See funny thing is you have no grasp of actually helping people yourself. Not one ounce of practical advice came from this keyboard warriors mouth. Ironic haha
Well I've just about had enough of this bullshit, the amount of children that play this game and have no clue what teamwork is or how to stay together and team fight. Really pisses me off that you can't enjoy a game without people ruining it.
Is there any solution to this problem? I want to play this game and enjoy it, I have taken a chunk of MMR off because of stupid dim wits not playing the game properly.
Like I got moaned at for denying a bloody tower, I got moaned at for tp-ing back to base. Fuck me what do you have to do to get someone who understands the game and what it's about?
Any suggestions other than giving up?
[SIZE=100]Well I've just about had enough of this bullshit, the amount of children that play this game and have no clue what teamwork is or how to stay together and team fight. Really pisses me off that you can't enjoy a game without people ruining it.
Is there any solution to this problem? I want to play this game and enjoy it, I have taken a chunk of MMR off because of stupid dim wits not playing the game properly.
Like I got moaned at for denying a bloody tower, I got moaned at for tp-ing back to base. Fuck me what do you have to do to get someone who understands the game and what it's about?
Any suggestions other than giving up?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2000]Well I've just about had enough of this bullshit, the amount of children that play this game and have no clue what teamwork is or how to stay together and team fight. Really pisses me off that you can't enjoy a game without people ruining it.
Is there any solution to this problem? I want to play this game and enjoy it, I have taken a chunk of MMR off because of stupid dim wits not playing the game properly.
Like I got moaned at for denying a bloody tower, I got moaned at for tp-ing back to base. Fuck me what do you have to do to get someone who understands the game and what it's about?
Any suggestions other than giving up?[/SIZE]
haha pathetic this person really has too much time on their hands. Quite remarkable how someone can be such an imbecile haha.
MrJohno, I feel u bro, the solution to this problem, for now at least, does not exist. When u try your best and loose, there will always be a crap player that tells you its your fault. You are your best evaluator because you know best how hard you tried. If you love the game, u got to stay strong, if not, no other way but to just quit.
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Well I've just about had enough of this bullshit, the amount of children that play this game and have no clue what teamwork is or how to stay together and team fight. Really pisses me off that you can't enjoy a game without people ruining it.
Is there any solution to this problem? I want to play this game and enjoy it, I have taken a chunk of MMR off because of stupid dim wits not playing the game properly.
Like I got moaned at for denying a bloody tower, I got moaned at for tp-ing back to base. Fuck me what do you have to do to get someone who understands the game and what it's about?
Any suggestions other than giving up?